iServices Campaign Module
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The iServices Campaign module is accessed through a web browser at the following URL:
http://[server]/cgi-bin/[script name]/campaign/web/login.html.
The Login page appears first. Enter your Circulation user ID and password, and click Login.
You must have an iServices environment to be able to use the iServices Campaign module. Contact the Newscycle Support Center for assistance.
Access to this module is controlled by the Web Campaign security item in Transaction Security Setup.
The login instructions shown on this page are set up in a web text section called Campaign. Select Setup | Blurb | Blurb Text | Section | Campaign
to set up this text.
The Campaign Selection page appears next. On this page, you identify the campaign by selecting the publication, entering the campaign date, and selecting the campaign description. Click Continue to proceed.
The Canvass Board Selection page appears next. On this page, you identify the canvass board by selecting the week number, canvass board, canvasser, and default start date. Also enter the default route, AAM zone, and merchandise code if Business Rules allow it. Select the Allow Override? checkbox if you want to be able to enter a value that differs from the default value. Click Continue to proceed.
The addresses that match the selected campaign and canvass board criteria are displayed on the Canvass Board Processing page. This page is where you enter actions for selected addresses, such as “start”, “reject”, “follow up”, and “no action”.
“Start” will create a new start transaction for the customer. “Follow up” and “Reject” will create a demographic answer describing the action; it will be associated with the product/address record.
To add actions, click the Edit button to enable the fields for input. Depending on the address you select, other fields may also become active. Click Submit to save your actions. A summary of your actions is displayed in the top portion of the page and will be updated every time you click Submit. You can return to the previous selection pages by clicking the Edit Campaign and Edit Canvass Board buttons.
If you modify an occupant’s name, you will be asked if this change is an update. If you click OK, the occupant record will be updated. If you click Cancel, a new occupant will be entered into the system.
A name is required for all actions except “reject” and “no action”.