Export/Import Account Rates
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This option is used to export account rates, modify them in Excel or other third-party program, and import the changes back into Circulation. In Graphical Setup, select Accounting | Account Rates | Exp/Imp Acct Rates.
When exporting rates, you specify the rates you wish to export, as well as the names of the files that will be created.
When importing rates, you specify the files you wish to import.
Note: The Update Descriptions checkbox can be used to update the route rate class descriptions with the descriptions contained in the imported file.
The formats of the files that are exported and imported are given in Appendix B of the Circulation User Manual.
Note: For each imported rate, the start date you have defined will be the effective date of the changes. When the records are imported back into Circulation, the old records are end-dated one day prior to the start date you defined.