
About Demographics

Demographic information can be entered for account classes, addresses, occupants, subscribers or single copy routes:

  • Account demographics, which could be used for maintaining information specific to single copy accounts, agents, or home delivery carriers (e.g., emergency contact phone numbers for home delivery carriers).

  • Address demographics are statistics about the dwelling or the address location and might include the market value of the home, whether or not there is a swimming pool, the number of stories, the lot size, etc.

  • Occupant demographics provide information about the occupant and his or her buying habits, hobbies, family size, marital status, education, income, etc.

  • Subscriber demographics are similar to occupant demographics, but they are attached to the subscription (an occupant may have several subscriptions with different answers to subscriber demographics).

  • Subsource demographics can be used to track payroll, banking, rate, status, and availability data. A Specifics option in Subsource setup is used to attach the demographic questions to specific subsources.

  • Single copy demographics can indicate facts about the single copy outlet, such as whether it is a grocery store or gas station. Single copy demographics are used only for group draw changes (see the User Manual).

Address and occupant demographics are used in Targeted Marketing (the marketing of a commercial product to a selected group of addresses, either via mail or carrier delivery) to select a target audience to receive a product. By targeting different groups of people or addresses in your Circulation database, you can direct promotions to those who would be most receptive to them.

Examples of demographics that might be used for Targeted Marketing purposes include:

  • Female occupants whose homes are valued at over 250,000 for a fine jewelry advertisement (occupant demographic—female; address demographic—home value).

  • Apartment dwellers with incomes over 30,000 and who might be interested in buying a home (occupant demographic—income; address dwelling type—apartment).

  • College students who might be interested in receiving a subscription to your newspaper at a special rate if they sign up with MasterCard (occupant demographic—student).

Subscriber demographics can be used to identify subscribers when importing payments (For more information, see the User Manual).

Demographic questions and valid responses are set up here. The answers are entered for occupants, addresses and subscribers in Customer Service. They are entered for single copy routes in Route Service. These questions are usually asked by a telemarketer or a research questionnaire or purchased from an outside source (and brought into Circulation using List MatchPlus). Or, they may be asked by your Customer Service associates.

Setting up a demographic

To set up a demographic:

  1. In character Circulation, select Demographic from the Subscription menu to display the Demographic Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter


    open (20)

    Enter a demographic ID for each demographic question. Make sure the demographics IDs you specify here are descriptive, as they are the only items that display during Targeted Marketing selection; for example, “HOMEVALUE” is a descriptive address demographic about home values.



    Indicate if this demographic question is associated with an account, address, occupant, subscription, subsource or single copy route (snglcopy). Remember, if the information should move when the occupant moves, TYPE should be set to “occupant”.


    integer (10)

    Indicate the order in which this demographic question should display in the list of demographic questions that appear when demographic options are selected in Customer Service or Route Service. Number display orders by tens (10, 20, 30, etc.) so you can easily insert additional demographics.



    Enter the date range during which this demographic question should display. Leave END DATE blank if the question should always be asked.


    open (60)

    Enter the demographic question as it should appear on the Customer Service menus. Examples might include “What is your income?” and “How many cars do you own?”



    Indicate how this question will be answered: with a character, integer, decimal, logical—meaning “yes” or “no”—or date.



    Indicate if this demographic question requires an answer before a Customer Service associate can leave the answer field.



    If you want to limit read permissions for this demographic, enter the security group.



    If you want to limit write permissions for this demographic, enter the security group.



    This field is used by iServices to determine whether subscribers can answer this demographic via the internet (when they enter a contest).


    open (60)

    Enter any remarks for this demographic question.


    open (30)

    If MAP TO AUDIENCE is “y”, enter the Audience category here. The demographic will be exported to Audience with the category exported as the Question ID. In order to interface the demographic, the category must also be defined in Audience.

  3. Select Specifics | Demographic Value and enter valid values (answers) for this question (see below).

  4. Some demographics can have valid values defined for them in Specifics | Demographic Valid. For example, single copy demographics must have valid single copy types specified here.

  5. Select Accept to enter the question and all valid values into the database.

  6. Define more demographics, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Setup menu.

Specifics, Demographic Value

After you set up a demographic question, you will want to define valid answers. For example, if the question is “How many stories does your dwelling place have?”, the valid answers might be 1, 2, 3, and 4.


If you are setting up a single copy demographic with an answer type of “character”, you do not have to enter demographic values. If there are no demographic values set up, any answer can be entered for the question. This is useful if you want the answer to be something like a route ID or a PO number.

To define demographic values:

  1. Select Specifics | Demographic Value from the Demographic Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter



    The Demographic ID is displayed from the Demographic Setup screen.


    integer (10)

    Enter the order in which this response should display. Number responses by tens (10, 20, 30, etc.) so you can later insert additional demographics.


    open (12)

    A value is an answer to a demographic question. If the value is a character or logical value, or a single integer, decimal, or date value, enter it here.

    If the value is a range of integers, decimals, or dates, leave this field blank (you can enter range values in the fields below). You may use symbols for words to “reduce” the length of answers, such as “>” for greater than, “<” for less than, “+” for plus and “=” for equal to. Try to make the first letter/character or two of each answer unique so that during entry, an associate may select an answer by entering the first character. This field may be left blank for character demographics; if the value is blank, any answer may entered for the question.


    open (30)

    If this demographic can be answered in iServices (as indicated in the Enter On Web field on the Demographic Setup screen), enter the description that should display for this answer.



    If the value is a date range, enter the low and high values here.


    integer (7)

    If the value is a range of integers, enter the low and high values here.


    decimal (7)

    If the value is a range of decimals, enter the low and high values here.

  3. Select Accept to accept the answer for this question.

  4. Define more valid answers, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Demographic Setup screen.

Specifics, Demographic Valid

If you are setting up a single copy demographic, you must also select Specifics | Demographic Valid to specify the single copy types (e.g., bulk, dealer, office, rack) for which the demographic is valid. For example, you could limit a New Year’s demographic (“Are you open on New Year’s Day?”) so that it is displayed only for dealers, not racks or NIE routes. All single copy demographics need to be linked to at least one single copy type.

Subscriber demographics also use this specific to define the publications that the demographic can be used with. You can also specify valid ZIP Codes or routes for address demographics here.

  1. Select Specifics | Demographic Valid to display the Demographic Valid Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter



    The Demographic ID is displayed from the Demographic Setup screen.



    The demographic type (i.e., subscription, snglcopy, etc.) is displayed here.


    display / predefined

    The entity type is displayed here. For single copy demographics this will be “SnglCopyType” and for subscriber demographics this will be “Product”. For address demographics this field will be open and can be set to “ZipCode” or “Route”.



    Enter the single copy type, product, ZIP Code or route to which this demographic applies.



    Enter the first date on which this demographic is valid for this single copy type.



    Enter the last date on which this demographic is valid for this single copy type.

  3. Select Accept to link the single copy type, product, ZIP or route to the demographic.

  4. Specify more valid entities for this demographic, one at a time, or press F4 and select Exit.

Example—add an address demographic

Suppose that the following address demographic needs to be set up for Targeted Marketing purposes:

Demographic ID


What is the value of your home?

This question should be asked for a two-month period. You would enter the information in the Demographic Setup screen, as shown in the figure below. Note that Answer Type is “Integer”: the house value will be a non-decimal number.

Also note that you cannot Accept this record until you enter the valid responses to this demographic question by selecting Specifics and then Demographic Value. The figure below illustrates how our home value range would be entered.

Note that the Value field is left blank, and that the range is entered in the Low Integer and High Integer fields. The range does not have an upper limit, so we enter 9,999,999, the highest number possible.

Demographic ID
Display Order



What is the value of your home?

10,000 - 9,999,999


Example—add an occupant demographic

Suppose that the following occupant-related demographics need to be set up for Targeted Marketing purposes:

Demographic ID
Display Order



Is occupant a college student?







What type of credit card does occupant use most often?









These questions should be displayed (on the Customer Service screen) in the order listed and should be asked for a two-month period.

The figure below shows how the first question, for the demographic “Student”, would be entered. Since it is a “yes/no” question, the Answer Type should be logical.

For this demographic, the two valid answers that should be entered for this demographic are “yes” and “no”. The figure below shows the latter value being added (in Specifics | Demographic Value).

Once you have set up the Specifics information, you can Accept the “Student” demographic and enter the “Credit” demographic. Since the answer to the credit card question will be brands of credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.), the Answer Type will be “Character”.

Some of the valid responses you could enter for this demographic are “Visa,” “MasterCard,” “Discover,” and “None”.

Example—add a single copy demographic

For our single copy demographic example, let’s say we want a demographic that can be used to make draw changes for New Year’s Day. Many of the dealers will be closed New Year’s Day, so we will want to change their normal draw for that day to zero.

First, we add the demographic “newyear”. Note that Type is set to “SnglCopy” and the Answer Type is “logical”.

Next, the two answers (“yes” and “no”) are defined.

The third step is to link the demographic to valid single copy types—in this case, we want the demographic to appear only for dealers, as it does not pertain to other single copy types such as NIE and racks.

The single copy demographic is now ready to be answered by specific dealers. Group draw changes can then be made so that dealers who answer the demographic “no” (i.e., they will be closed on New Years) can have their draw set to zero on New Year’s Day.

Last updated