Route Services
1. Do you want shortages to print to a dedicated printer at entry time? BCP (Client) You may have a printer set up for the exclusive purpose of printing shortages. This setting determines whether shortages will print on the dedicated printer immediately after they are entered in Route Service.
If you always want shortages to print on a dedicated printer at entry time.
If you do not have a dedicated printer set up for printing shortages.
If you have a dedicated printer set up for printing shortages but would like to ask the operator if the shortage should print.
If Always or Ask:
2. What is the device name of the printer for automatically printing shortages? BCP (Client) If a printer has been set up to print shortages, enter the printer’s device name here. Examples of device names are: lp0, lp, and lpt1. See your System Administrator for this information.
3. Do you allow entry of shortages prior to final transaction processing? BCP (Client) Final transaction processing is typically completed for the day before the routes receive their papers, so any shortages are reported on that date or later. This setting determines whether Circulation validates the shortage date so that no shortages can be entered for unprocessed dates. You may want to have this set to “yes” if, for example, you enter shortages for advance sections.
Shortages can be entered for dates that have not completed final transaction processing.
A date must have completed final transaction processing before a shortage can be entered for it.
4. What is the default dispatch indicator in shortage transactions? BCP (Client) This setting determines the default for the Dispatch flag when entering shortages. If shortages are typically dispatched, set this rule to “yes”.
Dispatch should default to “y”.
Dispatch should default to “n”.
5. What draw adjust code should be used when a shortage is fulfilled via the resupply process? BCD (Client) Select the draw adjustment code to use when a shortage is dispatched via the resupply process. This is not used for an actual resupply request (Request Resupply field checked when entering the shortage). It is used only for shortages that have Request Resupply unchecked but which are dispatched via the resupply process (by clicking the Resupply button in Dispatching). Only draw adjustment codes that do not update AAM or charge the carrier can be specified (in the case of the shortage, the draw has already been counted).
6. What format should be used by the Burt Export? BCP (Client) Note:
The Burt interface requires a separate license fee to use. Contact the Naviga Support Center for more information.
This setting identifies the Burt format to use. The default setting is “Version 4.” The other option is “Version 7.”
7. What should the file extension be for Burt export files? BCP (Client) This setting determines the file extension of Burt export. The valid options are “ProductID,” “Draw Date,” and “ProductID and Draw Date” (the default).
8. In the Burt Export, should the ‘class of sale’ field contain the 1st 2 characters of the route/single copy type or HD/SC? BCP (Client) The Burt Export interfaces Circulation draw and route information to Burt inserting software. Burt has the concept of a “class of sale”, and this is a field in the export. Depending on how this rule is set, home delivery routes will have the first two characters of their route type or “HD” exported as the Class of Sale, and single copy routes will have the first to characters of their single copy type or “SC” exported.
Export “HD” or “SC” in the Class of Sale field.
Route/Single Type
Export the route type or single copy type of the route in the Class of Sale field.
9. In the Burt Export, should carrier routes or ad zones be used to export ad routes? BCP (Client) The Burt Export creates both an ad route and a carrier route file (“ad routes” are route groupings used in building ad zones). Because Circulation does not have a concept of ad routes, sites must either export each carrier route as an ad route, or define ad routes as ad zones (each of which would contain one or more carrier routes).
ValueCarrier Route
Carrier routes should be exported as ad routes.
Ad Zone
Ad routes will be defined by ad zones.
If Ad Zone:
10. In the Burt Export, what is the ad zone map to use to identify ad zones which are ad routes? BCP (Client) If ad routes are defined by ad zone, Circulation needs to differentiate the ad routes from the bona fide ad zones used by InsertPlus. This is done by setting up a special ad zone map, identified here, for the ad route ad zones.
11. In the Burt Export, should the truck departure sequence be exported as the Sequence Offset? BCP (Client) This setting will enable the truck departure sequence to be exported as the sequence offset. If this setting is “yes”, Burt will export the last four digits of the TruckDeparture.DepartureOrder in the Sequence Offset field of the Carrier Route file. If the departure order is “0312”, for example, the offset will be exported as “03:12”. If this setting is “no”, “00:00” will be exported instead.
Export the truck departure sequence as the sequence offset.
Do not export the truck departure sequence as the sequence offset.
12. In the Burt Export, should the ‘route sequence’ field be incremented with each route? BCP (Client) This parameter determines whether the route sequence number exported to Burt will be incremented with each route within the drop.
The route sequence field exported to Burt should be incremented. The export files will be exported in truck, drop, route descending order.
The route sequence field should always be exported as “0000”. The export will sort by route ID.
13. In the Burt Export, should bulk routes on a truck be exported as a single record? BCP (Client) This parameter determines whether bulk routes on a truck are “rolled up” to export as a single record to Burt. If so, the carrier route and ad route exported will be “BULK” plus the truck ID.
All bulk routes on a truck should be exported as a single record to the AR and CR files.
Bulk routes should be exported as separate records to the AR and CR files.
14. Does the route indicator vary by route for the Burt Export? BCP (Client) If you set this rule to “yes”, you will be able to indicate “route” (and not just “parts” or “completes”) on the Burt Export screen, as well as enter the appropriate Burt indicator.
The route indicator varies by route, and “route” is a valid option in the Burt Export.
The route indicator does not vary, enter only “parts” or “completes” in the Burt Export.
15. Should routes with zero draw be exported to Burt? BCP (Client) This setting determines whether routes with zero draw are exported to Burt.
Zero-draw routes will be exported to Burt.
Zero-draw routes will not be exported to Burt.
16. Should mail draw quantities be included in the Burt Export? BCP (Client) Draw for mail subscribers can be exported to the Burt ad route and carrier route files, as governed by this Business Rule.
Mail subscribers should be exported to Burt.
Mail subscribers should not be included in the Burt export.
If Yes:
17. If mail draw is being included in the Burt Export, what is the Class of Sale for mail? BCP (Client) If mail subscribers are being exported to Burt, enter the class of sale that should be used for mail. The default is “MA”.
18. Should mail be zoned in the Burt Export? BCP (Client) If you set this Business Rule to “no”, only one mail record will be exported. The truck and drop ID will be “PO” (not “ML” as with zoned mail). If you leave this Business Rule set to “yes”, every Zip code that has mail subscribers will be exported as a separate record. A record will be exported for each Zip code/edition combination and include the draw for all mail subscribers in that Zip code. The route ID will be “Z” plus the Zip code, and the truck ID will be “ML” plus the ad zone. Mail subscribers with Zip codes that are not assigned to an ad zone will be exported with ad zone “MAIL”. The ad zone will also be “MAIL” if the Ad Zone Type is set to “Zip” rather than “Ad Zone”. If the Ad Zone Type is set to “Truck,” one record will be exported for each edition.
Every Zip code with mail subscribers will be exported separately.
Only one mail record will be exported.
19. What entry discount code should be exported to Burt? BCP (Client)
20. What presort discount code should be exported to Burt? BCP (Client) The entry discount and presort discount are exported to the Burt carrier route (CR) file. Identify them using these Business Rules.
21. In the GMA/SAM Export, what is the default circ group? BCP (Client) This setting defines the default that will be displayed in the Circ Group field when using the GMA/SAM Export option. If you want a circ group to default, enter it here. Note: The GMA/SAM interface requires a separate license fee to use. Contact the Naviga Support Center for more information.
22. Should the account type, route or time zone ZIP be exported as the GMA/SAM Zone Group? BCP (Client)
ValueAccount Type
The route’s SAM account type (based on the route type and defined in GMA/SAM Account Type) will be exported as the zone group.
Time Zone Zip
The route’s time zone Zip will be exported as the zone group.
The route ID will be exported as the zone group.
23. What should be exported as the GMA/SAM Content Code? BCP (Client) This setting determines if the publication or edition ID should be exported in the Content Code field of the GMA/SAM export.
The route’s publication ID will be exported as the content code.
The route’s edition ID will be exported as the content code.
Edition + Demographic
The first six characters of the route’s edition, plus the first character of the route’s preprint demographic, will be exported as the content code. The format will be: [edition ID]-[preprint demographic].
The depot ID by day of week will be exported as the content code.
24. What is the Plant Code for the GMA/SAM Export? BCP (Client) This setting allows a plant code of up to 10 characters to be defined. This setting will be exported in the Plant Code field of the GMA/SAM export file. If this value is missing, the circulation group will be exported instead.
25. What single copy demographic should be used to set the Pad Disable flag in the GMA/SAM Export? BCP (Client) The Pad Disable flag is a “y/n” field in the GMA/SAM export file. This setting allows you to populate the Pad Disable flag with the value of a single copy demographic answer that has an answer type of “logical.” If no demographic is entered here, a blank will be exported for this value. A blank will always be exported for home delivery routes.
26. What single copy demographic should be used for storing the Address 1 data for the GMA/SAM export? BCP (Client)
27. What single copy demographic should be used for storing the Address 2 data for the GMA/SAM export? BCP (Client) These two settings are used to indicate which single copy demographic answers are used to export the Address 1 and Address 2 data for the GMA/SAM Export. If these Business Rules are not set, address fields are exported normally.
28. Should the parent truck be included in the drop sequence in the GMA/SAM Export? BCP (Client) If a route is dropped by a relay truck, this parameter determines whether the relay parent ins incorporated into the drop sequence exported to SAM.
The parent truck should be included in the drop sequence exported to SAM. The drop sequence will be exported as “0000000000.11111” (“0000000000” is the drop sequence of the relay truck on the parent truck, and “11111” is the drop sequence of the route on the relay truck). If there is no relay truck, “00000” will be exported for the relay truck’s drop sequence.
The parent truck should be included in the drop sequence exported to SAM.
29. What should be exported as the GMA/SAM Drop Name? BCP (Client) This setting determines whether the route or tuck ID is exported in the Drop Name field in the SAM draw file.
ValueRoute ID
The route ID exports as the drop name.
Truck ID
The truck ID exports as the drop name.
30. Should mail draw quantities be included in the GMA/SAM draw file? BCP (Client) This setting allows a mail draw quantity to be exported for each label in the GMA/SAM draw file.
Mail quantities will be exported to SAM.
Only route draw will be exported to SAM.
31. How many weeks of historical draw should be shown when viewing a single copy route? BCP (Client) This setting controls the number of weeks of historical draw are show when viewing a single copy route in Route Service. You can enter a value from 1 to 6, with 6 being the default. The weeks are shown in descending date order.
32. What additional lines of draw information should appear in the Batch Draw Change table? BCP (Client) This setting controls whether historical and/or projected draw are displayed on the Batch Draw Change entry screen.
Both historical and projected draw will be shown.
Historical draw will be shown.
Neither historical nor projected draw will be shown.
Projected draw will be shown.
33. Should a task be created when adding draw to a route that is not assigned to a truck? BCP (Client) When adding draw to a route that is not assigned to a truck, you can have a task created automatically as a reminder to assign the route.
A task will be created automatically in this situation.
A task will not be created.
34. Where are the signatures captured by Syncronex stored? BCS (Client) This setting identifies the directory where signature images captured by Syncronex are stored. Signature images can be viewed in Route Service if the image file is found in this directory. The default is “/dti/exchange/cm/secure ” (“/dti/exchange/” for on-premises sites).
35. Should the system default the effective date in Distribution Maintenance? B (Client) The effective date can default when making changes in Distribution Maintenance, based on this parameter.
The system will scan truck sequence route records to find the range of cutoff dates for products in the truck sequence. This will establish a historical period, a current period, and a future period. The date defaulted is the last cutoff date.
The date will remain blank until it is entered by the user, and there will be no historical, current, or future periods.
36. Should the build default to full or departure distribution in Distribution Maintenance? B (Client) This setting determines which of the two “build” radio buttons is selected by default when Distribution Maintenance is launched.
Full Distribution Build is selected by default. Using the “full” build method, the act of expanding an object in the tree merely displays details that have already been loaded.
Departure Distribution Build is selected by default. Using the “departure” build method, the act of expanding an object in the tree causes the next level of detail to be loaded.
37. Should separate returns batches be created for each product in a returns import file? BC (Client) This Business Rule allows separate returns batches to be created for each product when running Returns Import.
A separate returns batch will be created for each product in the import file when running Returns Import.
Only one returns batch will be created by Returns Import even if multiple publications are included in the import file.
38. Should separate adjustment batches be created for each product in an adjustment import file? BC (Client) This Business Rule allows separate returns batches to be created for each product when running Draw Adjust Import.
A separate draw adjustment batch will be created for each product in the import file when running Draw Adjust Import.
Only one draw adjustment batch will be created by Draw Adjustment Import even if multiple publications are included in the import file.
39. Should route level subsidies be included in transportation costs? BCP (Client) A transportation cost subsidy amount can be defined at the route level. If a subsidy amount is specified, it increases the transportation cost for taxing purposes. This parameter only needs to be answered “yes” if the subsidy amount changes at a route level. If a single subsidy is used, you can specify it for the Business Rule What is the daily subsidy amount which should be added to the remit on payment trans cost calculation? (Transportation Cost section).
Transportation cost subsidies can be entered at the route level.
Transportation cost subsidies cannot be entered for individual routes.
40. What should be exported as the GMA/SAM publication group? BCP (Client) The information in these fields will export at the end of the DN records in the GLBL or Global file when using version 1.2 in the Business Rule: “What version of the GMA/SAM Global Import File Business are you using?” or when using version 2.3 in the Business Rule: “What version of the GMA/SAM Circulation Import File Business are you using?”
41. What should be exported as the GMA/SAM default drop group? BCP (Client) The information in these fields will export at the end of the DN records in the GLBL or Global file when using version 1.2 in the Business Rule: “What version of the GMA/SAM Global Import File Business are you using?” or when using version 2.3 in the Business Rule: “What version of the GMA/SAM Circulation Import File Business are you using?”
42. Which GMA/SAM version should be used? Default Value: Export without Bundle Info
When value is set to "Export with Bundle Info": Running GMA/SAM Export will add five new fields to the current file (Zip, Publication, Bundle Size, Key Bundle, and Company).
When value is set to "Export without Bundle Info": Running GMA/SAM Export will not include the above mentioned five fields.
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