3.16.3.x Hotfixes
Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice. Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
Please note that all 3.16.3.x hotfixes are by default included in the next higher release. However, if a Hotfix branch of 3.16.3 is released after the next higher version, the corresponding Hotfix will be merged into the latest sub-version of the higher release applicable at that time.
Please input a Salesforce case if you want the fix to be applied.
API - UsersOrchestrator
The UsersOrchestrator refactor changes have been implemented in this release to achieve performance benefits as early as possible.
The UsersOrchestratorAPI has been developed in order to replace the UserAPI, which will be used for handling workflow orchestration between integration services (such as MG2Auth, Auth0, Gigya, SSOR, and Firefly) and the Subscribe Registration API.
Changes have now been made to various internal services in order to prevent breaking changes so that consumer applications can be switched to utilize UsersOrchestrator without issues.
The following changes have been made to internal services:
For ProxyAPI, the strategy has been changed in order to map the old Query String parameters to the new UsersOrchestrator parameters.
Changes to the response model of UsersOrchestrator.
Changes to the SPROC (Stored Procedure) of Subsvc Api_GetSubscribeRegistrations.
Changes to the response model of SubscribeRegistrations.
The MG2 control flow setting, "Flow.Users.RedirectToOrchestrator," has to be set to 1 for the ProxyAPI redirection to the UsersOrchestratorAPI.
Note: Make sure that the MG2 control flow setting, "Flow.UserProvider,” has been set correctly.
API - Failure of Newstart due to Invalid Email Characters
In the Self-Service Portal, when creating a start with an email address that included the special character "+" (e.g., user+1@domain.com), the new start failed to create with the error message "Child Event: ADDSUBSCRIPTION failed. Error: EbillEmail field contained invalid characters that were removed." Since the special characters in the Query String Parameter had been removed, the FindAddressOccupant method failed to find the occupants with the specified email address and returned the error "No occupant record found."
The special character ‘+’ has now been encoded in the Query String Parameter when communicating between EventsAPI and CircAPI in the FindAddressOccupant method, so that when entering an email address with the special character "+," new starts will now be created and errors will no longer be displayed.
This fix is also merged to
Seamless Flow updated for Credit Card Edgil Payment Method
In the seamless flow, if the Independent Address component for the payment page has been enabled, users could purchase or subscribe to a subscription with a single click after entering their credit card information. The issue occurs when the credit card details have been validated, the Submit button disappears, and the user is taken directly to the payment options, even if the fields, First and Last names, Phone, and Zip Code, have not been filled. This resulted in the AddSubscription call being triggered with incomplete information, and since the Submit iframe button is from a third-party payment site, it does not validate whether the aforementioned fields have been filled, resulting in no error warnings being displayed.
Changes have been made to allow the submission of incomplete fields if the credit card has already been validated in the seamless flow by introducing a delay time after each keystroke while filling the fields under the independent address component.
A key, "SeamlessInputDelayTime", must be added to the SP Config file with any numerical value. The value indicates the delay time in milliseconds, with the default value set at 1500 milliseconds (1.5 seconds).
For example, after entering the first name, it will wait 1.5 seconds and then call AddSubscription if no additional keystrokes have been detected. When the user starts entering the following fields, such as Last name, phone number, and zip code, the timer is reset after each keystroke, and the AddSubscription call is triggered only after a 1.5-second delay.
This fix is also merged to,,,,
API - GET /User/Encrypted
The issue with the GET /User/Encrypted
endpoint not working has now been resolved.
Areas Covered
API, Subscription Panel, Database
API - Purchase
Previously, Subscribe used the Start Date as the earliest possible date (today) since the next available publish date within CircPro was not accessible. Changes have now been made to integrate the CircPro Law API, getNextPublishDate, with the Newstart flow to add a step to retrieve the Next Publish Date from CircPro before triggering the AddSubscription event. This date will be utilized as the StartDate (EffectiveDate parameter) in the AddSubscription event processing.
The date returned by the getNextPublishDate event will not be applicable for EZPay, and the StartDate will remain Today.
The MG2 Control Internal Setting, "CircPro.Law.EndpointAddress," has to be set to the correct URL.
Circ System & Minimum Supported Version: CircPro, 2023-2.0 (will be out in Jan 2024)
API - Purchase - Incorrect mapping of address fields for CircPro clients
Previously, if a user entered only the Billing Address while creating a new subscription in the Subscription Panel, since the Delivery and Billing addresses were the same, the Purchase API incorrectly sent the Billing Address against the mailing address fields instead of the regular address fields in the updateDataWithMailingAddress endpoint in CircPro.
This issue has been resolved, and the address fields will now be sent to CircPro as mentioned below:
When creating a new start with only a single address (delivery or billing), the address entered will be sent to the regular address fields in the CircPro application.
And if creating a new start with different addresses in the delivery and billing address fields, the delivery address will be sent to the regular address fields and the billing address to the mailing address fields in CircPro.
Landing - Client details not getting saved
While creating a user from the Landing application, client details were not getting saved. This issue was specifically observed when the Role type of the created user was Generic. This issue has been resolved now.
Areas Covered
API, Landing application
User data getting wiped out from Auth0
All the user metadata stored in the client’s Auth0 dashboard was being wiped out when the user executed a change password via myaccount/myprofile page or a CSR changed a password via Subcon Admin. This issue has been resolved now.
Self-Service - Error while changing password on myprofile page
The user was not able to change password successfully on myprofile page of Self-Service portal. The user was receiving an error message stating, ‘Could not update user’. This issue has been fixed.
Areas Covered
Self-Service, One CSR Portal
SL - Add ExternalSalesPlatform as a Sales platform
A new generic Sales Platform called ‘ExternalSalesPlatform’ has been introduced in SolCon starting from this release to manage external integrations from clients. An Offer Group can be configured now with ExternalSalesPlatform as its Sales platform. Clients can further use these offers in their external integrations for the purchase subscription flow.
Note: Offers with ExternalSalesPlatform will be returned in get/Offers response to consumer applications when the source system does not match the Sales Platform in SolCon & OfferId or OfferGroup Id are not part of the API request.
Unable to purchase offers from an external system
The user was restricted from purchasing a subscription through an external system, encountering an error notification saying “The offer does not exist or it is not available." This issue was specifically observed in clients who were upgraded to version 3.16.3. Importantly, this error did not occur in prior versions and has been resolved now.
Following the fix, a user can now purchase offers through any external system if the corresponding offer is configured with the 'ExternalSalesPlatform' option in SolCon.
The ExternalSalesPlatform can be updated against required Offers via scripts. In this case, the TnC mapped to Subcon Admin Sales Platform will be updated against ExternalSalesPlatform. Clients also have an option to update the ExternalSalesPlatform manually from UI with desired TnC.
Delayed Login in Self-Service for Publications using SSOR Authentication
The issue of publications using SSOR authentication taking too long to load SubCon Sites has been resolved. This delay was primarily because of an additional API call triggered by an internal cookie with an empty value. With the issue resolved, it is now possible to log in to the My Account pages of publications using SSOR authentication without any delays.
This fix is also merged to &
Areas Covered
Self-Service, SolCon
SP - Payment Completion Errors
The user received an error message stating 'The entered payment information was not accepted' when attempting to complete a payment from the Subscription Panel. This issue has been resolved now. The root cause of the issue was missing billing information provided to the payment gateway. The issue was resolved once that information was provided.
Implementation Notes:
A new Api setting key has been added, ‘CyberSource.DefaultCurrencyCode’ with USD as default value (Mediagroup Null, Clientcode Null, PaperCode Null). ->This setting will be used as a fallback if no CurrencyCode is being sent from the consumer application to the API.
The Api setting key ‘UpdateProfileForThridPartyPurchase’ should have the value 0. (For CyberSource integration there is no need to update the payment profile as part of the purchase flow. With this setting, profile update step can be skipped.)
SP - User unable to redeem Coupon Codes
The issues with redeeming Coupon Codes (One-time and Multi-use) in the Subscription Panel have now been resolved.
Implementation Notes:
The "Require Code for Access" checkbox should be unchecked in versions higher than 3.16.3.
This fix is also merged to and 3.17.0.
SL - Terms & Conditions under Exception not displayed
The Terms & Conditions content added under Exception (SolCon > Offer Group > Terms & Conditions > Exception) for publications was not displayed correctly wherever the offer was displayed through consumer applications (Subscription Panel and SubCon Site). Instead of the Exception Terms & Conditions content, the original Terms & Conditions content appeared on the client pages. This issue has been resolved now.
This fix is also merged to
Application Covered:
Subscription Panel, SolCon
Attention: Enhancements
InApp Subscriptions
The Newstart InApp flow has been modified to allow new Subscriptions created on external consumer applications to send a StartDate in the past. Validation checks have been implemented so that the InApp newstart flow will accept past dates but not null values. Implementation Notes:
For each client, the MG2 Control flow setting, "Flow.Purchase.InApp.Redirect," must be set to "0" in order to process any InApp purchases.
Previously, when creating InApp purchases, only FirstName and LastName were included in the input model as part of the GoogleInfo object.
Since not all external consumer apps provide these two fields, changes have been made to include the Subscriber object in the input model, exactly as the regular Newstarts in Purchase API does.
The Subscriber object will include the following fields:
For InApp subscriptions, the "AutoRenewing" property of the external market receipt (Google, AppleV1, or AppleV2) will now be used to populate the EZPayFlag column when creating a subscription record.
Note: Regardless of the EZPay value that is defined at the Offer level in SolCon, the EZPayFlag value for InApp will be completely based on the external market receipt.
SubCon Admin - New endpoint to fetch Subscription status
A new endpoint, Subscriptions/{SubscriptionId}, has been introduced in this release to fetch subscription statuses. Previously, the status was retrieved through the microAPI endpoint -subscriptionLive/{SubscriptionId}, which could only return statuses for subscriptions in circulation systems and would return a blank status for inApp/SwG subscriptions without circulation system dependencies.
The new endpoint, Subscriptions/{SubscriptionId}, retrieves the status from the circulation system or, when applicable, from Subscribe DB. This ensures that, during a Subscription search Start call, the Subscription Status is consistently returned and displayed in SubCon Admin, even for subscriptions not part of any Circ System and only available in Subscribe DB.
The field 'Subscriber status value' in the Account information tab of SubCon Admin will now derive its value from the "Subscriptions/{SubscriptionId}" microAPI after clicking Start call on the Subscription search screen.
SL - Removing dependency from Subsvc tables while creating/fetching SwG Offers
Creating new offers with the payment method 'Subscribe with Google,' (offers with a product do not present in the Subsvc Google tables) used to result in validation errors. To streamline the process and remove the overhead, the dependency on Subsvc tables during the creation or retrieval of Subscribe with Google (SwG) offers has been removed, as these tables are not utilized elsewhere in the current workflow.
Users can now create new SwG Offers without relying on SubCon Google tables (GooglePublication, GoogleProduct, and Product_GoogleProduct) in Subsvc. The SwG carousel shows these offers and end-users can successfully purchase the subscription.
Note: If an offer has been published and additional divisions have been added later, the SKU for the newly added divisions will not be saved. As a result, before publishing an offer, please make sure that all of the required divisions have been added.
Subscription Panel - Implemented MPANs for ApplePay Payway Integration
Payway now supports secure tokenization of Merchant Tokens (MPAN—Merchant Pay Account Number) for Apple Pay transactions. Since Device Tokens (DPAN—Device Personal Account Number) are associated with the user's device, when the subscriber upgrades their Apple device, the DPAN changes, and the existing EZPAY tokens registered to the old device become invalid, resulting in the failure of renewals. MPANs offer a solution to the issue with the DPANs. Since tokens are associated with the merchant rather than the device, subscriber device upgrades do not affect the validity of the tokens, and renewals can be processed successfully.
Changes have now been made to the Subscription Panel so that when purchasing a subscription through ApplePay Payway, the request to ApplePay will now be submitted as Merchant Tokens (MPAN) instead of Device Tokens (DPAN).
The PurchaseAPI has been modified to support the usage of Apple Pay Merchant Tokens (MPAN) in addition to Device Tokens (DPAN).
Note: Currently, the MPAN identifier is not sent to circulation systems. The transaction will work as MPAN but won’t be identified as one. This feature will be made available in a future release.
To utilize MPAN transactions with Apple Pay, make sure that the system meets the following requirements:
macOS: Version 13 or above is required.
iPadOS: Version 16 or above is required.
iOS: Version 16 or above is required.
Implementation Notes:
The following key can be configured if a client prefers for ApplePay to display a localized billing agreement and a description of the recurring payment on the payment page before the user approves the payment. If the value has not been defined for the key, it will consider the specified default value.
A new "Constants" key has been added under the "ApplePay" key in the SP config file for implementing the MPAN. config.ThirdPartySystems -> ApplePay -> Constants
Under this key, customers can set the values for the two string key objects based on their requirements. The keys are as follows:
PaymentDescription: 'String value' A description of the recurring payment that Apple Pay displays in the payment sheet. Default value: "Billing Message"
BillingAgreement: 'String value' A localized billing agreement that the payment sheet displays to the user before the user authorizes the payment. Default value: "Billing Agreement"
Self-Service - Auth0 changes to bypass Intelligent Tracking Prevention on Safari
Recent versions of the Safari browser introduced a new feature called Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP). ITP is designed to prevent websites from tracking user activity across multiple websites. By default, ITP is active or enabled on the Safari browser. These advancements in user privacy controls of browser adversely impact the user experience by preventing access to third-party cookies. Following this update, the Mac users on Safari browser were experiencing issues while logging into the self-service portal. Auth0 integration was not working on Safari browsers when Intelligent Tracking Prevention was enabled.
To overcome this issue, starting from this release, the Self-Service portal has successfully upgraded the Auth0 SDK from 1.8.0 to 2.1.3. Changes have been made in SS to accommodate Auth0 2.1.3 SDK.
After the enhancement users now have a smooth login process ensuring a better user experience even if the Intelligent Tracking Prevention is enabled on their Safari browsers of Mac systems.
This fix is also merged to
Bug Fixes
SubCon Admin - Failure to display Subscriber Status
When searching for an account number in the SubCon Admin, the Subscriber Status was not displayed, and a Subscribe API error message "Get subscription's information failed" was returned. This occurred because the Get Subscription Live API received the expiration date information from the Circ system in the dd/mm/yyyy format, when the Subscribe expected the format to be mm/dd/yyyy.
This issue has been resolved, and the date format used while parsing the expiration date returned in the Get Subscription Live endpoint will now be determined by the value defined in the MG2 Control API Internal Setting InputMonolithDateFormat.
Note: For versions 3.17.0 and above, the date format will be taken from the MG2 Control API Internal Setting DTI.Monolith.InputDateFormat.
SubCon Admin - Getting Subscriber status as 'In Grace Period'
When the CSR user clicked on the Start call button, the Subscriber status brought by getsubscriptionbyid micro-API was In Grace Period instead of In Grace. When the same action was repeated once more after closing the screen, the response was updated correctly in the 'Subscriber status' field. This behavior has been corrected now. After the resolution, if a subscription is Active in Subsvc, but in Grace period in NCS circulation system, the micro-API now correctly returns "In Grace" instead of "In Grace Period" as Subscriber status.
SubCon Admin - Incorrect subscription start date for the Google subscription purchased from Engage
When a subscription was purchased through SwG, the Start Date displayed in SubCon Admin (Subscription search > Start call > Account information tab > Subscription start date) did not match the Start Date in the database. This issue has now been resolved.
InApp Subscriptions
The issue with the scheduled tasks failing to run to either retry the notifications or change the subscription status, even though set up to run every day for InApp, has now been resolved.
Task Client and Hangfire server schedules, as well as process tasks, will now be filtered according to the queue name. In addition, automatic startup and processing of tasks have been implemented on the Hangfire server in the OnPremise API.
Payment Gateway
The issue with the Cybersource gateway rejecting payment authorization attempts due to ApplePay integration not sending CountryCode to CyberSource has now been resolved.
Self-Service - Newstart Error
When creating a new start for an Australian address in the Self-Service Portal, the addSubscription failed with the error message "Child Event: PAYMENTNEWSTART failed." No value was given for the mandatory field, TranDate." This occurred because the date format sent to the Circ system was in American (mm/dd/yyyy) instead of Australian (dd/mm/yyyy).
This issue has been resolved, and the date format for the TranDate will now be determined by the value set in the MG2 Control API Internal Setting InputMonolithDateFormat for versions up to 3.16.3. For Australian addresses, the value of the InputMonolithDateFormat should be set to dd'/'MM'/'yyyy.
Note: For versions 3.17.0 and above, the date format for the TranDate will be taken from the MG2 Control API Internal Setting DTI.Monolith.InputDateFormat.
Affected Endpoints:
POST Payments/CircAPI
POST Billing/{subscriptionId}
POST DeliverySchedules
Self Service - Issues in Autopay Sign up
On the Autopay signup page, when attempting to sign up for the Autopay payment option, the ‘Complete EZ-Pay Sign Up+’ button remained disabled even after entering the credit card details. Consequently, users were unable to proceed with the Autopay sign-up process. Additionally, the Amount field displayed a message stating, “There are not autopay options”. This issue has now been resolved.
Self-Service - Myaccount shows data of logged out user
When a logged-in user navigated to the Myaccount page in the Self-Service portal, they were unable to see their own account information. Instead, the Myaccount page displayed information from the previous logged-out user. This issue has been resolved now.
This fix is also merged to
Self-Service - Unable to maintain login state from .com to MyAccount when redirected
Post client upgrade to version, the logged-in user from .com site was unable to navigate to the Myaccount page in Self-Service portal in the logged-in state. The user could only login at the self-service portal when the value of cookies/cache was cleared. This critical issue has been resolved now.
This fix is also merged to
Self-Service - Error in Autopay manage
The user was displayed with error messages when trying to make payments with a credit card for Autopay manage after entering the payment info and clicking on the Save button. This issue has been resolved now. After the fix, the user is now able to complete payment flows successfully without encountering any error messages.
Self-Service - Address change error
The user was receiving an error message stating “Address Second Pass” while changing the address from SubCon Site. This issue has been fixed now.
Self Service -Error while updating address
While updating the address from the SubCon Site, users were encountering an error message stating, “Failed to get external address id.” This issue has been resolved.
After the fix, the user now receives the validation message, “Address has been successfully changed”. The pending address moves are also displayed under Scheduled Moves section correctly.
SL - Ratecodes not being stored after selection
Previously, certain predefined Rate codes in SolCon were not being stored or displayed in the corresponding field after selection from the drop-down. This issue caused the drop-down field to go blank, specifically for rate codes that contained special characters. Following the fix, users can now successfully select Rate codes and display them in the field, enabling their use in offers.
SL - Issues with action buttons when editing T&C of Exceptions
When editing an Offer group, if the new Terms & Conditions content was added under Exceptions (SolCon > Offer Group > Terms & Conditions > Exception) after unlinking the original Terms & Conditions, then the ‘Cancel’ and ‘Save As New’ buttons were not working. This issue has been resolved.
SL - Passing Incorrect Paper Code
The issue of incorrect paper code being passed to the circulation system for a Publication has been resolved. This issue was particularly observed when there was a mismatch in the values of NS_Paper_Code and paper_code of a publication.
Webhooks: Notification Processing Failure
When trying to reprocess a SUBSCRIPTION_PURCHASED notification in the Self-Service Portal, the issue that caused the Webhook API (POST /Notifications/{id}/Retry) to fail has now been resolved.
Webhooks: Subscription Status and Date Stopped not updated correctly
The issue with the delayed synchronization of subscription status between SubCon Admin and Google Play Console has been resolved. Now, when a user refunds a Google subscription (via Google Play Console >> Order management), the Subscription_Revoked notification triggers in the SubCon DB on the same day, updating the subscription status to 'Stopped' in SubCon Admin immediately. The DateStop is correctly set to the refund date, ensuring accurate reflection of the refund status and stopped date in both SubCon Admin and Google.
Applications Covered:
API, Self-Service Portal, SubCon Admin, Subscription Panel, SolCon
Attention: Enhancement
SS - Supporting Classic and New Universal Auth0 login
The Identity provider Auth0 has introduced a new Universal login experience for its clients. Starting from this version, Subscribe supports both Classic and new Universal login of Auth0 through the Self-Service portal. However, there will be no visual changes for the user.
When a user hits the ‘Login’ button, the Self-Service portal will direct the user to the Sign-in page. Similarly, clicking the 'Register' button will still direct the user to the Sign-up page, as before. For those interested in learning more about the advantages of this new login experience, you may find additional information here: Universal Login Experience (auth0.com)
This enhancement is also merged to
Bug Fixes
SS - Recurring Tip checkbox unavailable
Previously, the recurring tip checkbox was unavailable on the 'Add a Tip' page (/autopay/addtip) of the Self-Service portal. This issue has been resolved. Following the fix, the checkbox will be visible below the payment field on the 'Add a Tip' page based on the internal configuration setting.
SP - User Session Issue
The user session in the Subscription Panel was getting lost for a specific client. The issue was identified as related to a third-party JS library integration and now it has been fixed. Note: This issue does not apply to all the clients but only to specific ones using the third-party JS Library.
Applications Covered:
SubCon Site, Subscription Panel
Attention: Enhancements
API - Removal of ExpireDate Check
Starting from this release, the validation that prevents InGrace users with ExpireDate in the past from canceling their subscriptions has been removed. The subscribers will be able to cancel their subscriptions even if their subscriptions are in a grace period regardless of the expiration date being past/future. Cancelling a subscription will not have any dependency on the expiration date.
CMS - Title property of 'ApplePay Braintree V3’ component
The Title property of the 'ApplePay Braintree V3’ component has been changed from 'HTML type' to ‘text type'.
This fix is also merged to the release.
SS - Upgrading Braintree SDK
The Braintree-web library and other Braintree scripts have been upgraded from version 3.62.0 to the latest version, 3.100.0. There was a known issue in the Braintree SDK where the Cardholder Name field appeared as a numeric field on iPhones. This issue has been resolved in the newer versions of Braintree. The SDK upgrade has successfully addressed this issue in SubCon Site.
Bug Fix
SS - Unable to cancel subscription
The 'Cancel subscription' button was disabled and unclickable for users on the Stopsaver page, preventing them from canceling their subscription and completing the flow. This issue has been resolved. Following the fix, the 'Cancel Subscription' button is now accessible on the Stopsaver page and it is functional.
Bug Fix
SS - Account linking issue in the Gift redemption workflow
After redeeming a gift, when an existing user clicked on the 'Sign in' button and entered the previously used credentials, they were prompted to verify the account in order to sign in to the SubCon Site. This issue has now been resolved.
Updated on 17 Sep 2024.
Removal of Special Characters Encoding
The encoding of special characters has been removed due to issues arising when the rate code length exceeds 20 characters in the circulation system after encoding.
Bug Fix
Error message when subscribing via ApplePay Braintree
The transaction failed when a user attempted to purchase a subscription using ApplePay via Braintree, and an error message was displayed. This issue has now been resolved. After the fix, users can successfully complete their subscription transactions through the Subscription Panel using ApplePay via Braintree, without encountering any error messages.
Application Covered:
Attention: Refactor
1. SL Refactor
Updating an existing Sales Team with a large data set (such as adding many offer groups and/or team members) was causing time-out errors. The Sales Teams update functionality has been refactored to address this issue for performance enhancement.
There are no functional changes. It is now possible to successfully update large numbers of offer groups or sales team members within existing Sales Teams without encountering time-out errors. After the refactoring, the performance has significantly improved while updating the sales team.
This fix is also merged into, 3.17.1 & 3.17.2 releases.
2. Enhanced Sign-In Mechanism of Landing Application
Recently, major browsers have introduced additional security measures and constraints related to third-party cookies, as well as cross-domain data transfer and communication. The latest release of Chrome no longer supports third-party cookies. These were impacting the functioning of the Landing application and user experience negatively. Despite the implementation of workarounds, users were encountering issues in the sign-in flow at times.
Therefore, starting with this release, the sign-in logic for the Landing application has been revised without significantly affecting the existing functionality and behavior. The previous dependency on local storage has been replaced, and a Redis caching approach is now implemented for the users to sign in on the Landing application for accessing consumer applications (SubCon Admin, SolCon & CMS).
Following the new implementation, users can access any consumer application only through the Landing application.
If a user has opened different consumer applications on different tabs in a browser, logging out from one application will force the user to log out from the other opened applications as well. The user will regain access to the application only by signing in through the Landing application.
Page refresh will work as before and have no impact following the redesign.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Okta will also work as intended if the feature is turned ON for the specific client.
There is no dependency on third-party cookies related to the Landing application, and the landing works perfectly fine on Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Edge browsers.
Consumer applications are no longer dependent on Local storage to fetch data.
The CMS Idle Time functionality, which notifies the user if they have been inactive on a CMS page for an extended duration and provides the option to either continue or exit from the page, is working as before.
For a seamless user experience and as a best practice, please do not disable cookies in your browser.
This fix is also merged to,,, & releases.
Bug Fixes
1. Issue with In-App Subscription Purchase
This intermittent issue was specific to Apple's in-app purchase. When users purchased subscriptions through the Apple app (V1) via in-app purchase, the corresponding transaction was not reflected in the Subscribe database, and the user was unable to access the website. The issue occurred because Apple was intermittently sending receipt tokens larger than the int32
data type could handle. This has now been resolved. After the fix, Apple V1 in-app purchases are correctly updated in the Subscribe database, and users can access the website without issues.
2. Removal of Special Characters Encoding
The encoding of special characters has been removed due to issues arising when the rate code length exceeds 20 characters in the circulation system after encoding.
This fix is also merged into the release
Applications Covered:
API, SolCon
Attention - Enhancement
1. Merchant Password in the P12 file for Cybersource
Following an urgent update regarding the P12 merchant file for Cybersource keys, Subscribe will now send Password, Filename, and Merchant ID to ensure successful payment transactions with the Cybersource payment gateway. Previously, only the Merchant ID was included in the Cybersource request.
Note that the Merchant ID and Filename values remain the same in the Cybersource request.
Implementation Notes:
A new Api setting key CyberSource.Password has been introduced to get the Cybersource password from MG2 database.
This fix is also merged to release.
Bug Fix
Subscription failure while using Amex Credit card with Apple Pay
When a user tried to pay the subscription amount via Apple Pay with American Express credit card, the transaction failed. This issue has been resolved. After the fix, user can successfully purchase a subscription with American Express credit card via Apple Pay.
This fix is also merged to release.
Application Covered: API
InApp subscribers not getting website access
Users who successfully purchased subscriptions via In-App Apple Pay and were created in Subscribe did not gain access to the website. This issue was due to the large download_id sent by Apple Pay, which led to incomplete user details being recorded in Subscribe and thus preventing website access.
This issue has been resolved. After the fix, the details of successful In-app Apple Pay subscriptions are now updated correctly in Subscribe, ensuring that subscribers gain valid access to websites as per their subscriptions.
This fix is also merged into the and releases.
Application Covered:
Last updated
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