Circ API

  • 1. Does the user name in the CIRC API need to be a valid user in the database? Default Value: No This setting determines whether the username provided in the CircAPI has to be a valid user recorded in the database. Set the value to Yes if it has to be a valid username in the database; otherwise, set it to No.

  • 2. Should the CIRC API require a valid access key be passed to it? Default Value: Yes If set to Yes, user has to provide the access key to obtain a response from the CircAPI. Set the value to No to avoid providing the access key.

  • 3. Should starts via the CircAPI be suspended? Default Value: N(o) This setting determines whether a new subscription can be started using the CircAPI. If the value is set to Y(es), new starts will not be created through CircAPI.

  • 4. What is the default reason code for permanent stop from the CircAPI? Enter the default reason code that should be used when creating Permanent Stop through the CircAPI.

  • 5. What is the default reason code for Delivery Address Change from Circ API? Enter the default reason code that should be used when creating Delivery Address Change through the CircAPI.

  • 6. What is the default reason code for Billing Address Change from Circ API? Enter the default reason code that should be used when creating Permanent Stop through the CircAPI.

  • 7. What is the default source code for transactions Created from Circ API? Enter the default source code that should be used for transactions created through the CircAPI.

  • 8. In CircAPI Should a sub-source be created, if the sub-source does not exist in the database? Default Value: No This setting determines whether a new SubSource record is to be created if the value in the CircAPI does not exist in NCS Circ Setup. Set the value to Yes to create a new SubSource record; otherwise, set it to No.

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