Dwelling Type
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While the dwelling status refers to the status of occupancy at a dwelling (vacant, under construction, occupied) dwelling type refers to the kind of dwelling at the address, such as an apartment, single family home, or business. A dwelling type must be entered for each address during address entry, so at least one dwelling type must be defined. Dwelling types can be used in Market Penetration reports, Targeted Marketing, rating, and in printing route labels (for example, labels can print for all apartment dwellers).
Business Rules determine the default dwelling type that will appear when an address is added (the default can be overridden). The unit type may also define the default dwelling type.
Select Dwelling Type from the Address menu to display the Dwelling Type screen.
Click the Add icon and complete the following fields.
open (10)
Enter a dwelling type. The dwelling type indicates if the building at an address is an apartment building, single family home, business, senior high-rise, etc.
open (30)
Enter a description for this dwelling type.
Indicate whether circulation figures for this dwelling type should be included in the totals on the Market Penetration report.
Indicate whether subscriber route labels for route-delivered subscriptions should be printed for all addresses with this dwelling type. For example, you might check this field for a dwelling type of “dormitory”. Routes can be set up to have route labels print for all subscribers, no subscribers, or only subscribers with dwelling types that have this field flagged.
Click OK to save the dwelling type in the database or Add Another to save the existing record and add another dwelling type.