
Data Entry Field

The underlined (or reverse-video) area of the screen, usually following an entry prompt, that is active for data entry purposes.


Basic data commonly defined and consistently organized to fit the information needs of a wide variety of users within an organization.

Day Pass

A subscription that gives the customer access to the publication’s website or replica edition for a single day. Day pass bundles can also be purchased.


A dealer distributes the publication via a newsstand or rack. See also Carrier. Also, a distribution method in which circulation figures are included in paid circulation totals for AAM reporting purposes.

Debit Memo

A special type of open item applied to a carrier’s account during interface to an accounts payable system. The debit memo offsets the carrier credit being transferred.


An entry that is automatically entered into a field. Defaults can usually be overridden by entering other values.


Completely remove; no longer retrievable.


A product, such as a publication, that is delivered independently. So, TM products are deliverables, but inserts are not.

Delivery Directions

Special instructions that pertain to delivering to an address.

Delivery Map

The set of routes used by a publication for delivery to subscribers.

Delivery Method

The means by which a newspaper is delivered to a customer. The two major delivery methods are route and mail. Within route delivery, there are carrier, motor, and single copy delivery methods.

Delivery Point

An addition to the Zip + 4 that allows the USPS to locate an address solely from Zip information. The delivery point has three digits. The first two digits are typically the last two digits of the house number, and the third digit is a check digit for the entire Zip (if the Zip + 4 + two delivery point digits = 57, the check digit would be 7).

Delivery Requests

Special instructions that pertain to delivering to an occupant.

Delivery Schedule

A code that indicates what days of the week the subscriber receives the paper (e.g. “7-day”, “SO” for Sunday Only, “DO” for daily only)


A description of the characteristics of the audience of a publication, usually in terms of age, income, education, occupation, etc., and possibly lifestyle characteristics or purchasing habits.


An entity such as advertising or circulation that is set up for reporting purposes. A business may or may not have departments.

Departure Sequence

Indicates the order in which trucks depart from the newspaper’s dock.

Digital Vacation Pack

Online access given to a print subscriber during a temp stopped period (see also Vac Pack).

Direct Deposit

The practice of depositing carrier credits directly into the carrier’s bank account (rather than cutting a check).


A percent or flat amount reduction off the full price given, for example, to a carrier for a particular delivery schedule.

Disk Space

The amount of room available on a computer data disk (hard or floppy disk) for storage of information and application files. Not to be confused with computer memory, or RAM. See Memory.


Coordinating the special distribution of newspapers and other items. In Circulation, dispatching can be prompted by a complaint, shortage, or message.

Distribution Methods

The methods of distributing a product, including all user-defined route types, all user-defined single copy types, and mail delivery.

Distribution Point

The geographic location at which your product is distributed. The distribution point can be a single copy outlet (including racks and dealers) or a home delivery route (carrier or motor-delivered). See also Route.

District Manager

In Circulation, the person responsible for managing the distribution of publications in a designated district. He or she generally is responsible for supervising the activities of carriers, dealers, and/or motor route drivers.


See District Manager.


The number of papers a carrier, dealer, or motor route driver is given to deliver on a particular day or period. See also Actual Draw, Advance Draw, Projected Draw, and Pending Draw.

Draw Adjustment

An adjustment made after transaction processing for the final time to change draw history and maintain an audit trail for single copy and/or home delivery routes.

Draw Changes

Draw changes are used to adjust the future draw for single copy and/or home delivery routes.

Draw Charge

The amount a carrier is charged for the newspapers he or she delivers. Other charges, such as bond deposits, taxes, and insurance, combine with the draw charge to make up the carrier’s bill.

Draw Type

A classification of draw, based on who will receive it. The draw types are office pay, carrier collect, paid complimentary, unpaid complimentary, service, samples, single copy, and TM.

Drop Location

The designated spot where a carrier’s paper bundles should be delivered by the bundle delivery truck driver. For example, “the corner of Holly and Mackubin.”


Digital Technology International, one of the parent companies that formed Newscycle Solutions. After the merger, DTI Circulation was renamed Newscycle Circulation.

Dummy Billing

An account billing run that you UNDO later. A dummy billing is often run before a real billing to ensure that there will be no problems encountered in billing certain carriers.

Dummy Publication

A false publication that represents one or more targeted marketing products. Dummy publications are set up when the TM product delivery map does not match the delivery map of any publication—hence new routes must be set up, requiring a “publication”.

Last updated