Pymt Auth - General

Note: All of the credit card interfaces mentioned in the Payment Authorization sections require a separate license fee to use. Contact the Naviga Support Center for more information.

Important: If these settings are changed, you must close and relaunch all Graphical modules after the changes have been made.

  • 1. Which off-site credit card storage and authorization service do you use? B (Client) Default Value: None This is the Business Rule that “activates” the Braintree off-site service or the Hosted Page. The possible settings are:



    You use Braintree for offsite credit card storage

    Hosted Page

    You use a hosted order page solution


    You do not use offsite credit card storage

    Note: Setting this Business Rule should be considered an irreversible decision. Once you activate the off-site or hosted service, you should never change the setting.

    After setting this Business Rule, you must stop and restart all Circulation and other Naviga applications, such as InsertPlus, iServices, List MatchPlus, etc. All character-interface and graphical-interface sessions must be shut down and restarted.

  • 2. Which hosted page credit card authorization service do you use? B (Client) Default Value: None A hosted order page is an offsite credit card authorization solution that works with Circulation. A credit card hosting company (such as CyberSource or Payway Complete) is interfaced directly with Circulation for data input, but credit card information never actually touches the Circulation application. In regard to PCI compliance, utilizing a hosted order page takes Circulation out of the picture entirely.



    bPoint hosted order page is used.


    Beanstream hosted order page is used.


    Braintree hosted order page is used.


    Cybersource hosted order page is used. Note that this product has been superseded by Cybersource SA and is no longer supported.

    Cybersource SA

    Cybersource Secure Acceptance is used.


    Payway Complete hosted order page is used.


    EPX hosted order page is used.


    A hosted order page is not used.


    PayPal Payments Pro is used.

  • 3. If using off-site Braintree, what key ID should be used in authorization requests? B (Client)

  • 4. If using off-site Braintree, what key should be used in authorization requests? B (Client) The key ID (above: 3) and key are used for Braintree’s “transparent redirect” within iServices. They are access-control keys that iServices must provide, along with the Braintree user name and password (defined in other Business Rules), in order to gain access to the transparent redirect API associated with the Braintree account. This information is provided by Braintree and can be retrieved by selecting Options | Security Keys on the Braintree website after logging in. Both the key ID and key will be encrypted.

  • 5. Should we allow authorized credit card payments to cancel in Pymt Authorization utility? Default Value: No This BR will determine whether a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment can be created when running the Subscriber Payment Authorization (Graphical Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Pymt Authorization).

    1. If the value of this BR is set to "Yes," the Payment Authorization utility will create a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment.

    2. When set to "No," the Payment Authorization utility will not create a PymtCancel for an authorized credit card payment.

  • 6. When using Naviga Pay what site code is used for CM Account Payments? This business rule is used when we process Account Payments through Customer Service (CM). This specifies the name of the site code for the payment vendor. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

  • 7. When using Naviga Pay, what statement descriptor should be used for one-time payments? Enter the default statement descriptor that provides an explanation of charges or payments on bank statements when making one-time payments through Naviga Pay.

  • 8. When using Naviga Pay, what statement descriptor should be used for auto payments? Enter the default statement descriptor that provides an explanation of charges or payments on bank statements when making auto payments through Naviga Pay.

  • 9. Will Naviga Pay be used as the payment gateway? Default Value: No This BR will determine whether Naviga Pay will be used as the payment gateway.

    1. If the value of this BR is set to "Yes," Naviga Pay will be used as the payment gateway.

    2. When set to "No," normal payment vendor will be used.

  • 10. Should you use Naviga Pay for Bank Draft payments? Default Value: No When using ACH Direct Debit, this must be set to Yes; else, it should be set to No.

  • 11. Should you use Naviga Pay for PayPal payments? Default Value: No This BR will determine whether Naviga Pay will be used as the payment gateway for PayPal payments. Set the value to Yes, if Naviga Pay is to be used as the payment gateway or else it should be set to No.

  • 12. When using Naviga Pay what URL that should be used? This specifies the URL of the Naviga Pay Service Servlet. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

  • 13. When using Naviga Pay what site code is used for NCS Self-Services Subscriber Payments? This business rule is used when we process Subscriber Payments through iServices or Subscription Link. This specifies the name of the site code for the payment vendor. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

  • 14. When using Naviga Pay what site code is used for CM Subscriber Payments? This business rule is used when we process Subscriber Payments through Customer Service (CM). This specifies the name of the site code for the payment vendor. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

  • 15. When using Naviga Pay what site code is used for NCS Self-Services Account Payments? This business rule should be used and answered in order to enable account payments through Naviga Pay Services. This specifies the name of the site code for the payment vendor. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

  • 16. When using Naviga Pay what site key is used for Subscriber Payments? This business rule is used for Subscriber Payments iServices/Distribution or Accounting Service through CHUI/GUI. This specifies the name of the site key for the payment vendor. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

  • 17. When using Naviga Pay what site key is used for Account Payments? This business rule is used for Account Payments iServices/Distribution or Accounting Service through CHUI/GUI. This specifies the name of the site key for the payment vendor. This value is provided by the payment vendor.

Last updated