Renewal Override
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Renewal notices for route-delivered subscribers are often delivered by the route’s carrier. This saves the newspaper postage, but some subscribers may prefer to have the renewal notices mailed to them via the post office or e-mail. For example, the carrier might insert the renewal notice in the Sunday paper; some subscribers may overlook it there and so ask the newspaper to mail the notices. When this happens, an associate can override the delivery method of the renewal notice, changing it to mail-delivered.
Renewal notice delivery method overrides can be entered as part of a new start or billing change. As part of the transaction, a renewal override code must be supplied. The override code provides a description of the override, such as “asked” (subscriber asked to have the renewal mailed), “lost” (carrier-delivered renewal notice kept getting lost) or “ebill” (subscriber prefers to have renewal notice e-mailed to them).
Select Renewal Override from the Codes menu to display the Renewal Override screen.
Click the Add icon and complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter an ID for this renewal notice delivery method override code.
open (15)
Enter a description of the code.
Click OK to save the renewal override code in the database or Add Another to save the existing code and add another renewal override code.