Draw Adjustment
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A draw adjustment is an adjustment made to a route’s draw figures after transaction processing has been completed for the final time.
Suppose that after a publishing day is complete, a major story breaks and you add papers to each newsstand manually. You then enter draw adjustments for these papers so that the routes are billed for the extra draw. A draw adjustment code, such as “latedraw”, might be defined to update the draw figures.
Draw adjustment codes can be linked to charge codes or credit codes, depending on whether they increase or decrease the draw. Business Rules determine the draw adjust code to be used when a subscriber converts from Carrier Collect to Office Pay with a payment (which creates an automatic draw adjustment).
The Business Rule— Should Draws and Draw Adjustments be billed based on End Publishing run or Final Tran Processing? (Account Finance section) determines whether the draws and draw adjustments will be billed based on the "End Publication Run" or "Final Tran Processing."
Select Draw Adjustment from the Accounting | Account Billing menu to display the Draw Adjust Code screen.
Click the Add Draw Adjust Code icon () and enter the following fields.
open (8)
Enter a draw adjustment code, such as “returns”.
open (30)
Enter a description for this code.
Check Sold if the draw adjust code is for sold copies, and Shrink if it is for shrink copies (see the User Manual). Only one sold and shrink draw adjustment code may be defined. When defining the sold draw adjustment, other fields except for the code ID and description will be disabled. When defining a shrink draw adjustment, the charge code fields will also be open, and Charge Account will be flagged. Credits to accounts for shrink draw adjustments will use the charge codes entered for each day of week. If the charge code(s) specified for the shrink draw adjustment code has a Charge GL Account defined, that GL account will be used for shrink draw adjustments. If no Charge GL Account is defined for the charge code, the GL account specified for draw adjustments in CR GL Account setup will be used.
Indicate whether this draw adjustment is for a return. Enter “yes” for draw adjustments that should be entered by selecting ROUTE SERVICE | RETURNS. Enter “no” for draw adjustments that should be entered by selecting ROUTE SERVICE | DRAW ADJUSTMENTS. See the User Manual for more information.
If the Return field is checked, flag this field if this draw adjustment code is for an authorized return. When entering returns, the system will prompt for both a regular and an unauthorized draw adjust codes.
Indicate if a draw adjustment with this code should cause a corresponding adjustment to AAM history files.
Indicate whether the account should be charged (or credited) when this code is entered. For example, if you dispatch a paper to a non-subscriber (subscription starts after the publishing day is complete), you may want to update AAM but not charge the account.
If the account is to be charged for this adjustment code, enter that charge code for each day of the week. This code determines whether the adjustment is a credit (decrease) or charge (increase) for the draw. The charge code also determines the description that appears on the account invoices and on the Account Billing Journal.
Click OK to accept the draw adjustment code in the database or Add Another to save the existing record and add another draw adjustment code.
Indicate whether the draw of any sub-products should also be updated when this draw adjust code is used. For more information about sub-products and draw percentages, see .