Export/Import Subscription Rates
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Last updated
This option is used to export subscriber rates, modify them in Excel or other third-party program, and import the changes back into Circulation. For example, you may want to create a new promotional rate structure that is similar to an existing promotional rate structure.
The formats of the files that are exported and imported are given in Appendix B of the User Manual.
When importing new rate information, be sure to include all files that pertain to the rate. For example, if importing new auto pay terms for a combo, include both the Auto Pay Terms and Auto Pay Terms By Product Mix files.
For each imported rate, the start date you have defined will be the effective date of the changes. When the records are imported back into Circulation, the old records are end-dated one day prior to the start date you defined.
For flat rates, you need to change only the Total Amount figures.
For amount-by-day variable rates, ignore the Total Amount column and enter information only in the weekday amount columns. The Total Amount is ignored during import, and will be recalculated in Circulation.
For percent-by-day variable rates, enter information in both the Total Amount and weekday percent columns.
Day pass rates will be ignored by Export/Import Rates.
In Graphical Setup, select Accounting | Subscription Rates | Export/Import Rates to display the Export/Import Subscription Rates window.
Click Add and enter import/export information in the fields described below. When exporting rates, you specify the rates you wish to export, as well as the names of the files that will be created in the /dti/exchange/cm
directory. For example, location rules associated with the selected rates will be exported to a separate file, whose name is specified in the Location Rule field. When importing rates, you specify the files you wish to import.
Indicate whether to import or export subscriber rates.
If importing rates, indicate whether to run the import in edit mode (rate changes will be validated but not updated) or commit mode (rate changes will be updated in Circulation).
If exporting rates, select the product whose rates should be exported (you can choose multiple products by selecting “*” in the pull-down list).
If exporting rates, indicate which types of rates should be exported (Balance Forward, Normal, Reduced, Retail, Promo), or multi-select types.
If exporting rates, enter the export date. Only rates active on this date will be exported.
If exporting rates, select the rate code to export, or multi-select rate codes.
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If exporting rates, enter the names of the files that should be exported for each category of rating information. If importing rates, enter the files that should be imported (they must exist in the /dti/exchange/cm directory). In either case, if you leave a field blank no data will be exported/imported for that category. For example, if exporting rates and a file name is specified only for RATE TERMS, only rate terms information is exported. Note: The Auto Pay Terms by Product Mix and Rate Terms by Product Mix fields pertain only to combo rates. The amounts assigned to each component product in the combo is exported/imported in these files.
Select OK and then Continue to begin the export or import process. A report displays the files that were exported or imported.