
  • 1. In which country are the addresses primarily located? B (Client) This setting determines which is the primary country so that the country code will print on mail labels for addresses in all other countries.



    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in Australia.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in Canada.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in Finland.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in Honduras.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in Ireland.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in Jamaica.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in New Zealand.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in El Salvador.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in the United Kingdom.


    If the addresses in the Circulation database are primarily in the United States.

  • 2. Is the Address database shared between AM and CM? B (Client) At sites that have both Circulation and Ad Management, addresses may be shared in a single database and managed by the Household Management application. This setting determines whether Circulation is sharing addresses via Household Management. Contact the Naviga Support Center before changing the setting of this Business Rule.



    Circulation and Ad Management addresses should be shared in a single database.


    Circulation addresses should not be shared.

  • 3. Should the address be stored as parsed data elements within the Address database? B (Client) This setting determines how addresses are stored and displayed in Circulation, and whether parsed elements (such as House Number, Street Name, etc.) are required when adding addresses or are permitted when searching. Note: This Business Rule also affects iServices Subscriber. If it is set to “no” users will be unable to add or update addresses through iServices, and billing addresses will not be stored.



    Addresses are stored as parsed elements, such as City, State, County, House Number, etc. These elements are required for entered addresses, and users can enter them during searches.


    Addresses are stored and displayed as Address Lines 1 through 6. Fields such as City, State, County, and House Number are not required when entering addresses, nor will they be prompted for when searching.

  • 4. Should the city and state always be stored using upper case letters within the Address database? BCP This setting allows you to enforce upper-case cities and states in the address database.



    Cities and states will be converted to upper-case letters when addresses are entered or imported.


    Cities and states will be stored how they are entered.

  • 5. What is the default area code format? B (Client) This setting determines how many digits are used for telephone number area codes, up to six characters. The default is “999”.

  • 6. What is the default phone format? B (Client) This setting determines how phone numbers are displayed in Circulation, up to seven characters. The default is “9999999”.

  • 7. What is the minimum length for phone numbers? B (Client) This setting determines the minimum length for phone numbers in an integer format. The default is “10”.

  • 8. What is the maximum length for phone numbers? B (Client) This setting determines the maximum length for phone numbers in an integer format. The default is “10”.

  • 9. What is the display format for fixed length phone numbers? B (Client) This setting determines the display format for fixed-length phone numbers. The default is “999-99999”.

  • 10. What is the default area code and phone separator? B (Client) This setting determines the character used to separate the area code from the phone number. The separator will be displayed only on reports. On-screen display will not include the separator character, because the area code and phone number are distinct fields.



    A hyphen separates the area code and phone number.


    A period separates the area code and phone number.


    A blank space separates the area code and phone number.

  • 11. Are occupant email addresses required to be unique? B (Client) This setting can be used to prevent duplicate email addresses. When set to “yes”, an attempt to add an email address that already exists in the database for another occupant will result in an error, and the user will be required to enter a different email address. Also, users will be allowed to modify existing non-unique email addresses only to add an end date. Attempts to make other modifications will result in an error. The default setting is “no”.

  • 12. Do you have route delivery? BCP (Client) If you have an independent delivery force of circulation (non-postal) carriers who deliver your publications and/or products, you have “route delivery.”



    If you have route delivery and want the route-related features to be active in Circulation.


    If you do not have route delivery.

  • 13. Do you have mail delivery? BCP (Client) If you rely on postal carriers to deliver all or a portion of your publications and/or products, you have “mail delivery.” If set this Business Rule to “no,” the mail-delivery-related features in Circulation will be deactivated.



    If you have mail delivery and therefore wish the mail-related features to be active in Circulation.


    If you do not have mail delivery, and therefore wish the mail-related features to be inactive in Circulation.

  • 14. Do you allow digital addresses? B (Client)



    Digital Sales Workflow addresses can be entered in the system. The Digital Address checkbox on the Address tab in Customer Service is enabled.


    Digital Sales Workflow addresses cannot be entered. The Digital Address checkbox is disabled. If this rule is set to “no” and an existing Digital Sales Workflow address is modified, the Digital Address box will be unchecked.

    If an interface such as the Circulation API attempts to add a Digital Sales Workflow address when this business rule is set to “no”, an error is generated and the Digital Sales Workflow address is not added.

  • 15. Does this publication support digital access? BCP (Client) This setting is used to distinguish between online/hybrid mail subscription records and actual mail delivery. Sites that offer online/hybrid subscriptions that do not include actual mail delivery should set this Business Rule to “yes” and change the setting of the Business Rule, Do you have mail delivery? (above), to “no.” Setting the Business Rules in this way allows a site to close publishing runs without having to do postal reporting. The default setting is “no.”

  • 16. How many days into the future will you allow a transaction to be dated before receiving a warning? B (Client)

  • 17. How many days into the past will you allow a transaction to be dated before receiving a warning? B (Client) These two Business Rules define the number of days into the past or future for which transactions may be entered. A warning will be displayed if the transaction date entered is greater than the system date plus the number of days defined here. This reasonableness factor will help to prevent obvious errors in date entry, such as 07-01-3000. The default is blank (no errors display).

  • 18. Which day is considered the first day of the week? B (Client) This setting defines which day of the week is considered the first day of the week by Circulation. Whenever Circulation displays the weekday names, they will be ordered based on this setting. For example, if the first day is Monday, then the weekday prompts would be Monday - Sunday in customer service, returns entry, account billing draw/return calendars, etc. The default day is Sunday.

  • 19. Which file format should be used for the general ledger export? B (Client) GL transactions may be exported in the DTI Standard format, or the Lawson format. The Lawson format is a licensed add-on.


    DTI Standard

    Export GL transactions in the DTI Standard format.


    Export GL transactions in the Lawson format.

  • 20. Should general ledger transactions with a zero amount be exported? B (Client) GL transactions with a zero amount will be excluded when running Export GL, if this parameter is set to “no”.



    Zero amount GL transactions will be exported by Export GL.


    Zero amount GL transactions will be excluded by Export GL.

  • 21. Should the fiscal information of a GL transaction be based on fiscal period setup or the transaction (calendar) date? B (Client) When creating the ASCII file to interface general ledger transactions, Circulation can export either the fiscal period and year or calendar month and year for the transaction. For example, if fiscal periods were defined on a quarterly basis, a transaction on 12/15/07 might have a calendar month/year of 12/07 but a fiscal period year of 4/07. Your setting for this rule will depend upon your accounting practices. If you interface GL transactions to SBS, you must use calendar months/years.



    Use calendar months and years when exporting GL transactions.


    Use fiscal periods and years when exporting GL transactions.

  • 22. Should a link to the source transaction be created when creating general ledger transactions? B (Client) When set to “Yes,” this Business Rule enables a GL transaction link to be created every time a transaction is written to GL. The default setting is “No.”

  • 23. How many addresses should be displayed when searching and multiple addresses match the selection criteria? B (Client) This setting governs how many addresses display in the selection window when you are searching for an address and more than one address matches your search parameters. The default is “250”.

  • 24. How many occupants should be displayed when searching and multiple occupants match the selection criteria? B This setting has the same role as the previous rule, but with occupants rather than addresses.

  • 25. What is the maximum number of items that should display in an F2 lookup? B When you do a lookup in certain fields (by pressing F2), a window will appear with all of the valid selections for that field. This setting governs how many items will display in the selection list—which will impact how long Circulation takes to generate the list. If you enter “0” here, there will be no maximum for F2 lookups. The default is “750”. Note that this setting also controls how many reports appear when viewing reports in the View/Print Utility, and how many transactions display in the Transaction window in Customer Service.

  • 26. Do you extend the subscriber’s expire date when they are on vacation pack stops? BCP (Client) Vacation pack programs are used by newspapers to retain subscribers by offering to keep papers for them when they are on vacation, then deliver the papers when they return. To make vacation packs more attractive some newspapers offer free days to subscribers who receive vacation packs. For this rule, indicate whether your newspaper has vacation pack promotions.



    Vacation pack promotions are used.


    Vacation pack promotions are not used.

  • 27. What is the maximum period a subscriber will not receive vacation credit? BCP (Client) This setting identifies the number of calendar days, starting at the beginning of a temp-stop period, that a subscriber will not receive vacation credit. Instead, the days will be donated using the donation code specified in the next Business Rule. Because these are calendar days rather than publishing days, the number of days actually donated will depend on the subscriber’s delivery schedule. For example, if a maximum period of seven calendar days is specified, Sat-Sun subscribers will be forced to donate only two days. If you want to force all days to be donated, set this Business Rule to a very large number such as 9999. The default setting is zero (no days donated). The vacation credit rules will only be applied if the reason code entered with the temp stop has Apply Vacation Rules set to “y”.

    • Note:

      1. For combos, you can specify a different number of days for each component product, but the maximum number of days credited will be based on the primary product.

      2. When changes are made to the vacation credit rule settings, subscribers currently temp stopped will receive credit for vacation days based on the old settings. Temp stops entered after the changes are made will use the new settings.

    If not zero:

    • 28. Which donation code is used for the portion of the vacation stop not credited to the subscriber? BCP (Client) This setting identifies the donation code to be used for the forced donation days. This donation code will not be available for stops or other transactions in Customer Services. Therefore Naviga recommends setting up a donation code specifically for vacation credit rules.

    • 29. Should donations created from vacation credit rules be allowed for subscribers in their grace period? BCP (Client) This setting governs whether the vacation credit rules apply to in-grace subscribers (i.e., whether forced donations are allowed for subscribers who are in a grace period).



      Forced donations are allowed for in-grace subscribers.


      Forced donations are not permitted for in-grace subscribers.

    • 30. When the entire stop period is donated, should the restart be included in the subscriber billing export? BCP (Client) This setting governs whether or not the expire change information related to the system-generated forced restarts will be exported in the E1 record of the Subscriber Billing Export. Typically, the stop/restart is not shown on the bill if all days are donated, as it does not affect the subscriber’s expire date.



      When all stop days are donated, the restart should still be exported by the Subscriber Billing Export.


      Restart transaction should not be exported by the Subscriber Billing Export if the entire stop period is donated.

    • 31. When stopping only print on a combo that has digital, must the customer donate all? BCP (Client) This setting determines if the entire temp stop period should be donated (print and digital) for subscribers stopping a combo subscription.



      The entire stop period will be donated. The donation code that will be used is identified in the next Business Rule.


      The “maximum period” and “donation code” settings described above will be used to determine the donation period and code.

    • 32. When stopping only print on a combo that has digital and donating all, what is the donation code? BCP (Client) This setting identifies the donation code to use for the print-only component’s temp-stop period when the above Business Rule is set to “yes.”

  • 33. What is the default answer for using an existing router segment when adding one that already exists? B (Client) In Router Setup, when adding a router segment that is already in the database, the following question is displayed, “This router segment already exists. Do you want to use the existing segment? Answering ‘(n)o’ will create an overlapping router segment.” This setting allows you to define the default answer for this question.



    The default answer to this question is “yes”.


    The default answer to this question is “no”.

  • 34. Should private information such as credit card numbers and bank account info be encrypted when stored in the database? B (Client) Circulation allows private subscriber and carrier information, such as credit card numbers, to be encrypted in the databases. Encryption insures that this information is secure. This setting determines whether private data should be encrypted when it is entered.



    Private information should be encrypted.


    Private information should stay unencrypted in the database.

  • 35. What is the minimum number of days private information must be retained before it can be purged? B (Client) This setting relates the Purge Private Info option. Enter the minimum number of days that private information (such as credit card and bank account numbers) must be kept in the system before it can be purged using this option. The default is “365”.

  • 36. When running programs on the History Purge menu, should data be exported before it is purged? B (Client) Historical data can be exported before it is purged using the History Purge options. When this Business Rule is set to “yes” (the default), historical data will be exported to the /dti/exchange/cm directory before it is purged. The file naming convention is Purged-[Date]-[Time]-[Table].d (e.g., “Purged-032012-1103-RouteDraw.d”).

  • 37. When viewing a report should the view window be resized? B (Client) When viewing a report, if the terminal type VT100 is being used, the screen can automatically resize to display all 132 characters. The screen will return to its normal size when the user is finished viewing the report. This is a useful feature; however, sites that use a Terminal Emulator that does not support 132 column mode may have screen-wrapping issues when viewing reports in 132 column mode. This setting determines whether resizing is done when displaying reports.



    The screen should be resized to display all 132 characters when viewing reports.


    No resizing should occur when viewing reports.

  • 38. Can a user change an account’s address or occupant information outside of Account Services? B (Client) At the time a start is entered, the occupant name may be changed. If the name is already assigned to a carrier, you may not allow the customer service associate to change the name. For example, if Lee Johnson is a carrier and his wife calls to start a subscription, you would not want Lee’s name changed to his wife’s name.



    If an associate may change the subscriber name while entering a subscription start if the occupant is a carrier.


    If an associate should not be allowed to change the subscriber name while entering a subscription start if the occupant is a carrier.

  • 39. How many days after last use do email addresses become outdated? B (Client) This rule allows you to enter a number the days that occupant email addresses are considered current in Customer Service without being used successfully or updated. For example, if you enter “30” here, an occupant’s email address is still considered current 29 days after the Last Use date. On the 30th day, the email address will be considered outdated, and the email address icon (envelope) in the Customer Service window will be displayed as tilted. This icon is a signal to the Customer Service associate that he or she should verify the occupant’s email address. The default is zero (e-mails are not considered outdated).

  • 40. Which algorithm should be used for password encryption? B (Client) This Business Rule determines how occupant web passwords are stored.



    Use the Progress ENCODE form for encryption.


    Use the MD5 hashed form for encryption. MD5 encryption of web passwords must be used by sites using iServices authentication-only login integration with Tecnavia’s News Memory product..


    Use the SHA-1 hashed form for encryption. SHA-1 is used by the AudienceReach/ContentPublisher web password synching process, and can also be used by iServices Authentication.

  • 41. What is the business unit when interfacing to the PeopleSoft accounting system? BC (Client) If you interface to the PeopleSoft accounting system, you must define the business unit here.

  • 42. What is the operating unit when interfacing to the PeopleSoft accounting system? BC (Client) If you use the PeopleSoft3 file format, this setting populates the OPERATING_UNIT in the vendor file.

  • 43. What is the prefix used for vendors when interfacing to the PeopleSoft accounting system? BC (Client) If you use the PeopleSoft3 file format, this setting populates the prefix portion of the VENDOR_ID field in the voucher and vendor files.

  • 44. What is the publication code for accounts when interfacing to the Great Plains accounting system? BC (Client) If you use the Great Plains file format, enter the 4-digit publication code that will be exported when interfacing to AP.

  • 45. What is the general ledger account number for accounts when interfacing to the Great Plains accounting system? BC (Client) If you use the Great Plains file format, enter the 4-digit general ledger account number that will be exported when interfacing to AP.

  • 46. How many days should pass before transaction processing reports suspended starts that are awaiting payment? BCP (Client) This setting controls the number of days to wait before starting to log messages indicating that a suspended start awaiting payment was skipped. With a setting of “0” (the default), these messages will no be suppressed.

  • 47. Should a batch ID be automatically generated if one is not entered? B (Client) When set to “yes,” this Business Rule enables a batch ID with the format of <RECORDTYPE><DATE><SEQUENCENUMBER> to be generated automatically for the following processes: Account Payment Entry, Miscellaneous Charge, Batch Draw Change, Group Draw Change, Returns for a Day and Week, Returns Import, Route Returns, Adjust for a Day and Week, Draw Adjust Import, Single Copy Draw Import, Route Adjust, Batch Payments, and Batch Refunds. If this Business Rule is set to “yes,” users will not be required to enter a batch ID right away when using these options. If it is set to “no” (the default), then users will be advised right away that a batch ID is required.

  • 48. What is the physical name of the database? B (Client) This setting defines the database name for the purposes of real-time payment authorization. The database name entered here must match the actual name of the database in order to allow real-time payment authorization to occur. Real-time payment authorization is not allowed on copies of the database. The intent of the Business Rule is to prevent payments when a live database is copied to a test database. If you want to use payment authorization in a test database, open the Progress editor in the test database and run the following program: display pdbname(“cm”) format “x(60)” Use the value returned from this program as the setting of this Business Rule (in the test database).

  • 49. What is the host name of this server? B (Client) The production server host name is used when doing real-time payment authorization. If the server host name does not equal the value in the Business Rule (for example, it is a copy of the production database on the test server), the payment will not be sent to the authorization service.

  • 50. What is the default output format for reports? B (Client) When saving a report, you can set the output format as Normal (text), PDF or (for some reports) Delimited in the Output field. This Business Rule determines the default output format. It will default to “PDF” for Cloud sites and “Normal” for non-Cloud sites.



    The default output format for reports is “Normal”.


    The default output format for reports is “PDF”.

  • 51. What end date should be used for setting up GUI Calendars? Default Value: 01-01-2050 This Business Rule is used to set date range for GUI calendar module. This BR will be responsible for fetching the end date for anew start.

  • 52. What are the valid values for address predirectionals and postdirectionals? Default Value: N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW This setting determines the pre-directional and post-directional for the addresses. The other values that can be set are: N,NE,E,SE,S,SO,O,NO and N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,SO,W,O,NW,NO.

  • 53. Can subscribers opt out of vacation credit rules? Default Value: No This setting determines whether the subscribers can opt out of the vacation credit.

  • 54. Should we allow authorized credit card payments to cancel in Pymt Authorization utility? Default Value: No This determines whether a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment can be created when running the Subscriber Payment Authorization (Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Pymt Authorization).



    Payment Authorization utility will create a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment.


    Payment Authorization utility will not create a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment.

Last updated