Delivery Fee
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A delivery fee is an additional daily fee added to the cost of a subscription. A delivery fee may be added, for example, when delivery to a certain building or route is particularly difficult or time-consuming. The daily delivery fee is the same whether a subscriber receives one, two, or more copies per day. Delivery fees are amortized separately over the life of a subscription.
Delivery fees are added during the entry of a new start.
Note: There are restrictions when using delivery fees. The restrictions are listed on the next page.
Select Delivery Fee from the Accounting | Subscription Rates menu to display the Delivery Fee window.
Click the Add Delivery Fee icon and complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter an ID for the delivery fee.
open (30)
Enter a description of the delivery fee.
Enter the date range during which this delivery fee can be used.
decimal (6.2)
Enter the daily delivery fee amount that will be added to the subscription charge.
open (40)
Indicate which GL account should be used for the delivery fee.
Click OK to save the information, or click Add Another to both save the information and begin adding another delivery fee.
Delivery fees cannot be used with taxable subscriptions. When entering a new start for a taxable subscription, the Delivery Fee combo box will not be available.
The delivery fee code cannot be changed or removed for an active subscriber.
Campaign renewals for combo subscriptions can not be entered for non-combo subscriptions that have delivery fees.
Overriding the term and length of a payment transaction is not allowed for subscribers who have been assigned a delivery fee. The term and length are disabled when entering or modifying payments for these subscribers.
When grace is paid off for a delivery fee subscriber, the “Before Purchase” grace-payoff method will be used even if the Business Rule, How should grace be paid off when a payment is received? (Subscriber Payments section), is set to “After Purchase,” “Best Deal,” or “Best Deal if Rate Chg.”
The maximum vacation pack and vacation pack days logic does not support delivery fees. This means that you will not be able to use delivery fees with subscribers who have half or full vacation pack days along with a maximum amount defined in rate term setup.
In an environment that uses delivery fees, all new starts entered via iServices will be suspended so that a delivery fee can be assigned manually to each one. The Business Rule, What is the default delivery fee code for a new start? (Subscriber - Web: Start section), identifies the default delivery fee to be assigned to these suspended new starts.