Batch Setup

Use this feature to automate the execution of certain options. For example, you can set up some publishing run processes in one batch, or run a group of reports. Most options that produce output can be included in batches (e.g., reports, account billing, the publishing run). Options that input data into the system (such as Services and Setup options, payment entry options, or Press Room Entry) cannot be included in batches.

One aim of batch processing is to reduce the time spent entering parameters for Circulation’s processing options. For example, parameters must be entered for multiple options during the publishing run (starting the run, printing bundle tops, the DM report, etc.). Since the publishing run will generally be processed with the same parameters every day, these parameters can be saved as part of a batch and run automatically.

Another advantage to batch processing is that it reduces the chance for errors due to incorrect parameters being entered. Also, it can allow a sequence of events, such as an account billing run, to proceed without needing operator intervention. A newspaper could have its account billing run set up as a batch process, and instruct a night operator to run the process before leaving at midnight. The account billing run could then process when there was no other activity on the system.

How to Operate Batch Processing

Note: Circulation does not validate prompt entries in batch processing. Therefore, you must be sure that what you enter for these prompts is valid.

To set up and run batch processing:

  1. Save the parameters for each option to be included in the batch by selecting Save from the option’s strip menu (see Save and Find). You may set up fields that should be prompted for when the option is run, and these prompts will appear (in alphabetical order) before you run your batch.

    • During the Save, be sure to check the settings in the View & Print Options Window—these settings will be used by the batch when processing the report. You will want to have either View or Save set to “y”. In File Name, you may want to change the file name extension to “<N>” (current day of month) “<D>” (current week day) or “<M>” (current month). For example if your file name is “RTL” and the batch is run on the Wednesday June 5th, the extensions would result in the following file names:

      • RLT.<N> would result in RLT.05

      • RLT.<D> would result in RLT.WED

      • RLT.<M> would result in RLT.JUN

  2. Use Batch Setup to assemble the saved parameters for the options you want to include into a batch.

  3. Enter the View/Print Utility and select Run to run the batch. Or, run the batch from a UNIX prompt (see Running a Batch from a Command Line).

Setting Up a Batch

After parameters for each option to be included in the batch have been saved, the batch can be set up using this option.

To set up a batch:

  • Select Batch Setup from the System menu to display the Batch Setup screen.

  • Select Add and complete the following fields.

What to enter


open (8)

Enter a name for this batch. For example, you might call a batch “Monday” if it is to be run every Monday.


open (30)

Enter a description for this batch.



Enter your user name. This will be the user that prints on any reports generated by the batch.



  • Select Specifics to add individual options to this batch (see below).

  • Select Accept to complete the batch setup. The batch is now ready to run. Note that you cannot Accept this record until you define a batch input record by selecting Specifics.

Specifics, Batch Input

After a batch has been set up, specify the options that should belong to the batch with this specific. Each option must have a previously saved file containing field parameters for that option.

To use this option:

  • Select Specifics | Batch Setup from the Batch Setup screen to display the Batch Input Setup screen.

  • Select Add and complete the following fields.

What to enter



Circulation displays the batch name entered on the Batch Setup screen.


integer (3)

Enter a sequence number for this option. The sequence number determines the order in which the option will be run in the batch (i.e., option 10 will run before option 20). Enter sequence numbers in increments of 10 so that you can add an item without having to re-sequence all items.



Indicate if this batch consists of input files or batch (subbatch) files. Enter batch only if you have previously set up another batch and you want it to run as part of this batch.


open (40)

If you entered input in Input Type, enter the file name (case sensitive) under which the parameters for this option have been saved.



If you enter batch in Input Type, enter the name of the batch that should be processed.

  • Select Accept to accept the file. You can now add other saved files to the batch, or press F4 and select Exit to return to the Batch Setup screen.

Running a Batch from a Command Line

You may find it more convenient to run a batch from a command line or job scheduling software than from the View/Print Utility. To run a batch in this manner, you simply enter a batch print command at the UNIX prompt or in the job scheduler. The format for the batch print command is:

<app> -b -B /tmp/batch.log -p viewprint/initbatch -P “<batchname>”

The parameters are as follows:

  • <app> is the application name. In most cases it will be “cm”.

  • -b tells the program to skip the display of the startup banner.

  • -B puts the process into background mode and sends the regular output to the file /tmp/batch.log.

  • -p specifies the program to run, in this case viewprint/initbatch

  • -P specifies the name of the batch

An example of the command might be:

cm -b -B /tmp/batch.log -p viewprint/initbatch -P “AAMDaily”

This would run the batch “AAMDaily”. In addition to the batch name, parameters for set fields can also be specified in the “-P” command. For example, if batch “AAMDaily” includes the Daily AAM and AAM History reports, and you have set up the batch to prompt for Start Date and End Date in both reports, you could specify them by expanding the “-P” command like this:

-P “AAMDaily:STARTDATE=01/15/2001,ENDDATE=01/31/2001”

Note: If date fields use the “today” variable, you do not need to specify them in the -P statement; the current system date will be used automatically.

Last updated