Edition Model

When setting up a route, you specify the edition the route will deliver on each day of the week. For example, route 12 might deliver the “Final” edition Monday through Friday, and the “Early” edition on the weekend. However, on certain days the route might have a different edition—say Christmas is on a Monday and the newspaper offices will be closed, so the “Early” edition is delivered to the route the night before. On this particular Monday, then, the “Early” edition is delivered instead of the “Final”. In Circulation, this exception is handled by an “alternate edition model”. Alternate edition models are set up to specify the editions routes will deliver special occasions, such as holidays, election days, etc. They work like this:

  • Alternate edition models are set up with this option, EDITION MODEL, and linked to specific publications.

  • During route setup, you indicate the edition the route should deliver when the alternate edition model is used.

  • On a particular publishing day, you can override the normal editions for the publishing run and instead use an alternate edition model. This is done in EDITION OVERRIDE on the Publishing menu.

  • Edition overrides can also be used in the advance publishing run, if you have separate publishing runs for each section. Edition models can be assigned to individual sections on a permanent basis in Paper Section setup.


Alternate editions can be specified for routes only. Label groups (for mail subscribers) do not have alternate editions.

To set up an alternate edition model:

  1. In character Circulation, select Edition Model from the Products menu to display the Edition Model Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

  3. Select Specifics to link the edition model to a publication (see below).

  4. Select Accept to enter the edition into the database.

  5. Set up other models, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Setup menu.

Specifics, Edition Model Publication

Select this specific to link an alternate edition model to one or more publications, and specify which truck sequence and truck departure sequence should default when the model is used. More than one product may have the same model. During initial setup, you will not be able to link an alternate edition model with a publication until publications are set up.

  1. Select Specifics | Edition Model Publ from the Edition Model Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

  3. Select Accept to link the publication with the alternate edition model.

  4. Link the model with other publications, or press F4 and select Exit to return to the Edition Model Setup screen.

Last updated
