Security ID

Once user groups are set up, the groups must be assigned to at least one (but possibly more) security ID. Certain menu items and transactions can then be limited to a certain security ID.

Continuing with the example started in Group (see User Profile - CR), suppose you have determined the functions that require restriction and have set up user profiles and groups accordingly. You might then set up a security ID called “Dispatch” for all users that should have access only to that function, and so on. Notice that users in “SysAdm” (system administrators) have unrestricted access.

Security FunctionSecurity IDGroupsDescription

Main Menu

You do not need to assign security to a menu/option/item when everyone has access.

Setup Menu


Setup, SysAdm

Only members of Setup or SysAdm can access Setup functions

Customer and Route Services Menus


Setup, SysAdm, Acctg, ActMgr, Admin, CSR, CSR-Temp, Other




Setup, SysAdm, Acctg, ActMgr, Admin, CSR, Dispatch, Other

Everyone except CSR-Temp group.



Setup, SysAdm, Acctg, ActMgr, Admin, CSR, CSR-Temp, Other

Everyone except for users in the group “Dispatch” have access to Sign-On option.



Acctg, ActMgr, SysAdm

Only users in Acctg and ActMgr groups (and System Administrator) have access to the Accounting menu/options.



ActMgr, SysAdm

Only Accounting Managers (and System Administrator) have access to “modifying payment control totals”.

To define a security ID:

  1. In character Circulation, select Security ID from the Security menu to display the Security Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    FieldTypeWhat to enter


    open (15)

    Enter a unique security ID.


    open (30)

    Enter a description of this security ID.

  3. Select Specifics | Security Group to link the security ID to one or more user groups (see below).

  4. Select Accept to enter the security information into the database.

  5. Set up more security IDs, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Setup menu.

Specifics, Security Group

Select this specific to link user groups to the security ID that is being defined.

To assign user groups to security IDs:

  1. Select Specifics | Security Group from the Security Setup screen to display the Security Group Setup screen.

  2. Select Add and complete the following fields.

    FieldTypeWhat to enter



    The security ID from the Security Setup screen displays.



    Enter a group that should be included in this security ID.

  3. Select Accept to accept the security ID/user group link.

  4. Link more user groups to the security ID, or press F4 and select Exit to exit to the Security Setup screen.

Last updated
