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Many carriers deliver multiple routes. When these routes are adjacent to one another, the carrier often crosses over route boundaries. In these cases, defining walk sequences will not work, because a walk sequence is specific to a route. Instead, a trip sequence is needed. The trip is the order in which addresses are delivered within the entire group of routes.
For example, in the below picture, routes 23, 78, and 11 are delivered by the same carrier. The delivery path (the trip) crosses back and forth between the three routes. The trip sequence would reflect the order in which the addresses are delivered; the trip sequence for a few addresses on the route is indicated.
Trips are defined and assigned to home delivery routes in this option. Trip address assignments can be imported using the Trip Walk Sequence Import () and are included in the Route Delivery List and the Detailed and Detailed 2 renewal notice exports.
In character Circulation, select Distribution | Geographic | Trip to display the Trip Setup screen.
Select Add and complete the fields described below.
open (12)
Enter an ID for the trip.
open (30)
Enter a description of this trip.
yes/no (x 7)
Indicate the days of the week on which the trip can be used. A route can only be assigned to one trip per day. For example, if a route is assigned to a trip that is valid for all days of the week, it cannot be assigned to another trip.
Select Specifics | Trip route and assign routes to this trip (see next section).
Select Accept to enter the trip into the database.
Define another trip, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Setup menu.
Routes are assigned to trips in the Trip Route specific. The trip sequences of the addresses of all the routes within a trip will be sorted collectively. This same specific is also available in Home Delivery Route setup; routes can also be assigned to trips in the Route Setup Utility.
Select Specifics | Trip Route to display the Trip Route Setup screen.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
The trip being defined is displayed here. If you are assigning trips from Home Delivery Route setup, however, this field will be open.
Enter the publication for which the route below will belong to the trip.
Enter a route that belongs to this trip when delivering the product above. A route may only be assigned to one trip per day. If you are assigning trips from Home Delivery Route setup, the route being defined is displayed.
Enter the date range during which the route will belong to this trip. End Date may be left blank.
Select Accept to assign the route to the trip.
Assign another route to the trip, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Trip Setup screen.