• 1: Does your circulation vary significantly from weekday to weekday requiring specific days to be reported separately? BCP (Non) The Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) may require you to provide separate circulation totals for a specific day of the week. If the circulation totals for a day vary by 15% or more, that day must be reported separately from the other days. If so, set this rule to “yes,” which will cause the Circulation History report to break out the totals for those days. This affects the Circulation History report only, not the other AAM reports.



    If you must provide AAM with separate circulation totals for a specific day of the week.


    If AAM does not require you to provide separate circulation totals for a specific day of the week. This is the on-premises default

    If Yes:

    • 2: Which day(s) of the week must be reported separately to AAM? BCP (Client) Enter the day(s) of the week for which the Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) requires you to provide separate circulation totals. Enter one or more of “Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa” separated by commas, or press F2 and select the days. Enter “:” or press F2 again to designate another group of one or more days. For example, if Saturday and Sunday should be reported separately in one group and Wednesday in another, you would enter “su,sa:we”. This would cause Saturday and Sunday’s circulation figures to be grouped together in one total, Wednesday’s in another, and the remaining days in a third total.

  • 3: Which days of the week should be combined in the first combined column on the AAM Paid and Qualified History report? BCP (Client) This and the following two settings identify which days of the week should be combined in the first, second, and third combined columns of the AAM Paid and Qualified History report.

  • 4: Which days of the week should be combined in the second combined column on the AAM Paid and Qualified History report? BCP (Client)

  • 5: Which days of the week should be combined in the third combined column on the AAM Paid and Qualified History report? BCP (Client)

  • 6: Do you want to store AAM circulation history by ZIP code or by ZIP by town? BCP (Non) AAM circulation history information is automatically stored by AAM zone and Town of 25 ID. It may be also stored at the Zip code level, if desired, based on this setting. If you enter “By ZIP” here, the Paragraph 3 Report by Zip Code will list one town (the primary city) for each Zip code. If you enter “By ZIP By Town”, you will run a different report, the Paragraph 3 Report by Zip By Town report, which lists each town in the Zip code. If you enter “Neither”, you will not be able to create either report.


    By ZIP

    If AAM circulation history should be stored by Zip code. This is the on-premises default.

    By ZIP By Town

    If AAM circulation history should be stored by each town within a Zip code.


    If AAM circulation history should not be stored by Zip code.

  • 7: Do you want to store AAM history by price levels? BCP (Non) The AAM allows discounted subscriptions to be reported in separate categories: paid circulation at 50% or more of the basic price, paid circulation at 25% - 49% of the basic price, and other paid circulation. If you break your AAM reporting down by these price levels, this rule should be set to “yes”, so that AAM information is kept at the price level. If you do not do AAM reporting by price level, enter “no” here.



    AAM history should be stored by price level, so that AAM reports can separate price level categories. If you enter “yes”, the following rules become active for entering AAM price levels for different draw types.


    AAM history does not need to be stored by price level. This is the on-premises default.


    AAM price level setup can be done, but the AAM reports will not use price levels. You can use this setting when first defining price levels, then switch to “yes” when setup is complete.

    If Yes:

    • 8: What is the default AAM price level for office pay draw? BCP (Client)

    • 9: What is the default AAM price level for carrier collect draw? BCP (Client)

    • 10: What is the default AAM price level for paid comp draw? BCP (Client)

    • 11: What is the default AAM price level for third party sponsored draw? BCP (Client)

    • 12: What is the default AAM price level for single copy draw? BCP (Client)

    • 13: What is the default AAM price level for bulk draw? BCP (Client) AAM price levels can be assigned to subscriber rate codes or single copy routes. If the rate code or single copy route is not assigned an AAM price level, however, the default price level defined here will be used. The price level entered should be the one that will cover the majority of your rates or single copy draw (for example, “full paid”). This will save you the effort of having to modify all of your subscriber rate codes and single copy routes to manually assign a price level. Note that the bulk draw setting refers to draw for single copy routes that have a single copy type whose AAM type is “bulk”.

    • 14: What is the default AAM price level for day pass draw? BCP (Client)

    • 15: What is the AAM price level for single copy other paid draw? BCP (Client) One of the price level categories defined by the AAM is “other paid circulation”. The price level used for other paid circulation is defined here; single copy routes assigned to the price level entered for this setting will appear in the “Other Paid” section of the AAM reports.

  • 16: Is your circulation audited by AAM? P (NCS) This setting allows you to indicate whether or not a publication is audited for AAM. This will have an effect when setting up routes.



    Users will be required to enter AAM Town of 25 and DistribPointZip percentages that total 100% when setting up routes.


    Users will be allowed not to enter AAM Town of 25 and DistribPointZip percentages but, if percentages are entered, they must total 100%.

  • 17: Which draw adjustment code should be used when creating draw adjustments to restate AAM history? BCP (Client) If you use the Restate AAM History report, you should have a separate draw adjustment code specifically for the batches created by this menu option. Set this Business Rule to that draw adjust code. The setting of this Business Rule can be any valid draw adjust code for which:

    • Adjust AAM History? = Yes

    • Return? = No

    • Authorized? = No

    • Charge Account? = No

    • Charge Code (Sun-Sat) = All charge codes (i.e., no credit codes)

  • 18: Which draw adjustment code should be used when creating draw adjustments in Digital Access Draw? BCP (Client) If you use Digital Access Draw to create or move AAM history for digital draws within a combo, specify a draw adjustment code here. This adjustment code will be used to process adjustment change batches created by Digital Access Draw. You will not be able to enter other draw adjustments for this code, unless allowed by Transaction Security (the "DigiAccDrawAdj" item).

  • 19: Should Digital Access Draw count one or multiple copies when digital subscribers access multiple platforms in a day? BCP (Client) Digital Access Draw can count accesses by a subscriber for the same product and date on multiple platforms as multiple copies, rather than one copy, when calculating digital draw. For example, if a subscriber accessed a publication via a mobile phone three times and a laptop once on the same date, it could count as two copies for AAM reporting, rather than one.



    Digital Access Draw will count one copy per access platform for the same subscriber, publication and date.


    Digital Access Draw will only count one copy per subscriber for a publication and date.

  • 20: Which draw adjustment code should be used when changing paid draw to unpaid draw for ‘did not order’ subscriptions? BCP (Client) When a “did not order” reason code is used for a stop transaction, the draw is converted from “paid” to “unpaid”. This setting identifies the draw adjust code to use for the conversion. The setting of this Business Rule can be any valid draw adjust code for which:

    • Adjust AAM History? = Yes

    • Return? = No

    • Authorized? = No

    • Charge Account? = No

    • Charge Code (Sun-Sat) = All charge codes (i.e., no credit codes)

  • 21: Which AAM column should be used for reporting ‘did not order’ unpaid comp draw? BCP (Non) AAM history is changed to unpaid when processing a stop transaction with a “did not order” stop reason. The benefit of this adjustment is that manual changes are not required to report AAM history properly. This setting identifies the AAM column under which unpaid comp draw created by stop transactions entered with “did not order” reason codes should be reported. For Cloud sites this defaults to “DNO”.

The following three Business Rules must be set in order to create a suspended batch of draw adjustments to restate AAM when running the Grace Writeoff report (i.e., the Is Writeoff Now Unpaid? checkbox).

  • 22: Which draw adjustment code should be used when changing paid draw to unpaid draw while writing off grace? BCP (Client) The setting of this Business Rule can be any valid draw adjust code for which:

    • Adjust AAM History? = Yes

    • Return? = No

    • Authorized? = No

    • Charge Account? = No

    • Charge Code (Sun-Sat) = All charge codes (i.e., no credit codes)

    It is best if a new draw adjustment code is created specifically for use with these draw adjustment batches.

  • 23: Which AAM column should be used for reporting grace writeoff unpaid comp draw? BCP (NCS) The AAM column entered here will be used for any draw being restated where the adjustment occurs after the AAM close date.

  • 24: Which AAM column should be used for reporting grace writeoff unpaid comp draw written off before the AAM close date? BCP (NCS) The AAM column entered here will be used for any draw being restated where the adjustment occurs on or before the AAM close date.

  • 25: Which delivery schedule should be used when running Restate AAM History to add qualified digital access draw? BCP (Client) When restating AAM history, draw can be added for route- or mail-delivered subscribers who also have digital access history, by using the restate type of “Add Qualified Digital Access.” The setting of this Business Rule identifies the delivery schedule to which the draw will be added.

  • 26: Which publication should update AAM history for this combined publication? P (Client) This setting is used to specify the “reporting” publication for a combined publication’s AAM history. This setting affects AAM history when publishing runs are ended and when draw adjustments and returns are accepted. The default setting is to update and report AAM history using the combined publication (in which case, this setting would be either blank or the combined publication).

  • 27: Do you want End Publ Run to track subscriptions that don't meet AAM's digital incremental pricing requirements? BCP (NCS) When this Business Rule is set to “no,” End Publ Run will skip the creation of records needed for restating AAM.



    End Publ Run will track digital subscriptions that do not meet incremental pricing requirements.


    End Publ Run will not track digital subscriptions for AAM purposes unless they meet incremental pricing requirements.

    Note: The default setting of this Business Rule is “no,” and it can be changed to “yes” without issue. However, Naviga does not recommend changing this setting from “yes” back to “no” without assistance. If a user attempts to do so, a warning to this effect will be displayed. Please contact the Naviga Support Center if you need to do this for any reason.

  • 28: When should End Publ Run start tracking subscriptions that don’t meet AAM’s digital incremental pricing requirements? BCP (NCS) Use this Business Rule to specify the date on which subscriptions should start should start being considered for AAM restatement. The default setting is 10/01/2011.

  • 29: Do you want End Publ Run to track subscriptions that qualify for a combo product, but are not assigned to the combo? BCP (NCS) This setting determines if the End Publ Run process will track, for AAM restating purposes, the subscriptions that qualify for a combo but are not assigned to it.



    End Publ Run will track subscriptions that qualify for a combo for AAM reporting purposes, even if they are not assigned to the combo.


    End Publ Run will not track subscriptions with a combo for AAM purposes unless the subscription is assigned to the combo.

  • 30. Should the paragraph 3 reports include unpaid draw? BCP (Client) This setting determines whether unpaid draw is included in the Paragraph 3 reports. The default setting is “No.” Canadian AAM requires that the Paragraph 3 reports include unpaid draw, and so Canadian sites will typically change this answer to "Yes."



    The Paragraph 3 reports will include unpaid draw.


    The Paragraph 3 reports will not include unpaid draw.

  • 31. What is your AAM member number? BCP (Client) The member number is only needed if you will be filing AAM reports electronically. It is exported in the Member # field in the Paragraph 3 by Zip export file.

  • 32. If a day pass is also valid for the next publishing day, should it count for both days in AAM history? BCP (Client) If you offer day passes, you can count a day pass as a single day (copy), but because it is a 24-hour period and readers can typically access the website on two different days, AAM allows a day pass to be counted as two copies.



    The day pass will count for two copies in AAM history.


    The day pass will only count for one copy in AAM history.

Last updated