
This section of Business Rules will appear only if you have InsertPlus, another software program created by Naviga.

  • 1. Do you want the advertising zone printed on the truck manifest for each route? BCP (Client) Advertising zones are geographical areas in which preprints are often sold. Ad zones are based on routes, and it may be useful to list the ad zone assigned to a route on the truck manifest.



    Print the advertising zone on the truck manifest.


    Do not print the advertising zone on the truck manifest.

  • 2. Do you want the insert combination code printed on the truck manifest for each route? BCP (Client) A preprint can be scheduled to go to particular routes. This means that one or more routes may receive a unique set of preprints, known as an insert combination. It may be helpful to the distribution personnel if the code for each route’s combination is printed on the truck manifest (the code is a number generated by InsertPlus).



    Print the combination code on the truck manifest.


    Do not print the combination code on the truck manifest.

  • 3. Do you want the advertising zone printed on the bundle tops for each route? BCP (Client) Ad zones may print on the bundle tops, as well as on the truck manifest.



    Print the advertising zone on the bundle tops.


    Do not print the advertising zone on the bundle tops.

  • 4. Do you want the insert combination code printed on the bundle tops for each route? BCP (Client) Combination codes may print on bundle tops, as well as on the truck manifest.



    Print the combination code on the bundle tops.


    Do not print the combination code on the bundle tops.

  • 5. Should a list of inserts that should be in a route’s newspapers print on the bundle tops? BCP (Client) A list of preprints that should be inserted in the newspapers going to a route may be helpful to distribution personnel.



    A preprint list should print on the bundle top.


    A preprint list should not print on the bundle top.

  • 6. Which demographic set will special handling routes belong to? BCP (Client) A “special handling” route is one that requires special handling during the insert process. For example, you may have several college dormitory routes that receive special inserts. Routes can be assigned a preprint demographic (also known as an insert group), and preprint demographics can be combined to form demographic sets (in InsertPlus). If you enter a demographic set here, all routes assigned to preprint demographics within that set will be marked as “special handling”. Bundle tops for special handling routes will be printed after other bundle tops, if you set the rule “What type of bundle tops should be printed separately?” (Route Processing section) to “Special” or “Both” (both special handling and hand-tie routes).

  • 7. Should accounts ineligible for insert delivery piece/weight bonuses be eligible for insert-specific special bonuses? BCS (Client) Bonus rates based on the number of preprint pieces or the overall weight of the newspaper can be set up in Account Rates. Individual carriers can be set up as eligible or ineligible for these bonuses. Delivery bonuses for specific preprints can also be entered, in InsertPlus. This setting determines whether carriers ineligible for piece or weight bonuses can be eligible for preprint-specific bonuses.



    Accounts should be eligible for preprint-specific bonuses, regardless of piece/weight bonus eligibility.


    Accounts ineligible for piece/weight bonuses should also be ineligible for preprint-specific bonuses.

  • 8. What is the default number of days to display in the insert query? B (Client) Sites that have InsertPlus can view recent inserts that should have been delivered to subscribers in Customer Service; a similar insert query for routes is located in Route Service. This setting determines the default number of days for which inserts display in these queries, starting with the current publishing date and going backwards in time. For example, if you enter “5” here, all of the inserts that should have been delivered to a subscriber on the current publishing day and the previous four publishing days will display in the insert query. The default is “7”.

Last updated