Bill Format

Naviga initially defines the format and contents of account invoices, invoice export files, and the Account Billing Journal. However, users have some flexibility and can change these settings—both in Business Rules and by using this option.

Business Rules contain a number of settings relating to the format and contents of account invoices and the Account Billing Journal. See the Account Invoice, Account Export, and Account Journal sections in Business Rules for more information.

Information that is included on the invoices and journal (known as billing areas—see the table below for a complete list) can be defined here.

Bill Area

Account Information

Not Valid

Advance Draw Charge

Draw, Recap

Draw, Recap, Summary

Advance Drop Comp

Detail, Recap

Detail Summary

Account compensation for advance drops

Advance Misc Charge

Detail, Recap

Detail, Recap, Summary

Advance miscellaneous charges.


Balances for each aging period.

Balance Forward

The account’s previous balance. Make this the first item that appears on the account bill.

Bill Message

Predefined billing messages.


Draw, Recap

Draw, Recap, Summary

A draw calendar for the insert draw bonus, summary, or recap by publication, district, etc., as specified in Recap Format.

Collection Message

Collection messages for overdue amounts.

Current Bill Amount

Amount of the current bill.

Debit Memo


Detail, Summary

Debit memos to offset credits interfaced to AP.

Discount Amount

Account discount (for prompt payment).

Draw Charge

Draw, Recap

Draw, Recap

Draw charges and credits for each route, or recap by publication, district, etc., as specified in Recap Format. Recap formats are useful for agents or bill-to accounts that have many routes and do not wish to see route-level detail.

Drop Compensation

Detail, Summary

Detail, Summary

Account compensation for drops. This is a recurring credit.

Drop Credit

Detail, Recap

Summary, Detail

Account drop credits for home delivery, based on drop rates.

Finance Charge

Not Valid

Finance charges.

GL Detail

Not Valid

Total, Recap, Both

A total for each GL account affected by the account in Circulation.

Levy Balance


Summary, Detail

The current balance of the account’s levies (summary and detail), and any miscellaneous adjustments to the levy balance (detail only).

Misc Charge

Detail, Recap

Detail, Recap

Miscellaneous charges and credits for each route or recap as specified in Recap Format.

Misc Charge Reversal

Detail, Recap

Detail, Recap, Summary

Advance miscellaneous charge reversals.

Net Due

Net amount due from the account if paid by due date.

Office Pay Audit

New Page, Continue

Office pay subscribers—starts on a new page or continues on same page.



Detail, Summary

Account payments.

Recurring Charge Bal

Recurring charge balances.


Draw, Recap

Draw, Recap

Draw returns for each route or recap as specified in Recap Format.

Returns Worksheet

All, Days, Summary

All—Full worksheet Days—Display only the seven days fields Summary—Display only the three totals fields

Running Subtotal (0-5)

Special Format 1 Special Format 2 Special Format 3

Active, All, Bill-To, Distrib, Other

Active, All, Bill-To, Distrib, Other

Active—Includes all accounts that match the sort criteria (e.g., if the sort criterion is truck, then any accounts found with the current truck/sequence are included). All—Includes all accounts. Bill-To—Includes accounts set up as “memo” and reports both t he memo bill and invoice. Distrib—Includes accounts set up as “single” or the memo portion of accounts set up as “memo.” Other—Includes accounts missed by “active” criteria or excluded from the primary selection for some other reason.

Total Due

Total amount due from the account according to aging.

User Defined Line (0-9)

Center, Left, Right

Center, Left, Right

To define a bill format:

  1. In character Circulation, select Bill Format from the Account Billing menu to display the Bill Format Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter



    Enter the bill area you wish to define. The areas are listed in the table below.



    Indicate if you are defining a bill format for the Account Invoice, Account Billing Journal, or Invoice Export.



    Indicate the type of bill for which this definition is valid. The Choices are single, memo, summary, or an asterisk (*) to indicate all types. Accounts are assigned a bill type of “single” or “memo” during account setup—see Account for more information. The “summary” setting is used only for bill-to accounts that have a bill type of “memo” (a summary invoice will be produced for the bill-to account, and memo invoices will be produced for each delivery account billed to them).



    Enter the company for which this bill format is valid. Enter an asterisk (*) to indicate all companies.



    Enter the bill source for which this bill format is valid. Enter an asterisk (*) to indicate all bill sources.


    integer (8)

    Specify the order in which this bill area should be printed on the account invoice, invoice export, or Account Billing Journal. Use increments of ten so additional areas can be defined later, if desired.


    open (30)

    When the display format for this bill area is for a single line (for example, for “Balance Forward”), enter the description, or heading, that should be printed on the same line as the item on the bill. This description is not used in exports.


    open (50)

    Enter the heading that should appear above the (potentially) multi-line bill area. You can incorporate the publication and route into the header by using tokens. For example, for the Miscellaneous Charges header, you might enter PUBLICATION <PUBL>, MISC CHARGES FOR ROUTE <ROUTE>.



    Indicate whether the items in the bill area should be subtotalled.



    If this bill area has more than one possible format, enter one of the formats for the bill area. Note that these formats have different meanings, depending on the bill area.



    If a display format of “Recap” is selected, indicate the level at which information should be recapped: publication, district, route type or route. Note that recapping at the “route” level is different from having a non-recap display format. For example, if a route was delivered by two carriers and had a bill-to account, the recap format would just list draw, returns, etc. for the route, while non-recap format would list draw for each delivery account separately.



    For a BILL REPORT of “export”, indicate the export format: delimited, fixed width, progress, or quoted.


    open (4)

    Enter the delimiter character(s), such as a pipe symbol ( | ). This field is required if the export format is “Delimited”, optional if the export format is “Progress” or “Quoted”, and skipped if the export format is “Fixed Width”.


    open (30)

    Enter the file name for the export.



    Indicate whether this bill area should be printed on the invoice or journal, or exported.

  3. Select Specifics | Draw Format, if appropriate, to further define the format (see below).

  4. If you are defining a format for Invoice Export, select Specifics | Export Element from the Bill Format Setup or Publication Draw Format screen to set up the appropriate file map (see Appendix B of the User Manual for a list of data elements that can be used in the invoice export).

  5. Select Accept to enter the format of the billing area and associated specifics into the database.

  6. Define another billing item, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Setup menu.

Specifics, Draw Format

Select this option to enter product-specific format information for the bill area. This determines format for draw at the calendar (daily) level.


Specifics | Draw Format information applies only to the following bill areas: Advance Draw Charge, Bonus, Draw Charge and Returns.

  1. Select Specifics | Draw Format from the Bill Format Setup screen to display the Publication Draw Format Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter



    Enter the product that should use this bill format for this bill area.



    Enter the desired draw format: calendar or recap. Recap will print summary information for daily draw. Calendar will print draw totals for every calendar day. Note that the “Advance Draw Charges” bill areas must have a “recap” draw format.


    open (50)

    If you entered calendar in Draw Format, enter the heading that should appear above the individual draw calendars (optional). This is discussed below.



    For a Bill Report of “export”, indicate the export format: delimited, fixed width, progress, or quoted.


    open (4)

    Enter the delimiter character(s), such as a pipe symbol ( | ). This field is required if the export format is “Delimited”, optional if the export format is “Progress” or “Quoted”, and skipped if the export format is “Fixed Width”


    open (30)

    Enter the file name for the export.



    Indicate whether the draw charge recap should print a draw charge subtotal.



    Indicate whether the draw credit recap should print a draw credit subtotal.



    Indicate if all delivery schedules should be combined into one calendar (rather than printing on separate calendars for each delivery schedule).



    Indicate if the draw should be combined for all routes for which an account is responsible or a separate calendar for each route.

  3. Select Accept to accept the format information.

  4. Enter format information for another publication that will use this bill area, or press F4 and select Exit to return to the Bill Format Setup screen.

Calendar Heading

If you enter calendar in Draw Format and enter a heading in Calendar Heading, the heading displayed depends on the following:

  • If neither delivery schedules nor routes are combined, the route and schedule are positioned at the beginning of the heading to form a new title for the draw calendars.

  • If delivery schedules are not combined, but routes are, this heading is appended to the delivery schedule to form a new heading which is displayed above the draw calendars.

  • If delivery schedules are combined but routes are not combined, the account and route are positioned at the beginning of the heading to form a new title for the draw calendars.

  • If both delivery schedules and routes are combined, the heading entered displays as the title for the draw calendars.

  • For draw charges and returns, if routes are not combined, you can enter <CARRIER> after your calendar heading. This will print the delivery account for the route above the calendar on invoices for non-delivery accounts.

  • You can enter <PUBL> in your calendar heading to print the name of the product above the calendar.

Specifics, Export Element

Select this option to control the file mapping elements of the invoice export. To learn more about file mapping, refer to File Map. To see a list of data elements that can be used in the invoice export, see Appendix B of the User Manual.

This menu option is available for both bill format setup and draw format setup, and the process is the same.

To set up file mapping elements of the invoice export:

  1. Select Specifics | Export Element from the Bill Format Setup screen to display the Export Element Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter


    integer (4)

    Enter the sequence order of this field as it relates to other fields in the record. We recommend giving the first field a sequence of 10, the second field 20, and so on, so additional fields can be inserted later if needed.



    Specify the DATA element that maps to this field in the format. Press F2 for a list of valid elements or see Appendix B of the User Manual for a list. If the field should be ignored by Circulation, enter “Filler” here.


    integer (3)

    If this is a fixed length format, enter the character length of this field.



    Some data elements have a variety of possible formats. For example, dates could have the format “dmy” (day, month, year), “mdy”, etc. If this field is open, press F2 and select the correct format for the data element.

  3. Select Accept to accept the format information.

  4. Enter format information for another publication that will use this bill area, or press F4 and select Exit to return to the Bill Format Setup screen.

Last updated