Distribution Code
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Account invoices can be distributed by various methods—by mail, for example, or by having carriers pick them up at the office. The distribution codes you set up here can be used to sort invoices for ease of distribution. For example, you could have a “truck” code for truck-delivered invoices, and a “mail” code for invoices delivered by mail. Individual accounts can be assigned one of these codes (in account setup), and when invoices print, they will be sorted in distribution code order (for example, mail delivered first, and then truck delivered).
Within each distribution code, invoices will still be sorted in one of the standard sort options: by account, depot, district, name, publication/district, route or truck.
Select Distribution Code from the Account Billing menu to display the Distribution Code screen.
Click the Add icon and complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter an ID for this distribution code.
open (30)
Enter a description of this distribution code.
Indicate how account invoices should sort within this distribution code: by account, depot, district, name, publication/district, route or truck.
integer (10)
Indicate in the order in which this distribution code should be printed, relative to other distribution codes. For example, if you enter a print sequence of 10 for code A and 20 for code B, code A will be printed first.
Click OK to save the distribution code in the database or Add Another to save the existing record and add another distribution code.