
  • 1. How should returns that exceed the quantity received on that day be handled? BCD (Client) This setting determines how Circulation deals with returns that exceed the draw amount for that day. If the returns exceed the draw, it may be useful to display a warning message to that effect on the screen during returns entry. This Business Rule can be set at the Business, Company, or Deliverable level.



    If a warning message should be displayed when the number of returns entered is greater than the number of papers received that day.


    If no warning message should appear when the number of returns entered is greater than the number of papers received that day.


    If no warning message should appear when the number of returns entered is greater than the number of papers received that day.

  • 2. Should returns that exceed the quantity received be split into authorized and unauthorized returns? BCD (Client)



    Any amount of returns that exceed the original draw amount (upon accepting the batch) will be considered unauthorized.


    Returns that exceed the original draw amount will still be considered authorized.

    if Yes:

    • 3. If returns that exceed the quantity received are split should the unauthorized returns be in a separate batch? BCD (Client) If the previous Business Rule is set to “yes,” the excess returns will be placed in a separate returns batch with a “+” symbol indicating that the batch contains excess returns.



      Excess returns should be placed in a separate returns batch.


      Excess returns should be in the same batch as other returns.

  • 4. Should payments be automatically created when a collection amount is entered? B (Client) The amount collected may be entered with the returns entry. This is primarily used when posting returns from racks. A payment may be automatically generated for the amount collected and applied to the bill-to account for the route.



    Create a payment for the collection amount entered.


    Do not create a payment for the collection amount entered.

  • 5. Should a warning display if returns or adjustments have already been entered for the same route on this day? BCP (Client) This option is helpful in warning of duplicate entry of returns.



    Display a warning if returns have already been entered for the same route on this date.


    Do not display a warning if returns have already been entered for the same route on the same draw date.

  • 6. When entering returns or adjustments for a week should the draw date represent the start or end of that week? B (Client) This Business Rule controls the Period End Date / Period Start Date field in the Returns for a Week window. If “End” is the setting for this Business Rule, the prefill dates are selected backward from the Period End Date. The other possible setting is “Start” (the default), which will change the field label to Period Start Date, and the prefill dates will be selected forward from this date.

  • 7. Which method should be used to determine the number of days to include in the returns entry prefill? BCD (Client) This Business Rule controls how the days to include in the prefill are selected. No matter which option is selected, the prefill days will be affected by the period start/end date entered in the header, as well as the returns rules defined in the Deliverable record (Returnable After and Return Days fields).


    All Allowable Days

    All allowable return days will be prefilled.

    Allowable Days Not Entered

    All allowable return days, except those days for which returns have already been entered, will be prefilled.

    First Week Allowable

    All allowable return days, up to 7 days, will be prefilled.


    Seven days will be prefilled.

  • 8. Should days that did not have any draw be enabled for entering returns? BCD (Client) Indicate whether returns can be entered on days in which there was no draw.



    Returns can be entered for days on which there was no draw.


    Returns can only be entered for days on which there was draw.

  • 9. Which unauthorized draw adjust code should be used for returns imported with an invalid edition? BCP (Client) An edition can be included in the returns import file, so that it may be validated during the import process. If returns are imported for an invalid edition, this draw adjust code will be assigned to the unauthorized returns. Note:

    Unauthorized returns must be assigned a draw adjustment code. This Business Rule and several that follow are used to assign a code to imported and/or entered returns that are unauthorized for various reasons. These codes must be set up in advance, and each Business Rule setting must be unique (i.e., the code used for one unauthorized reason can not be re-used for different unauthorized reasons).

  • 10. Which unauthorized draw adjust code should be used for returns that had no draw for the draw date? BCD (Client) If returns are imported or entered on a day with no draw, this draw adjust code will be assigned to the unauthorized returns.

  • 11. Which unauthorized draw adjust code should be used for returns that exceed the original draw? BCD (Client) If the imported or entered returns amount exceeds the original draw for a given day, this draw adjust code will be assigned to the unauthorized returns. The amount exceeding the original draw will not be credited to the account.

  • 12. Which unauthorized draw adjust code should be used for returns that are not received on time? BCD (Client) If imported or entered returns are not received on time, this draw adjust code will be assigned to the unauthorized returns.

  • 13. Which unauthorized draw adjust code should be used for returns that exceed the maximum return percentage? BCP (Client) If entered returns exceed the maximum return percentage defined in Setup, this draw adjust code will be assigned to the unauthorized returns. This Business Rule is used by the Returns for a Day and Returns for a Week options; it is not used by the Returns Import.

  • 14. When an imported return is unauthorized should a billing message be created for the route? B (Client) A billing message for the route can be generated automatically when an unauthorized return is identified during the import process.



    All accounts on the route for a given imported draw date will receive a billing message when a return is unauthorized (since the account who initiated the unauthorized return cannot be determined).

    Also, if the return is unauthorized because of an invalid publication, if accounts are set up to deliver different publications on the route, the billing message will be produced for each publication (since correct publication cannot be determined).


    An imported return that is unauthorized should not create a billing message.

  • 15. When processing a batch, how many records should be visible before the action changes to Accept/Reject/Suspend only? B (Client) This setting limits the number of rows visible when using Route Adjust. When a file is imported or a batch is created which is over the limit set here, the batch can only be accepted, rejected, or suspended. There is no option to modify any records if it is over the limit. Regardless of size, the accepted batch will be processed in the background. The default answer is “2000”.

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