Copy Routes

Use this option to copy route information from one publication to another. Information from the following tables will be copied from a specified “Copy From” product and created for a new “Copy To” product:

  • DistribPointPublication

  • DistribPointABCTown

  • DistribPointZip:

    • DistribPointServiceArea

    • DistribPointCensusTract

    • DistribPointProduct

    • DistribPointEditionModel

    • RouteDeliveryDeadline

    • RoutePublication

    • RouteDeliverySchedule

    • SingleCopyPublication

    • SingleCopyPriceLevel

    • CarrierDistribPoint

    • AccountBillSource

    • RecurringCharges

    • CarrierTaxAuthority

    • BillingDistribPoint

    • TruckDropDistribPoint


The following must be set up before running this utility.

  • New Publication

  • New Edition, if there is one

  • New Route Rate Class, if there is one

  • Delivery schedules for the new product

  • District for the new product that matches the existing product. If a matching record does not exist for the new product, those records will not be copied.

  • DistribZone

  • Region

  • Area

  • Map, if there is a new one

If any tables from the “Copy From” product don’t exist for the “Copy To” product, the following warning will be written in the Process Log: “<TableName> does not exist for <New Product> Route: <RouteID> not copied.

Running the Utility

To run the Copy Routes utility:

  1. In Graphical Setup, select Utilities | Copy Routes to display the Copy Routes window.

  2. Click Add and complete the following fields:

    • Copy From Product—Enter the product from which you want to copy route information.

    • Copy All Routes— Select this checkbox if you want to copy all the routes.

    • Copy Recurring Charges/Credit— Select this checkbox if you want to copy all applicable recurring charges/credits for the selected product/route.

    • Copy From Routes— Enter the route from which you want to copy the routes.

    • Copy To Product— Enter the new product for which you want to create routes.

    • New EditionOptional. If you enter an edition here, it will be used for the new product in the DistribPointPublication.EditionIDByDayOfWeek[1-7] fields. If you leave this field blank, the edition of the “Copy From” product will be copied over.

    • New Route Rate ClassOptional. If you enter a route rate class here, it will be used for the new product in the DistribPointPublicaiton.DistribPointRateClassID field. If you leave this field blank, the route rate class of the “Copy From” product will be copied over.

    • Type— Select the route type: Single Copy, Home Delivery, or Both.

    • Start Date— DistribPointPublication records that are active on this date will be selected. No future start dated records will be copied. All records created will have their start dates set to this date, and end dates set to “?”.

    • Copy Truck Departure Times— Select this checkbox if you want the truck departure times to be copied as well.

  3. Click OK and then Continue to copy the routes.

Last updated
