Circ API
1. Does the user name in the CIRC API need to be a valid user in the database? Default Value: No This setting determines whether the username provided in the CircAPI has to be a valid user recorded in the database. Set the value to Yes if it has to be a valid username in the database; otherwise, set it to No.
2. Should the CIRC API require a valid access key be passed to it? Default Value: Yes If set to Yes, user has to provide the access key to obtain a response from the CircAPI. Set the value to No to avoid providing the access key.
3. Should starts via the CircAPI be suspended? Default Value: N(o) This setting determines whether a new subscription can be started using the CircAPI. If the value is set to Y(es), new starts will not be created through CircAPI.
4. What is the default reason code for permanent stop from the CircAPI? Enter the default reason code that should be used when creating Permanent Stop through the CircAPI.
5. What is the default reason code for Delivery Address Change from Circ API? Enter the default reason code that should be used when creating Delivery Address Change through the CircAPI.
6. What is the default reason code for Billing Address Change from Circ API? Enter the default reason code that should be used when creating Permanent Stop through the CircAPI.
7. What is the default source code for transactions Created from Circ API? Enter the default source code that should be used for transactions created through the CircAPI.
8. In CircAPI Should a sub-source be created, if the sub-source does not exist in the database? Default Value: No This setting determines whether a new SubSource record is to be created if the value in the CircAPI does not exist in NCS Circ Setup. Set the value to Yes to create a new SubSource record; otherwise, set it to No.
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