Campaign Properties
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This option is used in conjunction with iServices Subscriber campaigns. Campaign Properties are used to configure the information you want to display regarding the Offer or Campaign. With this option, you can add, modify, or delete a Campaign Property along with an associated Campaign Property Value. Note that Menu security and Write security are required to access the Campaign Properties menu option.
In Graphical Setup, select Accounting | Campaign Properties.
In the Campaign Property area, click Add and complete the following fields:
Campaign Property—Enter a name for the campaign property.
Description—Enter a description for the campaign property.
Property Text—Enter the text about the campaign property that will be displayed to users. This field can optionally include a <value> tag to display a Property Value linked to a Campaign Code. In the example above, the “Weekly Rate: <value>” entry will display “Weekly Rate: $4.80” for the DMOnline campaign code. Different values can be set to display for other Campaign Codes.
Select a Campaign Property from the list. In the Campaign Property Value area, click Add and complete the following fields:
Campaign Code—Choose a Campaign Code to link with the selected Property Value
Display Order—Enter a display order to determine the order from top to bottom in which the Campaign Property information will be displayed within a Campaign in iServices Subscriber. The same Campaign Property can be assigned a different display order for each Campaign where it appears. In the example above, within the DMOnline campaign, the display order from top to bottom would be Property3, Property2, Property1. The same Campaign Property can be assigned a different display order for each Campaign where it appears.
Property Value—Enter any value that should be displayed when a <value> tag is included in the Property Text field. If this field is left blank, then only the text entered in the Property Text field will be displayed.
In the example below, the three details about the offer are generated by the combination of Property Text, Property Value (if applicable) and Display Order of 1, 2, or 3 set for the DMOnline Campaign.