Chart of Acct Import
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Depending on your General Ledger software vendor, you may be able to import your chart of accounts from your GL system rather than entering them manually into Circulation. You can then read the file into Circulation through this option. See the User Manual for the file format.
In character Circulation, select Chart of Acct Import from the General Ledger Menu. The Import Chart of Accounts screen will display.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the GL company for which you are importing a chart of accounts. Records in the file that do not have this GL Company will be ignored.
open (10)
Enter the name of the file that contains the chart of accounts information.
Select Continue to carry out the import. File records that have the GL company ID specified and do not already exist in Circulation will be imported.
The Import Chart of Accounts report will display after processing. This report will list the number of records read from the file and any errors that occurred during processing.