Transaction Processing
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Transactions entered in Customer Service and Route Service are processed using Transaction Processing. You can run Transaction Processing as many times as you like; for example, you can process the majority of your transactions at night, and do the last-minute transactions in the morning. However, if you indicate that this is the final Transaction Processing, you will not be able to run Transaction Processing again for that product and delivery method on that date. Once final Transaction Processing is complete, the transactions cannot be modified or deleted.
Transaction Processing will process only the transactions that have the same date as the publishing run. In other words, if it is 10/5 and you enter a transaction dated 10/7, that transaction will not be processed until the run for 10/7.
Even though more transactions may be entered and errors may be corrected, an individual transaction is processed only once. Once processed, a transaction cannot be modified or deleted.
Additionally, operations connected with the transaction are performed when the transactions are processed. For example, the following things are done (among others) if a transaction requires it:
Messages are generated for carrier bundle tops.
Subscriber status is changed.
Carrier draw is increased or decreased.
Expiration dates are adjusted.
Billing methods are adjusted.
If errors occur during Transaction Processing, as shown on the Transaction Processing Error report that is generated, they must be corrected before the transactions causing the errors can be processed. You must then reprocess these transactions by running Transaction Processing again. If you processed transactions for the final time, the corrections will not take effect until the next Transaction Processing run.
Note: Payments, Cancel Payments, and NSFs are first processed separately using Accounting | Subscriber | Payment Processing. Perform these steps before running Transaction Processing for the final time.
Select Tran Processing from the Publishing menu to display the Transaction Processing window.
Select the product/delivery method/edition(s) you would like to process by selecting the appropriate checkbox: either Process or Final Processing. We recommend selecting Process first so you can correct any errors before final processing. Once final Transaction Processing is done, the publishing run can still be reopened for Transaction Processing by running Undo Final Tran Proc (see the next section).
Note: Edition will be “*” unless you have separate publishing runs at the edition level (see A Note on Editions for details).
Click Continue to begin processing transactions. An error report will appear when processing is complete. It lists any errors that occurred during Transaction Processing. Progress messages on the report are preceded by two asterisks (**). All other messages are generated by Transaction Processing. Transaction Processing may, optionally, generate an alternate report that contains only certain types of messages (for example, only error messages) based the Business Rule— Which messages should display on processing reports? This alternate report may be more useful for troubleshooting purposes.
The transactions processed by Transaction Processing are shown in following table, in the order in which they are processed. Transaction Processing also creates Expire Alert transactions, as governed by Business Rules. Expire Alerts appear on bundle tops and other reports.
Draw changes entered in Route Service.
If a draw change has a reversal date, a ReverseDraw transaction will be created when the draw reverts back.
Suspend and Unsuspend
These transactions suspend and reinstate delivery on a route (typically used when the route cannot be delivered because of bad weather).
New starts and restarts entered in Customer Service.
Restarts entered in Customer Service.
Delivery to a subscriber of a previous day’s paper, entered with a new start or a restart.
MoveOut MoveIn
A subscriber move entered in Customer Service creates two transactions: a MoveOut ending the subscription at the old address and a MoveIn starting the subscription at the new address.
Temporary Address End transactions entered in Customer Service.
Complaint transactions entered in Customer Service.
TransferOut TransferIn
Entering a transfer in Customer service creates two transactions: a TransferOut (from the donating customer) and a TransferIn (from the receiving customer).
Temporary Address transactions entered in Customer Service.
Combo change transaction entered in Customer Service.
Billing changes entered in Customer Service.
Delivery schedule changes entered in Customer Service.
This transaction is created as a result of a subscriber payment being processed for a subscriber. It indicates the day in which the payment will be effective for the subscription. This should not be confused with Renewal Notice transactions created using the Renewal Notices option.
Stops (both permanent and temporary) entered in Customer Service.
Rate changes for carrier collect subscribers.
Route reassignments entered in Customer Service.
Expire transactions are created by the system and indicate the expiration date of a subscriber. This is affected by new starts, payments, and other transactions.
This transaction is created by the system when a subscriber enters grace. It indicates the end date of the grace period.
Transactions for bonus days, which allow a subscriber to receive a paper on a day of the week outside of their delivery schedule (typically a holiday).
Shortages entered in Route Service.
Delivery placement changes entered in Customer Service.