
The Business Rules in this section have meaning only if you have activated the TicketSauce add-on.

  • 1. If using Events, what is the host name for the Events service? Enter the host name for the Events service.

  • 2. If using Events, what is the port number of the Events service? Enter the port number for the Events service.

  • 3. If using Events, what is the API Key for the Events service? Enter the API Key for the Events service.

  • 4. If using Events, what is the stage of the Events service? Default Value: prod Enter the stage for the Events service.

  • 5. If using Events, what is the AWS API key for the Events service? Enter the AWS API key for the Events service.

  • 6. If using Events, what is the company ID for the Events service? Enter the company ID for the Events service.

  • 7. If using Events, what is the AWS Access key for the Events service? Enter the AWS Access key for the Events service.

  • 8. If using Events, what is the AWS Secret key for the Events service? Enter the AWS Secret key for the Events service.

  • 9. If using Events, what is the AWS Region for the Events service? Enter the AWS Region for the Events service.

  • 10. If using Events, what is the AWS IAM Role for the Events service? Enter the AWS IAM Role for the Events service.

  • 11. What is the maximum number of events to display in the past? Default Value: 3 This BR controls the Events Purchased section of the Events tab. It should control the maximum number of past events to be displayed. This applies to events that the user had attended.

  • 12. How many days in the past should events display? Default Value: 30 This BR controls the Events Purchased section, limiting the displayed events to a certain number of days. If this is set to 30, any events that occurred 31 days or more in the past should not display.

  • 13. What is the maximum number of events to display in the future? Default Value: 3 This BR controls the Upcoming Events section, determining how many future events should be displayed.

  • 14. How many days in the future should events display? Default Value: 999 This BR controls the Upcoming Events section, and limits the displayed events to a certain number of days in the future. If this is set to 60, users will not see events 61 or more days away.

Last updated