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Note: You need to set up ZIP PO Zones only if you mail Periodical class and do not use PostWare. If you need to establish an order for mail labels to print that is different from Periodical class order, see ZIP Label Sequence.
Zip PO Zones ones are set up in relation to the location of the post office from which a product is mailed. The zones are established by each post office to reflect the relative distance of each zone from that post office. For example, the immediate vicinity is Zone 1, the next closest area is Zone 2, and zones 3, 4, and so on form concentric rings around zone 1.
Bulk (Periodical class) postal rates are based on the delivery distance from the post office at which the piece of mail is posted. Therefore, it costs less to send mail to Zone 1 (because it is closer) than to Zone 8.
In addition, certain five-digit Zip codes are in-county; that is, in the same county as the post office from which mail is posted. You may also have Sectional Center Facilities (SCFs) in your area. This option allows you to establish all applicable Zip PO Zones to provide the maximum postal discounts. Other postal zones you may set up are: Canada, In-County Delivery Unit, In-County Other, All Other, Foreign, Out-County Delivery Unit and sectional center facility (SCF) zones.
Each product that is mailed from the same post office will have the same postal zones, and each postal zone is made up of one or more Zip codes. Therefore, define postal zones by designating the Zip codes (and/or range of Zip codes) for each product.
If all Zip codes with a 3-digit prefix should be assigned the same postal zone, you need enter only one record. For example, Zip codes 55101 through 55199 are all in Postal Zone 2, so you can enter this information in one record:
For any Zip codes within that range that should be assigned a different postal zone, you must make additional entries. For example, Zip code 55157 is an out-of-county Zip code, and 55158 is a sectional carrier facility, so you would enter three records, as follow:
In Other
Before entering information here, obtain the Official Zone Charts from each post office from which you mail deliverables. These list the unique postal zones and the Zip codes for each postal zone.
Once you define the Zip codes in each postal zone for the first product, select Copy from the strip menu to copy these records for any additional products mailed from the same post office. You can then set up records to define the Zip codes contained in each postal zone for any product that is mailed from a different post office. Continue in this manner until all postal zones have been set up for all products that are delivered by mail.
Select Distribution | Mail | Zip PO Zone to display the Zip PO Zone Setup screen.
Click the Add icon and complete the following fields.
Enter a product distributed in this Zip PO Zone. Zones are set up by product because products may be mailed from different post offices.
open (5)
Enter a Zip code located in this Zip PO Zone.
Enter the postal zone that this Zip belongs to. If the Zip code is in the same county as the post office from which deliverables are mailed, enter “In Del Unit” or “In Other” for reduced postage.
Click OK to save the Zip PO Zone in the database or Add Another to save the existing record and add another Zip PO Zone.