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1. What is the override name for the Area reporting level? B (Client) A number of Circulation reports sort by area and region (routes belong to districts, which belong to distrib zones, which belong to regions which, finally, belong to areas). This rule and the next allow you to relabel areas and regions for reporting purposes. For example, instead of area and region, you might want your reports to print “department” and “sector”. If so, enter your label for areas here. The default is “Area”.
You should not use “region”, “zone”, “district” or “route” as labels for areas.
2. What is the override name for the Region reporting level? B (Client) If you want to rename the reporting level of region to something else, enter your label here. The default is “Region”.
3. When printing reports by district, should there be a page break between the districts? BCP (Client) There are many Circulation reports that sort by district. This setting determines whether the report should begin a new page whenever there is a new district.
Each district will start on its own page.
A new district will not start a new page.
4. Which sort sequence should be used for printing the Office Pay Audit report? BCS (Client) The office pay audit list may be printed in subscriber account, address, or name order.
If the office pay audit should print in account order.
If the office pay audit should print in address order.
If the office pay audit should print in name order.
5. What is the first print position for office pay status cards? BCP (Client) This refers to the distance from the left edge of the paper to the first column on the carrier prepaid status card where printing should begin. There are 10 characters (columns) per inch horizontally. The default value is 1. Information that Circulation prints on the office pay status cards is shown in the box below. Data shown in parentheses prints without a heading (for example, subscriber name and address).
Note: You may have other information pre-printed on the office pay status cards, such as a header “PAID IN OFFICE” or “PREPAID”.
You define where the information should begin printing on the first and, if applicable, second cards.
6. What is the first print line for office pay status cards? BCP (Client) Your printer may be capable of printing on the first line of the carrier office pay status card, but you may prefer that printing begin, for example, on line 3. Enter the line number on which printing should begin on the carrier office pay status cards. There are 6 lines per inch. The default is line 4.
7. What is the last print line for office pay status cards? BCP (Client) Your printer may be capable of printing on the last line of the carrier office pay status card, but you may prefer that the last line of printing be, for example, on line 10. Enter the last line number on which printing should appear on the carrier office pay status cards. There are 6 lines per inch. The default is line 16.
8. What is the exact form length in inches for office pay status cards? BCP (Client) Account office pay status cards may not be a standard form length of 8.5 inches. They are often printed on continuous-form 3.5” x 5” cards. Indicate the exact form length here. The default form length is 4.25 inches.
9. What is the print order of the office pay status cards? BCP (Client) Office pay status cards may be printed in ascending truck or route order.
Ascending truck
If office pay status cards should be printed in ascending truck order.
If office pay status cards should be printed in route order.
10. What is the number of office pay status cards across one page? BCP (Client) This defines the number of office pay status cards there are going across the page. The default value is 1.
There is one prepaid status card going across the page.
There are two prepaid status cards going across the page.
11. What is the starting print position of the second office pay status card? BCP (Client) If there are two prepaid status cards going across the page, this refers to the distance from the left edge of the first prepaid status card to the first column on the second prepaid status card where printing should begin. There are 10 characters (columns) per inch horizontally. The default value is 0.
12. What is the first print position on the collection card? BCP (Client) This refers to the distance from the left edge of the paper to the first column on the carrier collection card where printing should begin. There are 10 characters (columns) per inch horizontally. The default value is 9.
13. What is the first print line on the collection card? BCP (Client) Your printer may be capable of printing on the first line of the carrier collection card, but you may prefer that printing begin, for example, on line 3. Enter the line number on which printing should begin on the carrier collection cards. There are 6 lines per inch. The default is line 4.
14. What is the last print line on the collection card? BCP (Client) Your printer may be capable of printing on the last line of the carrier collection card, but you may prefer that the last line of printing be, for example, on line 10. Enter the last line on which printing should appear on the carrier collection card. There are 6 lines per inch. The default is line 10.
15. What is the exact form length in inches for collection cards? BCP (Client) Carrier collection cards may not be a standard form length of 8.5 inches. They are often printed on continuous-form cards. Indicate the exact form length here. The default length is 8 inches.
16. What is the print order of the carrier collection cards? BCP (Client) Carrier collection cards may be printed in ascending truck or route order.
If carrier collection cards should be printed in ascending truck order.
If carrier collection cards should be printed in route order.
17. What is the number of collection cards across one page? BCP (Client) This defines the number of carrier collection cards there are going across the page.
There is one carrier collection card going across the page.
There are two carrier collection cards going across the page.
18. What is the starting print position for the second collection card? BCP (Client) If there are two carrier collection cards going across the page, this refers to the distance from the left edge of the first carrier collection card to the first column on the second carrier collection card where printing should begin. There are 10 characters (columns) per inch horizontally. The default value is 52.
19. What is the width of the address and name lines that print on collection cards? BCP (Client) This defines the maximum width available for the address line on the carrier collection cards. The default value is 30 characters.
20. Should carrier collect cards print on a label or a card? BCP (Client) Carrier collection cards may be printed on labels or cards. Depending on the design of the carrier collection cards, it may not be practical to print directly on the cards; therefore, you may print labels which can then be attached to the collection cards.
If carrier collection cards are printed on cards.
If carrier collection cards should be printed on labels which may then be attached to the collection cards.
Information that Circulation prints on the carrier collection card is shown in the box below. There are no headings on this card:
You define where the Circulation information should begin printing the first and, if applicable, second cards.
Note: You may have other information pre-printed on the collection cards, such as the name of your newspaper and/or receipts.
If you print collection cards on labels, Circulation prints similar information:
21. Will PostWare be used to print vacation pack labels? BCP (Client) Vacation pack labels can be used to manage vac packs (newspapers kept by the carrier or DM while the subscriber is on vacation). The labels, one for each subscriber receiving a vac pack, can be given to carriers to remind them to hold the vac pack subscriptions. Vacation pack labels can be produced via PostWare or exported to an ASCII file (which can be imported into another application, such as a word processing program, and then printed). This setting determines how vacation pack labels are produced.
PostWare should be used to produce vacation pack labels.
Vacation pack labels should be exported to an ASCII file.
If Yes:
22. What is the name of the job file to use for vacation packs? BCP (Client) If you are using PostWare to print vacation pack labels, you must set up a label job file for the vacation pack labels in PostWare. Enter the name of that job file here.
23. Are you reporting separate totals for a specific day on the Unearned Revenue report? BCP (Client) The revenue may be reported separately on a selected day of the week on the Unearned Revenue Report. For example, you may want Sunday unearned revenue listed separately from the other days of the week.
If you report revenue separately for one day on the Unearned Revenue Report.
If one revenue total is needed.
If Yes:
24. Which day of the week must be reported separately on the Unearned Revenue report? BCP (Client) Because the paper is often substantially larger on one day of the week (typically Sunday), the Unearned Revenue report will break out one day of the week as its own column. For this rule, enter the day of the week for which revenue should be reported separately. The default is Sunday.
25. Which additional day should report earned revenue separately to the General Ledger? BCP (Client) This setting determines an additional break-out day for reporting earned revenue. Select a day of the week; the default setting is Blank.
26. Should an error or warning be generated if a gap in dates is found between the last period and current period? B (Client) When running the Unearned Revenue or Grace Due report, an “Error” (the default) or “Warning” can be generated if a date gap exists between the last period and the current period. For the Unearned Revenue report, this validation occurs when the Create GL checkbox is selected; the system will check for any revenue record for the start date minus one day. For the Grace Due report, validation occurs when the Update checkbox is selected; the system will check for any grace-accrual or grace-owed records for the start date minus one day. This excludes reversals and grace accruals created from permanent stops.
27. What is the first print position on the postal walk sequence card? B (Client) This refers to the distance from the left edge of the paper to the first column on the postal walk sequence cards where printing should begin. There are 10 characters (columns) per inch horizontally. The default value is 24.
28. What is the first print line on the postal walk sequence card? B (Client) Your printer may be capable of printing on the first line of the postal walk sequence cards, but you may prefer that printing begin, for example, on line 3. Enter the line number on which printing should begin on the postal walk sequence cards. There are 6 lines per inch. The default is line 5.
29. What is the length of the postal walk sequence card in inches? B (Client) Postal walk sequence cards may not be a standard form length of 8.5 inches. They are often printed on continuous-form cards. Indicate the exact form length here. The default form length is 3.25 inches.
30. Should complimentary and third party subscribers be included on the office pay audit? BCP (Client) The office pay audit report lists each office pay subscriber and the number of days of credit that the carrier received for delivery of the paper to the subscriber. In some cases, carriers also receive credit for delivery of complimentary or third-party newspapers. This setting determines whether or not the complimentary and third-party subscribers should be included in the report.
Include complimentary and third-party subscribers on the office pay audit report.
Only office pay subscribers should be included on the office pay audit report.
31. Do you want to update churn history monthly or weekly? BCP (Client) If churn history should be updated, indicate if it should be done monthly or weekly. Churn history will be updated for the publishing day(s) indicated in the next rule. For example, if you want churn history updated monthly on Sunday and Wednesday, churn will be updated on the first Sunday of the month and the first Wednesday of the month when you end the publishing runs. The updating of the core and marginal subscriber counts will increase the processing time when ending the publishing run. See the User Manual for more information about churn.
Churn history should be updated monthly.
Churn history should be updated weekly.
32. On which days of the week should churn history be updated? BCP (Client) This setting defines on which, if any, day(s) of the week churn history should be updated. If churn history should not be updated, enter “none” (the default). Or, enter the days of the week on which churn history should be updated (press F2 to multi-select days).
33. Which subscription demographic should be updated during churn history processing? BCP (Client) Subscription demographics can be updated during churn history processing to identify core and marginal subscribers. Identify which demographic should be updated.
34. Which demographic answer should be used to identify core subscribers? P (Client) Identify the demographic answer (to the demographic defined above) that should be created for core subscribers.
35. Which demographic answer should be used to identify marginal subscribers? P (Client) Identify the demographic answer (to the demographic defined above) that should be created for marginal subscribers.
36. Should the Route Delivery List show the last expire date for subscribers who were office pay but are now carrier collect? BCP (Client) The last expire date may print on the Route Delivery List for subscribers who were formerly office pay but are now carrier collect. This helps carriers determine when they should begin collecting from the subscriber.
The last expire date should print for formerly office pay subscribers.
The last expire date should not print for these subscribers.
37. Should the subscriber’s address, credit status, and grace dates show on top of the Grace Due Report? BCP (Client) This Rule controls whether this specific information is printed along the top of the Grace Due report. If you do not need this information, enter “no”.
Print the subscriber’s address, credit status, and grace dates on the report.
Do not print this information.
38. What is the maximum number of days a subscription may be stopped and then started to be considered continuous? BCP (Client) This Business Rule determines the default value in the Max Days Stopped field in the Retention Analysis report. Any subscriber who has been stopped for less than or equal to the number of days entered in this field will be considered a continuing subscription and not a new start. The default is 0.
39. Should the Return Draw Analysis report create sellout draw adjustments when other returns exist in the report period? BCP (Client) This setting allows you to control how sellouts are identified. If you set this Business Rule to “yes”, then a blank value is considered a sellout if returns are entered for the same reporting period. For example, if returns are entered for each day of the week from Sunday through Friday, but Saturday’s returns field is blank, then the system will assume that zero returns were received for Saturday (i.e., that Saturday was a sellout). If this Business Rule is set to “no” (the default), then an actual zero must be entered to indicate a sellout.
40. Which draw adjust code should be used to create the sellout draw adjustment? BCP (Client) This setting identifies the draw adjustment code to be used for the draw adjustment when the previous Business Rule is set to “yes”.
41. Which messages should display on processing reports? B (Client) When running Subscriber Payment Processing or Transaction Processing you may, optionally, create an alternate report that contains only errors, warnings or info messages, based on this Business Rule. If so, the standard Transaction Processing or Payment Processing report will still be generated. The two reports will automatically be saved in the spool directory and cannot be viewed or printed until after they have been created. The View/Print options should be used to set the report name prior to generating the report, as the report will not be saved if the default "TEMP" name is used. The reports will have the same file name save that the alternate report will have a “2” added (for example, “TRANREPORT.16” and “TRANREPORT2.16”).
All messages should display on the processing reports, and no alternate report is needed.
The alternate processing report should contain only error and fatal messages.
The alternate processing report should contain only info messages.
The alternate processing report should contain only warning messages.