3.17.1 Minor Release
This page has high-level Release notes for the minor 3.17.1 release.
Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice. Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
Release Prerequisites
NCS Circ
Subscribe Extracts
Australian Clients - Extract Version 6 Other Clients - Extract Version 5
Sync Jobs
Matrix Circ
Circ Pro
DSI (Saxo Circ)
Naviga Pay
Key Features
In the 3.17.1 minor release, a new Country-Only-Start flow has been introduced specifically for NCS Circ clients. To support ApplePay MPAN transactions via Payway, a new Billing Agreement section has been added to the SolCon application. Subscribe has integrated with two payment vendors, Eigen and FluidPay via NavigaPay in this release. This release also introduces ZIP code validation for digital offers on Landing Tiles.
There are a variety of enhancements to the Self-Service (SubCon Site), One-CSR Portal, Solicitor Concierge (SolCon), CMS Content, and Subscription Panel modules, along with the a few enhancements in some APIs in this release.
Additionally, this release addresses important bug fixes across various modules of the application.
1. Country Only Starts
A new enhancement ‘Country Only Starts’ will be available for NCS Circ Digital Subscriptions. With this enhancement, NCS Circ client subscribers can now subscribe to digital subscriptions by simply providing their name, an email ID, and selecting a country name from the drop-down, without needing to provide a zip code or any other address details in the Subscription Panel.
CMS - New Properties in the ‘IndependentAddressV3’ component
To accommodate the Country only starts, Country and State-specific properties have been added to the IndependentAddressV3 component of CMS. Refer to the table below:
The Purchase API has been modified to support Country Only Starts from SP for NCS Circ Digital Subscriptions. NCS Circ accepts any country (country code) as part of the address.
With this new enhancement, NCS Circ now supports subscriptions that include only country information in their addresses. Consequently, sync processes have been modified to handle these addresses appropriately, ensuring no changes or overrides occur in the address information for subscriptions with ‘Country Only Starts’.
Country code in NCS Circ must match the respective Country code in Subscribe. If there is any difference in the setup, the sync process will not work correctly.
Circ System & Minimum Supported Version: NCS Circ, 2020-2.3
Implementation Notes:
To enable the Country Only Starts, * The
field must be turned ON in the CMS Presentation. (CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentations > Select a Presentation > Presentation Properties V3 >isInternational
field) * TheCountry
field should be turned ON from the CMS. (CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentations > Select a Presentation > Page V3 > Step V3> Independent Address V3 or Billing Information V3 >Country
field)The MG2 Control App setting key
should be turned ON to reflect addresses in SubCon Admin in real-time.
The Country-Only flow is available for NCS Circ clients that are using Payway and Cybersource payment vendors.
On the NCS Circ side, the value of the Digital Address property "Country" should be set to "Required."
When providing a Country Only Start, the Zip Code field must not be included in the CMS presentation. If the Zip Code field is present in the CMS presentation, even with the isInternational
flag turned ON, the zip code flow will take priority.
2. ApplePay MPAN via Payway
New ApplePay Billing Agreement section in SolCon
With the integration of ApplePay MPAN, the Billing Agreement screen within the Apple payment flow now requires additional details, such as the auto-renewal amount. This enhancement is essential in scenarios where the renewal amount differs from the initial payment made by the subscriber (e.g., an introductory rate of $0.99 for the first 3 months, followed by $14.99 per month thereafter).
To support this, a new sub-section titled "ApplePay Billing Agreement" has been introduced under the SolCon Price Setup. Within this section, a new field called "Auto-renew Price" has been added. This field allows users to specify the auto-renewal price for subscriptions. By default, this field will be blank.
The auto-renewal price defined in this field will be included in the Offer API response across all relevant endpoints. This ensures that accurate pricing information is consistently communicated to the consumer application, which then relays this information to Apple during the billing process. This enhancement guarantees that the correct auto-renewal price is presented to subscribers, maintaining transparency and preventing discrepancies in billing.
An informatory note is also displayed below the Auto-renew Price field - “This amount reflects in ApplePay Billing Agreement screen. The auto-renew term & length will be displayed from Coding section.”
ApplePay MPAN transactions are available only through Payway as of now.
To ensure correct configuration, warning messages have been implemented under the following conditions:
ApplePay Auto-renew Price Not Set:
When ApplePay is selected as a payment method and EZPay is set to "EZPay required" or "EZPay optional," but the ApplePay Auto-renew price is not set, a warning message will appear on saving/updating the offer:
"ApplePay Auto-renew Price under Price section is not set. The renewal price will not reflect in ApplePay Billing Agreement."
ApplePay Auto-renew Price Set Without Proper Configuration: When the ApplePay Auto-renew price is set, but ApplePay is not selected as a payment method, EZPay is set to "No EZPay”, a warning message will appear on saving/updating the offer:
"You have set the value for ApplePay Auto-renew price, but it will not reflect anywhere if ApplePay is not selected as a Payment Method and EZPay is set to No EZPay."
ApplePay Auto-renew Price Missing:
If the EZPay is already set to required/optional and the Payment Method is selected as ApplePay, or if the Payment Method is already ApplePay and EZPay is set to either "EZPay required" or "EZPay optional", a warning message will appear even before saving/updating the offer:
"Please set the ApplePay Auto-renew price in all the price plans."
Implementation Settings:
A new AppSetting key is added: EnableApplePayBillingAgreement (AppSetting - Client Components - SolconAdmin). The key should be configured at the Client Group level.
ApplePay MPAN Recurring Payment and Billing Agreement Enhancement in Subscription Panel
The ApplePay recurring payment is implemented in SP. For an ApplePay MPAN transaction, if the offer has a recurring amount that differs from the initial amount, the recurring amount and the renewal term will be displayed in the Billing Agreement in SP. If the renewal term is in weeks, it will be converted to days and will be displayed in the Billing Agreement since Apple doesn’t support weeks.
The Marketing text configured in the offer will be displayed in the Billing Agreement regardless whether it is enabled in the Presentation or not.
The EZPay checkbox (if visible on UI), will be disabled once ApplePay payment is completed.
The other payment options and ApplePay payment button are also disabled once ApplePay payment is completed.
If appleRenewPrice is zero in SolCon, the Price will be the same as the Total Price including taxes, price of base product and price of activation (if applicable) in the billing agreement section of ApplePay popup.
Billing agreement section will not be visible in the ApplePay popup, if the EZPay is not applicable for the offer or if the user has not checked Ezpay checkbox if EZPay is optional in the offer.
Implementation Notes:
The Config file should contain a BillingAgreement key. Ex- config.ThirdPartySystems.ApplePay.Constants.BillingAgreement = "You are purchasing a news subscription".
The Config file should contain a PaymentDescription key.
Ex- config.ThirdPartySystems.ApplePay.Constants.PaymentDescription = "Payment for news subscription".
Ezpay V3 component should be set in CMS presentation.
"isEzPay Validation Validation Apply" property should be turned ON in Ezpay V3 component.
The following Ezpay component properties should contain the appropriate text messages: a. EZPayTextWhenCheckboxAbsent b. EZPayTextWhenCheckboxPresent c. EZPayNotAvailableText d. isEzPay Validation Validation Message
For ApplePay MPAN transactions, the PaymentSource sent to NCS Circ will be "ApplePayMPAN”. Consequently, the sync processes can process the new payment source ApplePayMPAN.
Circ system & Minimum Supported Version:
NCS Circ, 2020-6.3
NCS Extract Version 4+
3. Digital Offer Zip Code Validation in Landing Tiles
The Promotion Digital V3 component has been modified to include zip code-related properties, allowing users to input a zip code value at the first step of the offer or promotion tile(s). Changes will be reflected in the Subscription Panel, depending on the configurations that have been defined in these properties.
The user can configure the properties by going to: CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentation (Choose a valid presentation) > PageV3 > Landing Tiles > Promotion Digital V3
The entered Zip Code will be validated on the Subscription Panel's landing page, depending on the configurable flag "ValidateDigitalOfferZipcode."
When the value has been set to true, the zip code entered by the end user will be validated from the list of available areas for digital offers that are displayed on the landing page for digital tiles.
The zip code will not be validated if the configurable flag has been set to false.
Implementation Notes:
The user can configure the properties by going to: CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentation (Choose a valid presentation) > PageV3 > Landing Tiles > Promotion Digital V3
"ValidateDigitalOfferZipcode" should be added in the SP Config file of the client newspaper/publication.
In config.System, set the ValidateDigitalOfferZipcode to true or false.
If ValidateDigitalOfferZipcode has not been included in the SP Config file, the value of the flag will be automatically considered false.
4. Eigen Integration via NavigaPay
Subscribe has successfully integrated the Eigen Payment gateway via NavigaPay for payments through the Self-Service portal and Subscription Panel ensuring proper styles and a fully functional end-to-end payment flow. Post the integration, when a user initiates a payment request from the Self-Service portal or Subscription Panel, an iFrame gets rendered on the SS or SP page that captures payment details and users can submit their payments successfully.
CMS - New Component for NavigaPay Eigen Payment Vendor
A new component NavigaPayEigenV3 is now available within the Component Manager and Presentation sections in CMS along with its associated properties.
The properties of this component are as follows:
Summary Name
Summary CardNumber
Summary ExpirationDate
Due to vendor limitations, the Eigen server can only support two CSS files out of which one file is used by SP and the other by Self-Service. Since each consumer application can only have one CSS file, all themes (Default, Simple, Seamless) will share the same CSS within the iFrame.
Some amendments have been done to accommodate the End payment session endpoint not to fire the Get profile request for NavigaPay-Eigen integration with Subscribe.
Timeout Management in Self-Service and Subscription Panel
A Timeout feature has been introduced in the Self-Service and Subscription Panel Payment pages. If the Eigen iFrame remains idle for 5 minutes, the system detects the inactivity and triggers an idle timeout. A clear and informative timeout error message will also be displayed to the user explaining that the user has been timed out due to inactivity. The message will also request the user to retry. Upon displaying the timeout error message, the iFrame reloads automatically with blank input fields so that the user can re-enter the payment details.
Some amendments have been done to accommodate the End payment session endpoint not to fire the Get profile request for NavigaPay-Eigen integration with Subscribe.
Circ System & Minimum Supported Version: NCS Circ, 2020-6.3
Implementation Notes:
For Eigen integration, the key NavigaPay.Integration should have value “Eigen".
The MG2 Control keys SubscriptionPanel.NavigaPay.SiteCode and SubscriptionPanel.NavigaPay.SiteKey must be defined.
Select an appropriate presentation -> Page V3 ->Step V3 -> Payment Methods V3 -> NavigaPay Eigen V3
5. ImpressPay (now FluidPay) Integration via NavigaPay
Starting with this release, FluidPay has been integrated with Subscription Panel and Self-Service portal applications via Naviga Pay.
It is now possible for users to complete payment-related transactions such as One-time payment, Auto renew sign up, etc. using FluidPay as the payment provider from Self-Service portal. On every payment-related page, the Self-Service portal displays the FluidPay iFrame through which payment details are captured and passed to the circulation system and then processed accordingly.
CMS - New Payment Method Component
A new component, NavigaPay ImpressPay V3, has been added to the CMS to be used as one of the payment methods in the Subscription Panel.
The user can configure the properties by going to:
CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentation (Choose a valid presentation) > PageV3 > stepV3 > PaymentMethod V3 > NavigaPay ImpressPay V3
Additional parameter in the Purchase API
The Purchase API has now been updated to include a new parameter, "ExternalCustomerId", that captures the GroupID value received from NavigaPay's EndPaymentSession (getNavigaPayImpressPayData) endpoint when processing a payment using FluidPay payment vendor.
Implementation Notes:
The MG2 control App setting keys such as SubConSite.NavigaPay.SiteCode and SubConSite.NavigaPay.SiteKey must be configured.
The MG2 Control API keys SubscriptionPanel.NavigaPay.SiteCode and SubscriptionPanel.NavigaPay.SiteKey must be defined.
General Enhancements
SubCon Admin
1. One-time tip for NCS Circ subscriptions that are not on EzPay
The users can now tip the carrier with the help of CSRs for the subscriptions paid by invoice (that are not on EZPay) without any additional payment, whenever necessary. An ‘Add tip’ button will be available on the Payment/Billing tab near the ‘Make a payment' button. The 'Recurring Tip’ checkbox will not be visible on UI in this case.
Until a tip amount is entered, the 'Pay with' buttons will remain disabled. Clicking on the 'Cancel' button closes the form with no further action.
A limit of 'only one payment transaction within 24 hours' is applied. If another transaction is initiated within 24 hours of a previous payment, a warning message will be displayed, and the 'Add tip' button will be disabled, restricting the user from proceeding further.
Implementation Notes:
The MG2 Control App setting key ‘StartCallPaymentBillingTabAddTipButton’ controls the visibility of the ‘Add tip’ button. The Add tip button will be visible on SubCon Admin when the key value is set to 1 in Support Viewer.
2. Offer Grid column name standardization in NewStart/Upgrade Flow
The column names of the Offer Grid in the New Start/Upgrade flows have been standardized from this release to correctly reflect the values that are being populated in the offer grid columns from SolCon. There is no change in the values being populated in the columns; the only modification is in the column header names. The Offer Grid will now have the following columns for New start and Upgrade workflows.
Offer ID will populate offer IDs from SolCon (No change in this column name)
Offer Name will populate corresponding offer names from SolCon (The previous name Internal Name has been renamed)
Offer Highlight column will have the Marketing Text > Confirmation Name from SolCon (The previous column name was Confirmation Name)
EZPAY column will populate corresponding EZPay Options from SolCon for each offer
Note: The Quantity column will no longer be available on the Offer screen as it always shows a static value of '1'.
Implementation Notes:
The value (0 or 1) of the Support viewer Key "RealTimeNewStartFlow" will have no impact on the Offer Grid column for the New Start or Upgrade Offer screen.
3. Registrations Limit for Standard Subscriptions
A new editable field Number of Registrations has been added in the Account information tab for Standard Subscriptions. Through this field, it is now possible to configure the number of maximum subscription registrations that can be associated to a subscription. However, the value in the Subscription.MaxLinks Support Viewer key cannot be overwritten from UI.
The value being entered or edited in the Number of Registrations field should always be less than the Support Viewer key setting value.
If the CSR/Admin user enters a value in the Number of Registrations field that is less than the value set in the SV key, a success message will be displayed. However, if a value larger than the one set in the Support Viewer key Subscription.MaxLinks is entered, the user will receive a notification message.
Implementation Notes:
The value of the 'Number of Registrations' field should not exceed the limit set for the Support Viewer key Subscription.MaxLinks.
Swapping the position of Product + Price block with Division block
For a better user experience, the position of Product + Price block has been swapped with the Divisions block on the Offer Groups and Offers pages while creating a new offer or editing an existing offer.
The Division selection happens first and then the Products are filtered based on the selection. Hence it is more appropriate to give the option to select the Division first. However, there is no change in the existing functionality or behavior.
1. Subscriptions - Validation check for the RegistrationCount while updating a subscription
A validation check has been introduced to ensure the new value for Registration Count will not be less than the number of existing links (between actual links and invitations), as well as to prevent the user from changing the value to 0.
When entering a number that exceeds the maximum value defined in the MG2 Control setting "Subscriptions.MaxLinks," the error message will now display "Registration count cannot be greater than {{Subscription.MaxLinks}}".
In addition, when entering a number less than the total number of Pending invitations and Active Registrations, the error message will now display "Registration count cannot be less than <Active+Pending>".
2. Removal of unnecessary special characters
When making a subscription/subscriber-related API call to NCS Circ, special characters in the following parameters will be removed before sending the request, with the exceptions listed below:
First Name
' - & / .
Last Name
' - & / .
@. + - _ ,
Cardholder Name
' - & / # .
House number
/ -
Unit number
No Special Chars.
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
ARTerm (Auto Renew Term)
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
@ . + - _ ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / , @
_ , -
_ , -
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
' - & / # .
' - & / # .
@ . + - _
' - & / # .
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ , -
_ , -
' - & / # .
@ . + - _
' - & / # .
@ . + - _
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
_ - $ + ( ) & ^ . / ,
Circ System & Minimum Supported Version: NCS Circ, 2020-6.0
3. UserOrchestrator - Enhanced Error Messaging for Invalid Input
Previously, the UsersOrchestrator APIs would return a generic error message "Invalid InputModel" if an invalid value was entered into any of the input parameters. Changes have now been made by implementing detailed error reporting, such that invalid input errors now include the name of the parameter containing the invalid value: "Invalid InputModel - {Message}".
4. Address - Matrix tenant for Get Countries endpoint
The list of countries displayed in SP was not governed by the Matrix Country-Only rule. If the Country-Only rule was not enabled for a country in Matrix but that country was included in the list shown in SP, the subscription would result in an error during processing on the Matrix side, while no error would occur on the SP side during the purchase process.
Changes have been made so that the GET /Countries
endpoint now retrieves the list of countries applicable under the Country-Only rule in real-time and displays it in the Country drop-down menu in the Subscription Panel, instead of displaying all countries in the Subscribe database.
Circ System & Minimum Supported Version: Matrix, M 38.00.034.ITSP9
Subscription Panel
1. Credit card data corrections in the Payment and Purchase APIs
The input parameter, NumberLastFourDigits, of the Purchase API will now be sending the last four digits of the credit card instead of the first four digits of the card to the AddSubscription endpoint.
When the circulation system is CircPro, the AddSubscription event now concatenates the original token with the last four digits of the credit card number, separated by a pipe (|) and the text 'LAST4='.
Changes have been made to the Payments API to enhance the process for EZPay sign-ups, subscription restarts, one-time payments, and credit card information updates. The process event types—16 (EZPAY), 24 (CHGCC), and 27 (RESTART)—will now include the last four digits of the credit card in the CardToken parameter when sending to CircPro, formatted as '<token>|LAST4=<last four digits>'.
For one-time payments, event type 970 (ToOneTimePayment), the last four digits will be removed, and only the original token will be sent to CircPro.
Circ System & Minimum Supported Version: CircPro, 2021-3.0
2. Incorporate API changes for last four digits of Credit Card
While making a payment from the Subscription Panel if the payment vendor is Cybersource, the last four digits of the Credit card number will be sent to the Purchase API endpoint. The subscription workflow will not have any impact. The subscription will then be processed at the Circ side.
3. Accommodating Engage G3I plugin in SP
A new plugin setting has been added and initialized along with DL and FP plugin on the Checkout page (Subscription Panel). The new plugin settings will accommodate the changes related to the new Engage G3I plugin. The name of the new plugin settings is configurable from SP Config. SP config has an on/off for each plugin that controls the availability of each plugin for a specific client.
Implementation Notes:
The following keys are used to utilize the G3I plugin under the NewMG2Insights key along with ‘MG2Insights’ in config.MG2Loader: Name: "DLNew", Enabled: true, Version: <specify the version> ContainerId: <specify the Container ID> for ex: "GTM-5ZBPF7G"
Bug Fixes
1. Stop Saver flow without a successful cancellation message
When a customer follows the Stop Saver flow and chooses to cancel, a success message was not appearing after completing the cancellation. This issue has been resolved. After the fix, when a subscription is successfully canceled from the Stop Saver page, the success message is now displayed, and the user is subsequently redirected to the Dashboard page.
2. Error message while entering wrong year in the Expiration year field
While making a credit card payment in SS, Cybersource clients were not receiving an error message if the expiration year entered was in two digits. Although most payment vendors accept the last two digits for the expiration year, Cybersource requires four digits. When users entered only two digits in the expiration year field, the payment process was unsuccessful, and they did not receive a clear error message indicating the issue.
This issue has been resolved by adding a placeholder (description) for the expiration year field. The new placeholder is configurable from the CMS and clearly indicates that the expiration year must be entered as four digits.
Implementation Notes:
Two new CMS segments, Placeholder.ExpirationMonth
and Placeholder.ExpirationYear
, have been introduced. These segments can be added to any payment page to correctly indicate the expiration month and year format to the user.
3. Restriction on EZPay Sign-Up Page Access for Existing Subscribers
When a user already enrolled in an EZPay subscription tried to access the EZPay sign-up page, the system was allowing it, which was not the expected behavior. This issue has been resolved. After the fix, if a user already on EZPay tries to access the EZPay sign-up page, the system will display a message informing them that they cannot access the sign-up page. If they wish to proceed, they will need to cancel their existing EZPay program.
4. 'Vacation Holds' Button label display issue
When the user clicks on the 'Vacation Holds' button on the Dashboard page, they are navigated to the temporarystop page. The text 'SUBMIT PAUSE REQUEST' was previously displayed outside the button border on the temporarystop page. This issue has now been resolved.
5. Credit Card Expiration details not getting captured in the CircPro Circulation system
While updating the payment method or signing up for Auto pay, the expiration details of the end user’s credit card was not getting captured by the Circulation system. This issue was specifically observed with the CircPro circulation system and has been resolved.
SubCon Admin
User not getting logged out from other Subscribe application on logout
When Subscribe applications (SubCon Admin, CMS or SolCon) were opened in multiple tabs on a Safari browser, logging out from one application in a tab didn't log out the user from other applications opened in different tabs, until the respective pages were refreshed. This issue has now been resolved.
1. End Date is displayed as Invalid when creating a scheduled slideshow
CMS > Slideshow > Add > Enter the details > Submit
When creating a new slideshow that was scheduled to appear at a specific date range, the issue with the end date being displayed as "Invalid Date" after submitting has now been resolved.
2. Incorrect error message while overriding message under notification new section
CMS > Notifications New > (Navigate to the desired notification) > Edit (update the message field) > Save > Remove Override
When removing an override of a notification after modifying the notification message, the incorrect success message "Message successfully deleted" was displayed instead of the correct message "Override successfully removed". This issue has now been resolved.
3. Incorrect Error message while overriding Benefit order
When overriding the Benefits order, the system was displaying an incorrect error message, such as 'Benefit order successfully deleted,' instead of the expected message, 'Override successfully removed.' This issue has been resolved. After the fix, whenever a user overrides any Benefit order (CMS > Benefits > Select a Benefit > Display Order > Remove override), the system performs the override and displays the correct message: 'Override successfully removed.'
1. Expiration date not populated for inApp Subscriptions
The issue of Expiration Date appearing null for subscriptions purchased through Google has been resolved.
2. Mismatch in Subscription Statuses
There was a mismatch between the subscription status (Subscriber status) displayed in SubCon Admin and the status shown in the NCS Circulation system for a subscription purchased through the Subscription Panel. This issue has been resolved.
After the fix in this release, the NCS Circ subscription status will be synced with the Subscribe database, ensuring that the Subscriber status displayed in SubCon Admin matches with the status displayed in the NCS Circ system. Note that this change has no impact on the Self Service.
The syncing of NCS Circ subscription status with the Subscribe database will be as outlined in the table below for subscriptions that are not Lite, In-App, or PaidPass.
SubCon Admin
Append parameter to NavigaPay Iframe URL
Once CSR portal has appended a new parameter, ‘operation=CreateProfileRedirect’ while making call to the iframe URL of NavigaPay. This is a refactor without impacting the application workflow. The iFrame URL is received as a response from the microAPI with parameters sitecode & sitekey. This is a refactor and no changes to the end-user.
Note: Since SubCon Admin is not using ApplePay, the value of the operation parameter remains static as ‘CreateProfileRedirect’ for SubCon Admin.
1. Angular Upgrades
Self-Service portal has been upgraded to Angular version 15.2.10. The necessary changes to ensure proper builds have been implemented. It has been ensured that all packages (dependencies) are upgraded in parallel.
2. Deprecation of Themes ThemeC and ThemeD
Starting from this release, ThemeC and Theme D have been deprecated. This change is completely transparent to the users.
3. Simplification of Backend workflows
After a comprehensive review and analysis, a list of all Circ-specific modules were listed and Circ-specific components have been eliminated. Alongside the front-end analysis, the SS backend was also examined to identify potential enhancements. A common workflow for each feature has been established. A Circ-system can override the common workflow, only if necessary, by following specific additional steps.
The following modules were simplified through this approach:
Subscription Cancel
Subscription Link
Subscription Update
Temporary Stop
However, this refinement has no visual implications.
4. Structure Consolidation of Self-Service Pages
The appearance of Self-Service webpages has been based on one of two structure styles: Type A or Type B. While these structures were mostly identical, with only slight differences, an initiative has been undertaken to unify these structure styles for the following pages:
Note: Moving forward, a common design (structure) will be uniformly applied to the below mentioned pages, ensuring a cohesive and streamlined visual experience.
4.1 Access Page
The styles of Type A and Type B were very similar for the Access page, with the exception of the AccessAskQuestionBoxText CMS content, which was present in Type A but not in Type B.
Nevertheless, there is a generic HelpText content already available to serve the same purpose. Hence, moving forward, the Access page will adopt a generic Structure, and the AccessAskQuestionBoxText has been removed from this generic structure.
4.2 Activate Page
Type A and Type B structures of Activate page were nearly identical. Moving forward, Type B will serve as the generic structure for Activate page.
4.3 eBill Sign up Page
Type A and Type B styles were very similar for the eBill Sign Up page. The only difference was that the Type A eBill Sign up page displayed the subscription’s full name and current date, while Type B did not.
The eBill Sign up page will adopt Type B as the generic structure and regardless of the configured Theme for the Tenant (Theme A or Theme B), the page will display elements in accordance with Type B.
4.4 eBill Manage Page
Type A and Type B styles were nearly identical for the eBill Manage page. To streamline and simplify, starting from this release, the eBill Manage page will adhere to Type B as the generic structure regardless of the theme configured for the page.
4.5 Feedback Page
While there were some differences between Type A and Type B for the Feedback page, starting from this release, Type B will serve as the generic structure for the Feedback page. The MailingAddressLabelText and MailingAddressText CMS contents, exclusive to Type A, have been removed from the generic structure.
4.6 MyProfile Page
Both Type A and Type B displayed the same sections on the My Profile page. While Type A used accordions, Type B employed Boxes to showcase these sections. Starting from this release, the My Profile page will adopt the Box approach from Type B for section display regardless of the theme configured for the page. Organized in columns and configurable for hiding, each box provides enhanced flexibility.
On the My Profile page, the Login Information, Change Password and Profile Information boxes will be organized in columns:
If 2 boxes are to be displayed, they will appear side by side as displayed below.
If 3 boxes are to be displayed, the first two boxes will appear side by side, while the third one will be positioned below the first as displayed below.
4.7 Subscription share Page
Type A and Type B were almost identical, with the only difference being the absence of a page description in Type A. Type B will serve as the standard structure for the Subscription Share page regardless of the theme configured for the page.
4.8 Unsubscribe Page
Type A and Type B were nearly identical. Therefore, Type B will be used as the generic structure for the Unsubscribe page regardless of the theme configured for the page.
4.9 Verify Account Page
Both Type A and Type B had almost the same content and styling. The only difference was that Type B had “Left Panel” and “Right Panel” above the form, while Type A had only the “Right Panel.” Their styles also varied slightly, but the form itself was identical for both. Therefore, Type A will be used for the VerifyAccount page as the generic structure regardless of the theme configured for the page.
5. Activate - Changing the SiteCode without causing a Postback
Some enhancements are in place in the Navigation Service to perform a "Site code change" without performing a redirect on the Activate page of SS. This development has no impact for end users, it's just to maintain the concept of Single Page Application.
Instead of a Browser page refresh, the user would now see a controlled redirect handled by the Application on the Activate page.
6. Deprecate Manifest.json files
With this release, the option to download the Self Service as a desktop application has been deprecated. This decision was made due to the lack of client utilization of this feature and the considerable workload it imposed on the implementation team during the onboarding of new clients.
Implementation Notes:
The Manifest.json file has been removed from every client.
The references to Manifest.json (in the web.config file) has been removed from every client.
The new “title” property has been populated in every client’s Subcon.Config with the value that the manifest.json used to have as “name”.
Note: For future clients, it is recommended to consider this approach to avoid the creation of new Manifest.json files for the client.
7. Removing the duplicate code on Activate page
The Activate page will now use Forms components. The duplicate code in the Activate page has also been removed. The logic behind the calculation of the User Access level has also been centralized and is implemented as a single invisible step between the Verify and Upgrade steps.
Implementation Notes:
New property introduced in Subcon.Configuration: "VerifyAccountForm". It is exactly the same as of the VerifyAccount module, but it was moved to this property to be reused in Activate module.
8. Datepicker Improvements
The code for calculating dates in input date picker will be the only one effective on SS pages from this release. All the other code that calculates the first date has been removed from SS pages. The input date picker will be used in the Restart page as well from this release. The duplicated code regarding date calculation in the Restart page has also been removed.
The changes are transparent to the user.
9. Renaming the Authentication token
When an end user logs in to the Self-Service with valid credentials, a cookie namely X-AuthToken gets generated. The name of this authentication cookie was too generic. Hence, starting from this release, the X-AuthToken authentication cookie has been renamed to “nav-ss-authorization”, which is something more specific to Naviga Self Service. From this release, after performing an authenticated login, nav-ss-authorization cookie will be generated.
This change is completely transparent for end users.
10. Recovering sessions for MG2Auth clients in Self-Service
Self-Service will no longer decrypt the igmRegID cookie value for MG2 Auth clients. The cookie value will be used as is in the GET /Users endpoint call (UsersOrchestrator API) to fetch user details for session recovery in the event of a page refresh.
This change has no impact on end users. A logged-in MG2 Auth end user will remain logged in on SS even when the SS page is reloaded.
API - Purchase
Internal Enhancement: Steps Lists, Code clean up
As part of the 3.17.1 Refactor, a code cleanup has been made in the Purchase API to minimize complexity related to handling the list of steps in each integration during a Newstarts flow due to the number of classes involved in the process.
Future Enhancements
Payment Method Component - ApplePay
A new component, NavigaPay ApplePay Payway V3, has been added to the CMS to be used as one of the payment methods in the Subscription Panel.
Implementation Notes:
The user can configure the properties by going to:
CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentation (Choose a valid presentation) > PageV3 > stepV3 > PaymentMethod V3 > NavigaPay ApplePay Payway V3
Last updated
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