Address Cleansing

  • 1. What system do you use for Address Correction and Encoding software? B (Client) You have the option of using address cleansing software within Circulation. These options are licensed add-on applications; contact the Naviga Support Center for more information.



    If you do not use address cleansing software.


    If you have purchased PostalSoft’s ACE software and have it installed. Note that ACE is no longer supported (support for ACE has transitioned to Quadient).


    If you have purchased QAS software and have it installed.


    If you have purchased Satori software and have it installed.

    If Postalsoft:

    • 2. Which of PostalSoft’s Address Correction and Encoding products are you using? B (Client) PostalSoft offers both Canadian and US ACE products.



      If you have purchased US ACE.


      If you have purchased Canadian ACE (CACE).


      If you have purchased both ACE products.

    If Satori:

    • 3. If using Satori, what is your registration key for single address cleansing? B (Client) If using Satori, enter your Satori registration key here. This is used for the online address cleansing (not the batch process).

    • 4. If using Satori, what is your username for the batch process? B (Client) A user name and password is required to run Batch Address Hygiene using Satori.

    • 5. If using Satori, what is your password for the batch process? B (Client)

    • 6. If using Satori, to which email address should updates from the batch process be sent? B (Client) Quadient will send an e-mail to this address when Batch Address Hygiene starts and when it completes. A valid e-mail must be specified here in order to run Batch Address Hygiene when using Satori.

    • 7. If using Satori, what number of records should be blocked for file transfers during the batch process? B (Client) The value entered here will determine the number of address records uploaded and downloaded as a single transaction by Quadient. You can fine-tune this setting to achieve optimal transfer rates. By default this is blank for Cloud sites, and 2000 for on-premises sites. This value must be greater than 0 in order to run Batch Address Hygiene.

    If Postalsoft or Satori:

    • 8. Should your addresses be case-standardized to upper, lower or mixed case? B The USPS prefers upper case. (Client)



      Data-entered address information will be converted and stored in the database as all upper case.


      Data-entered address information will be converted and stored in the database as all lower case.


      Data-entered address information will be converted and stored in the database as mixed case.

    If Postalsoft:

    • 9. For US addresses, how would you like unit designators standardized? B (Client)



      The unit designator will be standardized according to the data that the USPS (United States Postal Service) maintains. For example, if the USPS directory indicates that an apartment building contains only apartments, a designator of STE would be changed to APT.


      All unit designators will be retained as entered but will be checked for correct spelling.

    If Postalsoft or Satori:

    • 10. Would you like extraneous address information removed from your addresses? B (Client) The USPS prefers that extraneous information not be included on mail pieces. For example, in the address, PO Box 321, Main St., if “Main St.” is not a required part of the address for the purpose of delivery, the USPS prefers that it be removed from the address.



      Extraneous information will be removed from the address.


      Extraneous information will be retained with the address.

    If Postalsoft:

    • 11. For US addresses, would you like invalid US city place names retained? B (Client) A geographical area that does not have its own post office can have its own place name. For example, in Minnesota, one part of St. Paul is called “North Oaks”. North Oaks is technically served by the St. Paul Post Office, but many of the people who live there prefer that all of their mail be addressed and delivered to North Oaks. A city place name is also known as a vanity address.



      Invalid city place names will be retained. In the example above, North Oaks would be retained.


      Invalid city names will be converted to the USPS-preferred city names. In the example above, North Oaks would be converted to St. Paul.

    • 12. For US addresses, would you like non-preferred US city names retained? B (Client) Some addresses (particularly in suburban areas) may have two valid city names. For example, addresses in Roseville (a suburb of St. Paul) may have a city name of “Roseville” or “St. Paul”. Both of these names are valid, but the USPS prefers “St. Paul”. “Roseville”, then, is non-preferred. This differentiation of preferred versus non-preferred city names should not affect your mail delivery, but it is a USPS requirement for CASS-certified software programs such as Quadient.

      If you would like addresses entered with non-preferred city names to keep the non-preferred city, set this rule to “yes”. If you enter “no”, ACE or Quadient will change the city names of these addresses to the preferred name as part of the cleansing process.



      If an address is entered with a non-preferred city name, address cleansing will keep the non-preferred city name for that address.


      If an address is entered with a non-preferred city name, address cleansing will change the city name for the address to the preferred city name.

    • 13. If using ACE, will you be using the Enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) directory? B (Client) Line of travel (LOT) postal information can be updated when an address is cleansed, but only if you install LOT directories (these are separate from the ZIP + 4 directories). This setting determines whether ACE attempts to return LOT information for the address. If no LOT information is returned, the address will be updated with a LOT of “0” and a LOT SEQUENCE of “D” (descending).



      LOT directories will be installed and addresses should be updated with LOT information from ACE.


      ACE should not return LOT information.

    • 14. If using ACE, will you be using the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) add-on software? BCP (Client) Indicate whether the DPV add-on will be used. The default is “no”.

    • 15. If using ACE, will you be using the Locatable Address Conversion System (LACSLink) add-on software? BCP (Client) Indicate whether the LACSLink add-on will be used. The default is “no”.

    If Postalsoft or Satori:

    • 16. For US addresses, should the DPV NO STATS directory be used? BCP (Client) This setting controls whether the DPV NO STATS directory is used. This directory provides information from the USPS about specific addresses. An address may exist, but information such as whether it is vacant or does not yet have mail delivery (such as the home is under construction and not yet occupied), etc. is obtained by using the DPV NO STATS directory. If you use the DPV NO STATS directory and an address is determined to be vacant or does not yet have delivery, the Mail Accessible flag will be set to “no”.



      The DPV NO STATS directory will be used.


      The DPV NO STATS directory will not be used, and no DPV-confirmed addresses will be marked as not Mail Accessible.

    If Postalsoft and using CACE:

    • 17. If using CACE, should street name aliases be converted? B (Client) An alias is an alternative form of a primary street address. For example, suppose you have addresses on a street named “Highway 55”, but the Post Office prefers the mail addressed to “Olson Memorial Highway”. In this case, “Highway 55” is considered to be street name alias for “Olson Memorial Highway”.



      Aliases will be converted to the USPS-preferred equivalent. In the example above, Highway 55 would be converted to Olson Memorial Highway.


      Aliases will not be converted. In the example above, Highway 55 would be retained.

    • 18. If using CACE, what is your Canada Post assigned customer number (required to appear on the AAS report)? B (Client) Canada Post requires that your assigned customer number appear on the AAS report (Address Accuracy Statement). You will need to contact Canada Post to obtain your number if you do not know it. This setting determines the customer number that prints on the AAS report. Note that if you leave it blank you will not be able to create an AAS report in Batch Address Hygiene.

    If QAS:

    • 19. If using QAS, what host should be used? B (Client)

    • 20. If using QAS, what port should be used? B (Client)

    • 21. If using QAS, what WSDL should be used? B (Client) The default is “proweb.wdsl”.

    • 22. If using QAS, what country code should be used? B (Client)

    • 23. If using QAS, how many milliseconds for a search to time out and abort? B (Client) The default is “300”.

    • 24. If using QAS, how many matches should be the threshold of when matches should be shown or a message displayed? B (Client) The default is “100”.

    • 25. If using QAS, how many milliseconds should be delayed before initiating a search? B (Client) The default is “300”.

    • 26. What QAS Address Layout should be used for parsed address components (see QAS Server - Configuration Editor)? B (Client) Possible settings are “All Components” and “6 Line Address.” These layouts must be defined in the Qawserve.ini file.

    • 27. What QAS Address Layout should be used for formatted addresses (see QAS Server - Configuration Editor)? B (Client) Possible settings are “All Components” and “6 Line Address.” These layouts must be defined in the Qawserve.ini file.

    • 28. If using QAS, which search engine should default? B (Client) The default is “Typedown”. The other possible setting is “SingleLine.”

    • 29. If using QAS, are you using the OnDemand version? B (Client) QAS OnDemand is a hosted version of QAS that can be used at Canadian sites. It has the same address cleansing features as on-premises QAS, but runs from a cloud hosted by QAS.



      QAS OnDemand is being used. If so, you must answer the two Business Rules below, and also set the Business Rule If using QAS, what host should be used? to “ondemand”. Note that the QAS port and WSDL Business Rules are ignored when using OnDemand.


      QAS OnDemand is not being used.

      If Yes:

      • 30. If using QAS OnDemand, what user name should be used? B (Client)

      • 31. If using QAS OnDemand, what password should be used? B (Client) If using OnDemand, specify your user name and password for the above Business Rules.

  • 32. When using Canadian QAS, can users update the County field? B (Client)



    The country can be entered when cleansing addresses with Canadian QAS.


    The country code cannot be changed when cleansing addresses with Canadian QAS.

Last updated