
Mail Label

Labels printed by Circulation that are applied to newspapers for mailing purposes.

Marginal Subscriber

Has been actively receiving the newspaper for less than one year or has had a permanent stop of more than 30 days.

Marketing Term

A promotional rate that has a fixed term.

Memo Bill

A “dummy” invoice printed for customer convenience. It is so called because no database entry is made in the general ledger or accounts receivable.


Where a computer temporarily stores information while processing it. Also known as random access memory (RAM). Not to be confused with disk space. See Disk Space, Hard Disk.


A table of contents in a software program that allows users to choose program options.

Merchandise Code

A code that represents promotional merchandise awarded to subscribers who start or change their delivery schedule.

Miscellaneous Charge/Credit

A charge or credit that is irregular. For example, a carrier who is shorted may be given a miscellaneous credit.


A set of insert combinations (packages) distributed by a publishing run (advanced or regular). One mix will contain one or more packages.


To change the information contained in a record. See Update.

Motor Route

A carrier or home delivery route that is delivered by car. See Carrier. Also, a distribution method in which the circulation figures are included in paid circulation totals for AAM reporting purposes.


A menu similar to a pop-up menu, but which pops up within a software program for the selection of one or more options.

Natural Churn

Churn that reflects “uncontrollable” market factors for permanent stops, such as difficult economic conditions, people moving out of the market or people dying. See also Controllable Churn, Churn.


A short communication, such as a sports newsletter or a weather alert, sent to subscribers who have opted in. Circulation can store newsletter preferences.

NFS Payment

A “non-sufficient funds” payment; i.e., a bounced check.


A distribution method in which the circulation figures are included in the unpaid circulation totals for AAM reporting purposes.

Office Pay

A subscription for which the subscriber pays the newspaper office. A carrier whose subscribers are all office pay is an office pay carrier.

Office Pay Credit

Credit a carrier receives when the subscriber pays the newspaper (rather than the carrier directly). The office pay credit is the delivery credit minus the draw charge.


Directly connected to the computer system. This also refers to activities performed by using the computer, as opposed to by some other means.

Operating System

Software that controls the computer’s operations, including the way it accepts data and manages peripheral devices such as printers and tape drives.


Another word for program. Also, one of a group of selections available on a menu.

Last updated