Substitute Draw
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Your newspaper may have cases where more than one substitute delivers a route in the absence of the regular carrier. For example, you might put two substitutes on a route because it will take longer for them, being unfamiliar with the neighborhood, to deliver it. Normally, a substitute will be given credit for the route draw at the regular carrier’s rate. However, with multiple substitutes, the system does not know what percentage of the draw each is delivering. So, the draw must be split between the substitutes manually using this option.
You will only be able to split draw for routes and days where multiple substitutes are active. Also, you can only use this option if the Business Rule— Are multiple substitute accounts allowed for a single day for a publication and route? (Account Finance section) is set to “yes”.
Once the draw is split, each substitute will be billed based on their portion of the draw. You may not be able to use the regular carrier’s rate to bill the substitutes—special substitute rates may need to be set up instead. Another Business Rule in the Account Finance section, How should multiple substitutes be rated? determines whether the regular carrier’s rate or special substitute rates are used to rate draw for multiple substitutes.
If the regular carrier’s rate is used, the rate must have “*” in Delivery Schedule, Draw Type, and Rate Code, because split substitute draw will not have a value for any of these fields. If a special substitute rate is defined, you will probably want to use Account Rule with the specific account type for the substitutes. Also, Delivery Schedule, Draw Type, and Rate Code must all be set to “*”.
Note: If multiple substitutes deliver a route, no complaint charges will be charged to the substitute carriers—the complaint will be charged to the regular carrier.
See Account Type for more information about substitute carriers.
In character Circulation, select Distribution | Account Setup | Substitute Draw to display the Substitute Draw screen.
Enter information in the fields described below.
Specify the publication for which you are entering draw for multiple substitute carriers.
Specify the route for which you are entering draw for multiple substitute carriers.
Enter the date for which you are dividing draw among the substitute carriers for this publication and route.
The route type of the route entered above is displayed here.
The total draw for the route is displayed.
This field displays the draw that has not been allocated to a substitute. As you enter draw for each substitute carrier the unallocated draw will decrease.
The substitute carriers for the route and the draw previously allocated to them are displayed in these fields.
integer (8)
Enter the number of papers that each substitute carrier will deliver on this route and day of week.
After the draws are entered for each substitute (and they add up to the total draw for the route), select Accept. The Setup menu will then appear.