Complaint code with ValidWhen = Always not honored in CS API
Recurring tip for auto-renew subscription
cm43-#800, cmo43-#250 (compile only), hm43- 170
MG2: Circ API - GCI Rounding up donation codes adding 3 more adjustment codes/amounts
HM43#250, CMO43#350, CM43#1620
MG2 API: Payment Profile - GET a Payment Profile
MG2 API: Payment Profile - ADD a Payment Profile
MG2 API: Payment Profile - DELETE a Payment Profile
MG2: Update Vacation: Once the temp starts processed, it doesn’t allow us to change the tempAddressEnd date
MG2 API: AddPaymentProfile is not throwing error when CCExpireDate is in past
MG2 MicroAPI: Create a new microAPI to have an address update and delivery schedule update in one go
Temp Stop Tran can be Modified to Vacation Pack = Yes if the transaction is Modified when the Reason Code does not allow Vac Pack