Carrier Entry Rule
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Last updated
Use this option to define the number of calendar days before the publishing date that transactions can be posted (i.e., the lead time). The lead time can vary by product, transaction type, and account. For example, one account may need two calendar days lead time for all transactions, but another account may need two days for new starts, and only one day for all other transactions.
Note: Carrier Entry Rules is not a required Setup table.
In Customer Service, if the user has backdating security, transactions will be allowed if they are before the last publish date and within the number of days allowed for backdating (the Business Rule, How many days will you allow a transaction to be backdated?). Similar validation will occur with the Subscriber Activity Import. In iServices and the Customer Service API, the next valid publishing day, which is defaulted for transactions such as new starts and stops, will also use carrier entry rules.
In the graphical Setup module, select Distribution | Carrier Entry Rule to display the Carrier Entry Rule Selection window. Existing rules are listed in the top portion of the window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product or products to which this rule applies. Or, select “*” for all products.
Enter the transaction type or types to which this rule applies. Or, select “*” for all transaction types. Note: The following transaction types can not use carrier entry rules: payment, cancel payment, transfer, reward, refund, refund writeoff, grace writeoff, notes, messages, expire change, end grace change, and complaint.
Enter the account or accounts to which this rule applies. Or, select “*” for all accounts.
date open (3)
The Start Date and End Date define the date range during which this rule can be used. Days defines the number of days before the publishing date that transactions can be posted (i.e., the lead time). Set it to the longest lead time required for any transaction type for this product. The number of days entered here will be added to the publishing date.
Click OK.