Subscription Panel application loads.
User clicks on either landing or the Subscription Panel calls GET /Offers
. Sends offerGroupId
and postal code to fetch details.
Subscription Panel then calls POST /subscriptionCost
to fetch current taxes and cost.
Subscription Panel calls GET /user
to check whether the user already exists. If the user does not already exist, it calls creates the user via POST /user
User enters the address information. Then, Subscription Panel calls GET /address/standardization to standardize the current address.
Subscription Panel calls POST /Subscriptions/ActiveCheck
to check whether this user already has an active subscription. If an active subscription exists, it returns an error.
Subscription Panel renders iframe with the edgil Javascript, which in turn calls:
POST /Billing/PaymentSession/StartPaymentSession
- opens the iframe and generates a token
POST /Billing/PaymentSession/EndPaymentSession
- saves credit card information and payment system
User clicks submit in Subscription Panel, and the Subscription Panel calls POST /Subscriptions
to create the new subscription.
GET/Offers - this endpoint checks for the current offers.
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X GET '<>' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: MG2GroupStripe' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: DTI' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: MAA' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0'
Response example
The following is a json example response from the /Offers
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [
"Message": "Sorry! there are no offers available for the entered zip code.",
"Code": "Offers23",
"Type": {
"Id": 0,
"Code": "Validation"
"ErrorSource": null
"Result": null,
"SessionId": "aef72d8a-7fb8-4d8b-9207-6195b85a5fe4",
"RequestId": "0"
Subscription cost
POST/subscription/cost - the checks the current cost and tax for a particular offer
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
JSON object (see request example below).
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: MG2GroupStripe' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: DTI' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: MAA' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0' \\
-d '{
"OfferId": "9",
"OfferGroupId": "6",
"Products": [
"ExternalProductId": "100079",
"MerchantProductId": "100079",
"ProductId": "100079",
"ProductQuantity": "1"
Response example
The following is a json example response from the Subscriptions/Cost
Copy {
"SubscriptionCost": 31.99,
"Taxes": null,
"ActivationFee": 0.0,
"TotalAmount": 31.99
User information
GET /User - the endpoint checks whether the user's email already exists
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
Email address that is checked.
If TRUE, only checks active subscriptions. If FALSE, checks both active and inactive subscriptions.
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X GET '<>' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: GCI' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: WestPalmBeach' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: PO' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 1'\\
The following is a json example response from the /user
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"Users": [
"RegistrationId": 30,
"LoginName": "nee1@yopmail.coms",
"LoginPassword": null,
"CustomerRegistrationId": "594e74f6-31de-ea11-b4e2-005056b47960",
"EncryptedCustomerRegistrationId": null,
"FirstName": "Neetha",
"LastName": "Sam",
"Email": "nee1@yopmail.coms",
"Gender": null,
"PhoneAc": null,
"PhoneEx": null,
"PhoneExt": null,
"Phone": null,
"MobilePhone": null,
"OptInEVantageSubscriberRewards": false,
"OptInSpecialOffers": false,
"OptInContestAndPromotions": false,
"OptInPaperlessBilling": false,
"OptInEEdition": false,
"OptInEEditionEmailNotification": false,
"OptInSubscriberDiscounts": false,
"OptInAdvertiserEmails": false,
"MemberEvent": false,
"ContentEngagement": false,
"SUBCOM": false,
"Survey": false,
"AccountUpdates": false,
"DateOfBirth": null,
"BirthYear": null,
"AcceptsEmailOffers": null,
"AcceptsEmailAds": null,
"AcceptsEmailPromotions": null,
"IsOkToEmail": null,
"IsOkToPhone": null,
"IsOkToMail": null,
"AcceptsEENotification": null,
"ChangeDate": "2020-12-22T20:31:11.227",
"DateRegistered": null,
"Photos": null,
"IsSocial": false,
"DisplayName": null,
"AgreeToTerms": false,
"OptOutMarketing": false,
"Photo": null,
"VerificationCode": null,
"Verified": true,
"AuthSystem": {
"AuthSystemId": 2,
"AuthSystemCode": "Firefly",
"AuthSystemName": "Firefly"
"UserState": {
"UserStateId": 3,
"UserStateCode": "Standard"
"BounceType": null
"RegistrationId": 539,
"LoginName": "",
"LoginPassword": null,
"CustomerRegistrationId": "34baebc8-8301-eb11-a19e-005056b47960",
"EncryptedCustomerRegistrationId": null,
"FirstName": "Neetha",
"LastName": "Rangaswamy",
"Email": "",
"Gender": null,
"PhoneAc": null,
"PhoneEx": null,
"PhoneExt": null,
"Phone": null,
"MobilePhone": null,
"OptInEVantageSubscriberRewards": false,
"OptInSpecialOffers": false,
"OptInContestAndPromotions": false,
"OptInPaperlessBilling": false,
"OptInEEdition": false,
"OptInEEditionEmailNotification": false,
"OptInSubscriberDiscounts": false,
"OptInAdvertiserEmails": false,
"MemberEvent": false,
"ContentEngagement": false,
"SUBCOM": false,
"Survey": false,
"AccountUpdates": false,
"DateOfBirth": null,
"BirthYear": null,
"AcceptsEmailOffers": null,
"AcceptsEmailAds": null,
"AcceptsEmailPromotions": null,
"IsOkToEmail": null,
"IsOkToPhone": null,
"IsOkToMail": null,
"AcceptsEENotification": null,
"ChangeDate": "2021-01-26T14:59:01.583",
"DateRegistered": null,
"Photos": null,
"IsSocial": false,
"DisplayName": null,
"AgreeToTerms": false,
"OptOutMarketing": false,
"Photo": null,
"VerificationCode": null,
"Verified": true,
"AuthSystem": {
"AuthSystemId": 2,
"AuthSystemCode": "Firefly",
"AuthSystemName": "Firefly"
"UserState": {
"UserStateId": 3,
"UserStateCode": "Standard"
"BounceType": null
"TotalUsersFound": 2
"SessionId": "3bc55dd6-f4c1-48e0-9d65-f2cd438d7fd6",
"RequestId": "1"
Create user
POST /User - This endpoint creates the user if the user doesn't already exist.
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
JSON object (see request example below).
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: GCI' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: WestPalmBeach' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: PO' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0' \\
-d '{
"Email": "",
"Password": "fakepassword",
"CreationMode": 0,
"FirstName": "Johnny",
"LastName": "Silverhands",
"VerifyEmail": true
Response example
The following is a json example response from the /User
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"CustomerRegistrationId": "b85d673a-0a68-eb11-a19e-005056b47960",
"EncryptedCustomerRegistrationId": null,
"Mg2RegistrationId": 712,
"RegistrationVerificationId": null,
"Tokens": null
"SessionId": "76d1ccfe-c5a3-4bd4-ad98-013ae7703014",
"RequestId": "0"
Address standardization
GET /Address/Standardization - this endpoint uses a service to standardize the entered address.
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
Street address that is checked.
City of address that is checked.
State of address that is checked.
Postal code of address that is checked.
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X GET '<>' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: GCI' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: WestPalmBeach' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: PO' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 2'
Response example
The following is a json example response from the /Address/Standardization
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"IsValidAddress": true,
"Reason": "",
"Address": {
"Address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW",
"Address2": null,
"HouseNumber": "1600",
"StreetName": "Pennsylvania",
"StreetSuffix": "Ave",
"PreDirect": "",
"PostDirect": "NW",
"AptUnit": "",
"AptNumber": "",
"UnitType": "",
"District": null,
"City": "Washington",
"State": "DC",
"ZipCode": "20500",
"ZipCode4": "0005",
"DPVCode": "AABB",
"SuiteStatus": "V",
"Suite": "",
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": "8",
"DPVFootnotes": "AABB",
"DeliveryPointCode": "00",
"CountyFips": "11001",
"LockBox": "",
"RouteService": "",
"Country": "US",
"CountryName": null,
"Msa": "",
"CarrierRoute": "C000",
"ParsedAddressKey": "0000001600000AVENWPENNSYLVNA000000020500",
"PakHash": "f0bc64e5cd67d63152e4617f13a0b04b",
"StandardizationError": " ",
"StandardizationErrorMessage": "No Error",
"StandardizationResult": "AC01,AC02,AC03,AS01",
"Latitude": "38.897199",
"Longitude": "-77.036548",
"CensusBlock": "1031",
"CensusTract": "006202",
"GeoCoderResult": "GS01",
"ParsedGarbage": "",
"AddressTypeCode": "S",
"AddressType": "Street",
"DependentLocality": null
"Suggestions": []
"SessionId": "2ad26292-4bfb-4f2d-8300-11efadc626ff",
"RequestId": "2"
Active check
POST /Subscription/ActiveCheck - this endpoint checks the subscriber has an active subscription
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
JSON object (see request example below).
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: GCI' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: WestPalmBeach' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: PO' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0' \\
-d '{
"LastName": "Sam",
"DeliveryHouseNumber": "561",
"DeliveryStreetName": "Island",
"DeliveryAptUnit": "",
"DeliveryPostalCode": "33480",
"Phone": "9999999999",
"OfferId": 9,
"Products": [
"ProductId": 100079,
"ExternalProductId": "100079",
"MerchantProductId": null
"StartType": 0
Response example
The following is a json example response from the Subscriptions/ActiveCheck
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"ProductsExist": false,
"ExistingProductIds": []
"SessionId": "851f643f-f389-4b2a-87e9-b8c01aa54998",
"RequestId": "0"
Start payment session
POST /Billing/PaymentSession/StartPaymentSession
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
JSON object (see request example below).
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: GCI' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: WestPalmBeach' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: PO' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0' \\
-d '{
"EventData": {
"EventId": 0,
"DateLocal": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"EventTypeId": null,
"EventTypeCode": null,
"AddDate": null,
"EditDate": null,
"Status": null,
"ReplyId": null,
"ReplyText": null,
"RetryCount": null,
"UserIPAddress": "",
"ComplaintCode": null,
"SubscriptionId": null,
"SubscriberId": null,
"SubscriptionProductId": null,
"ExternalSubscriptionId": null,
"ExternalSubscriberId": null,
"ExternalSubscriptionProductId": null,
"SubscriberNumber": null,
"PaperCode": "PO",
"EditionCode": null,
"AccountNumber": null,
"HHId": null,
"FirstName": null,
"LastName": null,
"Title": null,
"CompanyName": null,
"DeliveryAddressId": null,
"DeliveryAddress1": null,
"DeliveryAddress2": null,
"DeliveryCity": null,
"DeliveryCityCode": null,
"DeliveryState": null,
"DeliveryZip": null,
"DeliveryZip5": null,
"DeliveryZip4": null,
"DeliveryHouseNumber": null,
"DeliveryPreDirect": null,
"DeliveryStreetName": null,
"DeliveryStreetSuffix": null,
"DeliveryPostDirect": null,
"DeliveryUnitType": null,
"DeliveryRoute": null,
"FipsCode": null,
"MSACode": null,
"DMACode": null,
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"DeliveryUnitNumber": null,
"BillingTitle": null,
"BillingCompanyName": null,
"BillingFirstName": null,
"BillingLastName": null,
"BillingPhone": null,
"BillingPhoneAlternative": null,
"BillingEmail": null,
"BillingAddressId": null,
"BillingAddress1": null,
"BillingAddress2": null,
"BillingCity": null,
"BillingCityCode": null,
"BillingState": null,
"BillingZip": null,
"BillingZip5": null,
"BillingZip4": null,
"BillingHouseNumber": null,
"BillingPreDirect": null,
"BillingStreet": null,
"BillingStreetSuffix": null,
"BillingPostDirect": null,
"BillingUnitType": null,
"BillingUnitNumber": null,
"Phone": null,
"PhoneAlternative": null,
"Email": null,
"EmailNew": null,
"SubscriberStatus": null,
"ServiceCode": "SMTWTFS",
"ServiceCodeNew": null,
"ServiceTypeId": 79,
"ServiceTypeIdNew": null,
"Copies": null,
"BillingNumber": null,
"PromoCode": null,
"PromoSource": null,
"PromoSubSource": null,
"PromoCert": null,
"PromoCredit": null,
"DateStart": null,
"DateStop": null,
"StartSource": null,
"StartReason": null,
"StopSource": null,
"StopReason": null,
"RateCode": null,
"PlanCode": null,
"CurrentRate": null,
"CurrentBalance": null,
"BillingCycle": null,
"CreditCardType": null,
"CreditCardNumber": null,
"CreditCardExpirationMonth": null,
"CreditCardExpirationYear": null,
"CreditCardOwnerName": null,
"UALFlag": null,
"UALNumber": null,
"DeliveryAddressStandarizationError": null,
"BillingAddressStandarizationError": null,
"LoginName": null,
"LoginPassword": null,
"LoginNameNew": null,
"LoginPasswordNew": null,
"EZPayGiftType": null,
"UseDeliveryAddressForBillingAddress": null,
"Comments": null,
"DateEffective": null,
"ComplaintMemo": null,
"OrigStartDate": null,
"SundayPlus": null,
"RegistrationId": null,
"ParentEventId": null,
"OperatorId": null,
"DateLastPay": null,
"DatePaidThru": null,
"LastPayAmount": null,
"MiscTinyInt1": null,
"PremiumId": null,
"MagazineId": null,
"PromotionId": null,
"OfferId": 9,
"OfferGroupId": 6,
"EmailOffers": null,
"PaymentAmount": 31.99,
"TipAmount": null,
"EZPayFlag": true,
"OriginalEventId": null,
"ReturnToVendor": null,
"CSRProcessDate": null,
"PhoneType": null,
"CreditCardSecurityCode": null,
"CreditCardTransactionId": null,
"CreditCardAuthorizationNumber": null,
"DeliveryInstructions": null,
"DeliveryDisctrict": null,
"MiscCode": null,
"DeliveryDistrictId": null,
"BankAccountType": null,
"BankAccountNumber": null,
"RoutingNumber": null,
"BankInstitution": null,
"OperatorInitials": null,
"GiftFlag": null,
"Weeks": null,
"Publication": null,
"BusinessFlag": null,
"FullName": null,
"MiddleName": null,
"NameSuffix": null,
"NameAttention": null,
"PremiumCode": null,
"MagazineCode": null,
"DNC": null,
"Unlisted": null,
"BillCode": null,
"TransactionCode": null,
"PaymentType": null,
"DwellingType": null,
"SubscriptionType": null,
"DeliveryRoute2": null,
"ExportedToNP": null,
"NewspaperId": null,
"DonationAmount": null,
"PastDuePaymentAmount": null,
"PlanOfferCode": null,
"CSRId": null,
"CSRIdEdit": null,
"CurrentAmount": null,
"eEditionAmount": null,
"ChargeFlag": null,
"ProductId": null,
"RequestPageUrl": "<>",
"AutoRenewTip": null,
"AutoRenewDonation": null,
"PaymentSelectedAmount": null,
"AddressID": null,
"OccupantID": null,
"DTISubscriptionID": null,
"CampaignID": null,
"ActivationFee": null,
"SubscriptionAmount": 31.99,
"TaxAmount": null,
"CountryName": null,
"CreditCardToken": null,
"Currency": null,
"CountryCode": null,
"InternationalPhoneNumber": null,
"Sub3Code": null,
"eEditionAccess": null,
"CustomerRegistrationId": null,
"SolicitorQueueId": null,
"ActivationCode": null,
"VindiciaAccountId": null,
"VindiciaAutobillId": null,
"BillingSystemId": null,
"BillingSystemAccountId": null,
"SessionId": "Sq_ukFv3vnSnrgtGrhoQ77oRgyoTk4cp",
"SessionStart": null,
"SessionEnd": null,
"eEditionInstantAccessFlag": null,
"eEditionInstantAccessDays": null,
"RequestId": null,
"RequestBody": null,
"ComplaintId": null,
"TemporaryStopId": null,
"SourceSystem": null,
"CallerId": null,
"PaymentMethodId": null,
"TrackingCodes": null,
"Commission": null,
"EditSourceSystem": null,
"Reason": null,
"Resolution": null,
"SalesRepresentativeCode": null,
"MoveId": null,
"RewardCode": null,
"EntitlementId": null,
"StopId": null,
"MessageType": null,
"UpdateStartDate": null,
"UpdateStopDate": null,
"SolicitorUserId": null,
"SolicitorUserCode": null,
"SolicitorVendorId": null,
"SolicitorVendorName": null,
"SolicitorSmartSegment": null,
"ServiceTypeName": "7 Day Delivery",
"CustomCode1": null,
"CustomCode2": null,
"CustomCode3": null,
"CustomCode4": null,
"CustomCode5": null,
"CustomCode6": null,
"CustomCode7": null,
"CustomCode8": null,
"CustomCode9": null,
"CustomCode10": null,
"BillingSystemCode1": null,
"BillingSystemCode2": null,
"BillingSystemCode3": null,
"BillingSystemCode4": null,
"BillingSystemCode5": null,
"BillingSystemCode6": null,
"BillingSystemCode7": null,
"BillingSystemCode8": null,
"BillingSystemCode9": null,
"BillingSystemCode10": null,
"BillingSystemCode11": null,
"BillingSystemCode12": null,
"AttachmentFiles": null,
"BaseProductName": null,
"NextBillingCyclePrice": null,
"NextBillingDate": null,
"PaymentMethodType": null,
"BillingPlanDescription": null,
"LegacyAccountNumber": null,
"MarketCode": null,
"PresentationName": null,
"CouponCode": null,
"VacationSplitId": null,
"CircSystemId": null,
"CheckOutStep": "",
"AddDateLocal": null,
"EditDateLocal": null,
"OfferDisplayText": null,
"Tenant": null,
"ServerName": null,
"LocationId": null,
"LocationName": null,
"Notes": null,
"EncryptedEventId": null,
"PromotionCode": null,
"PromotionName": null,
"OfferName": null,
"OfferGroupName": null,
"TermsAndConditionsId": 0,
"EngagementRate": 0,
"EngagementRatePercentile": 0,
"TrialSubscription": null
"ProviderRequest": {
"PageName": "mg2sp_hpp_form_simple"
Response example
The following is a json example response from the /Billing/PaymentSession/StartPaymentSession
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"PaymentSessionId": null,
"ProviderResponse": {
"EdgilPaywayRequestId": "1661685794"
"EventId": 201375
"SessionId": "b8f307d6-a6ab-4e8e-8733-1a7e5e1d1bff",
"RequestId": "0"
End payment session
POST /Billing/PaymentSession/EndPaymentSession
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
JSON object (see request example below).
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: GCI' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: WestPalmBeach' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: PO' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0' \\
-d '{
"PaymentSessionId": null,
"ProviderRequest": {
"RequestId": "1101246335"
"EventData": {
"EventId": 0,
"DateLocal": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"EventTypeId": null,
"EventTypeCode": null,
"AddDate": null,
"EditDate": null,
"Status": null,
"ReplyId": null,
"ReplyText": null,
"RetryCount": null,
"UserIPAddress": "",
"ComplaintCode": null,
"SubscriptionId": null,
"SubscriberId": null,
"SubscriptionProductId": null,
"ExternalSubscriptionId": null,
"ExternalSubscriberId": null,
"ExternalSubscriptionProductId": null,
"SubscriberNumber": null,
"PaperCode": "PO",
"EditionCode": null,
"AccountNumber": null,
"HHId": null,
"FirstName": "Neetha",
"LastName": "Sam",
"Title": null,
"CompanyName": null,
"DeliveryAddressId": null,
"DeliveryAddress1": "561 Island Dr",
"DeliveryAddress2": null,
"DeliveryCity": "Palm Beach",
"DeliveryCityCode": null,
"DeliveryState": "FL",
"DeliveryZip": "33480",
"DeliveryZip5": null,
"DeliveryZip4": null,
"DeliveryHouseNumber": null,
"DeliveryPreDirect": null,
"DeliveryStreetName": null,
"DeliveryStreetSuffix": null,
"DeliveryPostDirect": null,
"DeliveryUnitType": null,
"DeliveryRoute": null,
"FipsCode": null,
"MSACode": null,
"DMACode": null,
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"DeliveryUnitNumber": null,
"BillingTitle": null,
"BillingCompanyName": null,
"BillingFirstName": null,
"BillingLastName": null,
"BillingPhone": "9999999999",
"BillingPhoneAlternative": null,
"BillingEmail": null,
"BillingAddressId": null,
"BillingAddress1": "561 Island Dr",
"BillingAddress2": null,
"BillingCity": "Palm Beach",
"BillingCityCode": null,
"BillingState": "FL",
"BillingZip": "33480",
"BillingZip5": null,
"BillingZip4": null,
"BillingHouseNumber": null,
"BillingPreDirect": null,
"BillingStreet": null,
"BillingStreetSuffix": null,
"BillingPostDirect": null,
"BillingUnitType": null,
"BillingUnitNumber": null,
"Phone": "9999999999",
"PhoneAlternative": null,
"Email": "",
"EmailNew": null,
"SubscriberStatus": null,
"ServiceCode": "SMTWTFS",
"ServiceCodeNew": null,
"ServiceTypeId": 79,
"ServiceTypeIdNew": null,
"Copies": null,
"BillingNumber": null,
"PromoCode": null,
"PromoSource": null,
"PromoSubSource": null,
"PromoCert": null,
"PromoCredit": null,
"DateStart": null,
"DateStop": null,
"StartSource": null,
"StartReason": null,
"StopSource": null,
"StopReason": null,
"RateCode": null,
"PlanCode": null,
"CurrentRate": null,
"CurrentBalance": null,
"BillingCycle": null,
"CreditCardType": null,
"CreditCardNumber": null,
"CreditCardExpirationMonth": null,
"CreditCardExpirationYear": null,
"CreditCardOwnerName": null,
"UALFlag": null,
"UALNumber": null,
"DeliveryAddressStandarizationError": null,
"BillingAddressStandarizationError": null,
"LoginName": null,
"LoginPassword": null,
"LoginNameNew": null,
"LoginPasswordNew": null,
"EZPayGiftType": null,
"UseDeliveryAddressForBillingAddress": null,
"Comments": null,
"DateEffective": null,
"ComplaintMemo": null,
"OrigStartDate": null,
"SundayPlus": null,
"RegistrationId": null,
"ParentEventId": null,
"OperatorId": null,
"DateLastPay": null,
"DatePaidThru": null,
"LastPayAmount": null,
"MiscTinyInt1": null,
"PremiumId": null,
"MagazineId": null,
"PromotionId": null,
"OfferId": 9,
"OfferGroupId": 6,
"EmailOffers": null,
"PaymentAmount": 34.23,
"TipAmount": null,
"EZPayFlag": true,
"OriginalEventId": null,
"ReturnToVendor": null,
"CSRProcessDate": null,
"PhoneType": null,
"CreditCardSecurityCode": null,
"CreditCardTransactionId": null,
"CreditCardAuthorizationNumber": null,
"DeliveryInstructions": null,
"DeliveryDisctrict": null,
"MiscCode": null,
"DeliveryDistrictId": null,
"BankAccountType": null,
"BankAccountNumber": null,
"RoutingNumber": null,
"BankInstitution": null,
"OperatorInitials": null,
"GiftFlag": null,
"Weeks": null,
"Publication": null,
"BusinessFlag": null,
"FullName": "Neetha Sam",
"MiddleName": null,
"NameSuffix": null,
"NameAttention": null,
"PremiumCode": null,
"MagazineCode": null,
"DNC": null,
"Unlisted": null,
"BillCode": null,
"TransactionCode": null,
"PaymentType": null,
"DwellingType": null,
"SubscriptionType": null,
"DeliveryRoute2": null,
"ExportedToNP": null,
"NewspaperId": null,
"DonationAmount": null,
"PastDuePaymentAmount": null,
"PlanOfferCode": null,
"CSRId": null,
"CSRIdEdit": null,
"CurrentAmount": null,
"eEditionAmount": null,
"ChargeFlag": null,
"ProductId": null,
"RequestPageUrl": "<>",
"AutoRenewTip": null,
"AutoRenewDonation": null,
"PaymentSelectedAmount": null,
"AddressID": null,
"OccupantID": null,
"DTISubscriptionID": null,
"CampaignID": null,
"ActivationFee": null,
"SubscriptionAmount": 31.99,
"TaxAmount": 2.24,
"CountryName": null,
"CreditCardToken": null,
"Currency": null,
"CountryCode": "US",
"InternationalPhoneNumber": null,
"Sub3Code": null,
"eEditionAccess": null,
"CustomerRegistrationId": null,
"SolicitorQueueId": null,
"ActivationCode": null,
"VindiciaAccountId": null,
"VindiciaAutobillId": null,
"BillingSystemId": null,
"BillingSystemAccountId": null,
"SessionId": "9egRa8Azo_VOJR5uP4qbFVG4RgeKhqbG",
"SessionStart": null,
"SessionEnd": null,
"eEditionInstantAccessFlag": null,
"eEditionInstantAccessDays": null,
"RequestId": null,
"RequestBody": null,
"ComplaintId": null,
"TemporaryStopId": null,
"SourceSystem": null,
"CallerId": null,
"PaymentMethodId": null,
"TrackingCodes": null,
"Commission": null,
"EditSourceSystem": null,
"Reason": null,
"Resolution": null,
"SalesRepresentativeCode": null,
"MoveId": null,
"RewardCode": null,
"EntitlementId": null,
"StopId": null,
"MessageType": null,
"UpdateStartDate": null,
"UpdateStopDate": null,
"SolicitorUserId": null,
"SolicitorUserCode": null,
"SolicitorVendorId": null,
"SolicitorVendorName": null,
"SolicitorSmartSegment": null,
"ServiceTypeName": "7 Day Delivery",
"CustomCode1": null,
"CustomCode2": null,
"CustomCode3": null,
"CustomCode4": null,
"CustomCode5": null,
"CustomCode6": null,
"CustomCode7": null,
"CustomCode8": null,
"CustomCode9": null,
"CustomCode10": null,
"BillingSystemCode1": null,
"BillingSystemCode2": null,
"BillingSystemCode3": null,
"BillingSystemCode4": null,
"BillingSystemCode5": null,
"BillingSystemCode6": null,
"BillingSystemCode7": null,
"BillingSystemCode8": null,
"BillingSystemCode9": null,
"BillingSystemCode10": null,
"BillingSystemCode11": null,
"BillingSystemCode12": null,
"AttachmentFiles": null,
"BaseProductName": null,
"NextBillingCyclePrice": null,
"NextBillingDate": null,
"PaymentMethodType": null,
"BillingPlanDescription": null,
"LegacyAccountNumber": null,
"MarketCode": null,
"PresentationName": null,
"CouponCode": null,
"VacationSplitId": null,
"CircSystemId": null,
"CheckOutStep": "04_billing_completed",
"AddDateLocal": null,
"EditDateLocal": null,
"OfferDisplayText": null,
"Tenant": null,
"ServerName": null,
"LocationId": null,
"LocationName": null,
"Notes": null,
"EncryptedEventId": null,
"PromotionCode": null,
"PromotionName": null,
"OfferName": null,
"OfferGroupName": null,
"TermsAndConditionsId": 0,
"EngagementRate": 0,
"EngagementRatePercentile": 0,
"TrialSubscription": null
Response example
The following is a json example response from the /Billing/PaymentSession/EndPaymentSession
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"PaymentSessionId": null,
"ProviderResponse": {
"PaymentSessionId": "1101246335",
"RequestId": 1101246335,
"Token": "037641186",
"AccountNumber": "411111******1111",
"Expiration": "1223",
"PaymentType": 1,
"First": "Neetha12",
"Last": "Sam112"
"EventId": 201376
"SessionId": "9695efc2-f6d9-4f23-a529-bb8669c2574f",
"RequestId": "0"
Create subscription
POST /Subscriptions - this endpoint creates the subscription after the user selects to submit the order
Code that designates the circulation system.
Code that designates the client.
Code that designates the newspaper.
Code that designates the application.
Defines where to look for the user. 1 = User Provider; 2 = Naviga's database; 0 User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
JSON object (see request example below).
Request example
The following is a cURL request example:
Copy curl \\
-X POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Accept: application/json' \\
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: MG2GroupStripe' \\
--header 'X-ClientCode: DTI' \\
--header 'X-PaperCode: MAA' \\
--header 'X-SourceSystem: {APPLICATION_NAME}' \\
--header 'Authorization: bearer {YOUR_TOKEN}' \\
--header 'X-RequestId: 0' \\
-d '{
"CustomerRegistrationId": "18928a75-6d65-eb11-a19e-005056b47960",
"EmailAddress": "",
"OfferId": 9,
"PromotionId": 0,
"PromotionCode": null,
"OfferGroupId": 6,
"GiftId": 0,
"DeliveryAddress": {
"AddressId": 0,
"ExternalAddressId": null,
"FullName": "Nathan Test",
"FirstName": "Nathan",
"LastName": "Test",
"Company": "",
"Address": "561 Island Dr",
"HouseNumber": null,
"StreetName": null,
"StreetSuffix": null,
"PreDirect": null,
"PostDirect": null,
"AptNumber": null,
"AptUnit": "",
"UnitType": null,
"District": null,
"City": "Palm Beach",
"CityCode": null,
"State": "FL",
"ZipCode": "33480",
"ZipCode4": null,
"DPVCode": null,
"SuiteStatus": null,
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": null,
"DPVFootnotes": null,
"DeliveryPointCode": null,
"CountyFips": null,
"Msa": null,
"PakHash": null,
"ParsedAddressKey": null,
"StandardizationError": null,
"StandardizationResult": null,
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"CensusBlock": null,
"CensusTract": null,
"GeoCoderResult": null,
"CarrierRoute": null,
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": "US",
"PhoneAC": null,
"PhoneEX": null,
"PhoneEXT": null,
"Phone": "9999999999",
"Route": null,
"Title": null
"BillingAddress": {
"AddressId": 0,
"ExternalAddressId": null,
"FullName": "Neetha Sam",
"FirstName": "Neetha",
"LastName": "Sam",
"Company": "",
"Address": "561 Island Dr",
"HouseNumber": null,
"StreetName": null,
"StreetSuffix": null,
"PreDirect": null,
"PostDirect": null,
"AptNumber": null,
"AptUnit": "",
"UnitType": null,
"District": null,
"City": "Palm Beach",
"CityCode": null,
"State": "FL",
"ZipCode": "33480",
"ZipCode4": null,
"DPVCode": null,
"SuiteStatus": null,
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": null,
"DPVFootnotes": null,
"DeliveryPointCode": null,
"CountyFips": null,
"Msa": null,
"PakHash": null,
"ParsedAddressKey": null,
"StandardizationError": null,
"StandardizationResult": null,
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"CensusBlock": null,
"CensusTract": null,
"GeoCoderResult": null,
"CarrierRoute": null,
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": "US",
"PhoneAC": null,
"PhoneEX": null,
"PhoneEXT": null,
"Phone": "9999999999",
"Route": null,
"Title": null
"PaymentTypeId": 1,
"CreditCard": {
"Type": "VISA",
"Number": "411111******1111",
"NumberFirstTwoDigits": "",
"NumberLastFourDigits": "4111",
"ExpirationMonth": "12",
"ExpirationYear": "23",
"SecurityCode": null,
"OwnerName": "Neetha12 Sam112"
"BankAccount": null,
"PayPalInfo": null,
"iTunesInfo": null,
"ApplePayInfo": null,
"GooglePlayInfo": null,
"AmazonInfo": null,
"ActivateEZPay": true,
"Amount": {
"AmountCharged": 34.23,
"ActivationFee": 0,
"TaxAmount": 2.24,
"SubscriptionCost": 31.99
"RecurringPaymentDayOfMonth": 0,
"PaymentMethodId": "037641186",
"CustomerId": null,
"StartDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": "1970-01-01T01:01:01",
"ValidateAddress": false,
"IgnoreRoutableErrors": true,
"IgnoreExistingSubscriberCheck": false,
"OptInForEedition": false,
"OptInPreviousSunday": false,
"OptOutOfDigitalContent": false,
"UserId": -1,
"StartType": "NewStart",
"TrialPeriodDays": 0,
"PassPeriodDays": 0,
"PassCode": "",
"SubscriptionId": 0,
"Products": [
"ExternalProductId": "100079",
"MerchantProductId": null,
"ProductQuantity": 1,
"ProductId": 0
"SalesPerson": null,
"ParentEventId": null,
"OfferCode": null,
"LegacyAccountNumber": null,
"PresentationName": "Default",
"CouponCode": null,
"StartReason": "",
"TransactionId": null,
"AuthorizationCode": null,
"OrderId": null,
"LocationName": null,
"LocationId": null,
"InitialCredit": null,
"EbillEmail": null,
"SalesTeamId": 0,
"SourceCode": null,
"BillingSubscriber": null,
"IsDigital": false,
"ApplePayPayload": null,
"SendEmail": null,
"OneTimeUseCode": null
Response example
The following is a json example response from the /Subscriptions
Copy {
"SubscriptionID": 444979,
"SubscriberID": 433515,
"EventId": 10786,
"AccountNumber": "3796617",
"PaymentAuthorizationCode": "888888",
"RedirectUrl": null