
The Business Rules in this section have meaning only if you have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled.

  • 1. Which single sign on service provider do you use for character based application? Default Value: None This Business Rule defines the MFA service provider that will be utilized for user authentication in the Character User Interface (CHUI).

    1. Press F2 button to display the available options, or enter “Auth0” or “OKTA” depending on the MFA service being used by the user.

    2. If the value is set to "None," user authentication through MFA will be disabled in CHUI, and users can still log in to the application.

  • 2. What is the URL of the redirect page that you use? This specifies the URL of the page where the response is intended to be received in Graphical User Interface (GUI). This is dependent on the user's environment (or login area). Example: /cgi-bin/cm43_test.sh/cmshare/http/response

  • 3. What is the client ID for Auth0 application? This specifies the Client ID for the MFA service provider for both Character User Interface (CHUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

  • 4. What is the client secret key for Auth0 application? This specifies the Client Secret Key for the MFA service provider for both Character User Interface (CHUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

  • 5. What is the domain URL for Auth0 application? This specifies the URL path for the MFA service provider for both Character User Interface (CHUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

  • 6. What is the domain URL for OKTA application? This specifies the URL path for the MFA service provider for both Character User Interface (CHUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI).

  • 7. How long is the MFA security bypassed after the initial login for a character-based application? Default Value: 0 (zero) This setting determines the time duration (in minutes) for which the user would not require MFA authentication for a new session after the successful initial login through the MFA.

Note: Please contact Naviga Support (support@navigaglobal.com) for any required assistance.

Last updated
