Using this manual

The Setup Manual is organized according to the menu structure of Circulation Setup—each submenu on the main Setup menu is a chapter in the manual. Each chapter has an introductory section which ties together the menu items that will be discussed and relates them to the functioning of the system as a whole. The rest of the chapter discusses each menu option in order. The discussion has four basic parts:

  • An introductory section explains the use of the option.

  • A numbered procedure describes how to add the particular setup item.

  • The fields are listed in a table with three columns:

    • The “Field” column gives the field name.

    • The “Type” column indicates the field type (open, integer, decimal, setup, predefined, yes/no, date, display). In the case of an open, integer, or decimal field, the length of the field is also indicated.

    • The “What to enter” column describes the type of information that should be entered in the field.

  • Within the procedure, the screen is shown, with an example of an item being added.

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