Update # Households
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The number of households on each home delivery route includes both subscribers and non-subscribers; this figure is used in InsertPlus. Initially, the number of households is entered into the system when the route is set up. This number may grow inaccurate in time due to changed route boundaries or other causes.
Use Update # Households to recalculate the number of households on a route based on the number of addresses in the database assigned to the route. A report listing the old and new household figures is created in the process, and you may run the utility for the report only.
Select Update # Households from the Account menu to display the Household Count Report screen.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product for which to update households (enter “*” to multi-select products).
Indicate whether the household count for each route delivering this product should be recalculated. If you only wish to create the report, enter “n” here.
Select Continue to update households and produce the report.