Departure Sequence
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The departure sequence defines the order in which bundle tops and truck manifests print and, subsequently, the order in which trucks depart from the dock. You may define more than one departure sequence, if necessary. For example, there may be one truck departure sequence for the Mon-Sat newspaper and one for the Sunday newspaper. The departure sequence is defined for a publishing day during the publishing run. Business Rules determine the default departure sequence to be used when printing the Account Billing Journal.
In character Circulation, select Distribution | Truck | Departure Sequence to display the Departure Sequence Setup screen.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter a departure sequence ID for the truck departure sequence you are defining, such as “Daily” or “Sunday”.
open (30)
Enter a description of this departure sequence.
Select Specifics and enter the trucks that belong to this departure sequence (see below).
Select Accept to enter the departure sequence and related specifics into the database. Note that you cannot Accept this record until you enter the “specifics” information.
Set up another departure sequence, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Setup menu.
To assign individual trucks to a departure sequence:
Select Specifics | Truck Departure from the Departure Sequence Setup screen to display the Truck Departure Setup screen.
Select Add and enter data in the fields described below.
The departure sequence entered on the Departure Sequence Setup screen is displayed.
integer (10)
Enter the departure order for one of the trucks in this sequence. This determines the order in which the bundle tops and truck manifest for this truck will be printed relative to the other trucks. Give trucks departure order numbers in increments of 10 or 100 (10, 20, 30, etc.). This way, a new truck can be inserted between two numbers. When you enter the departure sequence for relay trucks, ensure that the departure order for the first relay truck is before the next truck. For example, if Truck A drops papers to Truck B, Truck A’s departure order must precede Truck B’s so that bundle labels and truck manifests print in the correct order.
Enter a date range for this truck departure sequence.
Enter the truck that uses this departure order in this departure sequence.
Indicate whether a new spool file should be created once this truck’s bundle tops have printed. Enter “y”, for example, if you print bundle tops at more than one printer at the same time.
open (2)
Enter the chute ID for the truck that uses this departure order in this departure sequence.
Indicate with whether the key or split key bundle size calculation should be used for this truck. The key option will produce one key bundle, while the split key option will produce two key bundles (a key bundle is the odd sized bundle in a group of standard bundles). An example of a “split key” calculation: Suppose the standard bundle size is 25, the maximum is 25, and the minimum is 13. If the draw for this truck is 155, you would have 5 bundles of 25, a split key bundle of 16 and a split key bundle of 14.
If bundle tops print for both keys and standards (PRINT KEY BUNDLES ONLY set to “never” in Enter Bundle Info), this field determines whether standard or key bundles print first for the truck.
Select with route, which will cause the key bundle(s) to be printed with the route, or end of truck, which will cause the key bundles to print at the end of the truck.
Select Accept to accept departure order information about a specific truck.
Add other trucks into the departure order, or press F4 and select Exit to return to the Departure Sequence Setup screen.