Review Dispatch Items
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Dispatching activities are performed in one window.
In the Filter panel, the dispatcher selects the publication and date range for which to display dispatch items. The review area lists the number of complaints, shortages and messages to be dispatched in each zone, district, service area, truck or route (as determined by the Review By field in the Filter panel). After selecting a review area, individual dispatch items are displayed in the Dispatch tab. When the driver calls in an item as being dispatched, the compliance time can be entered in the Compliance tab.
The first step in dispatching, then, is to display the items to be dispatched for a product and date.
Enter the product, date, and other information about the dispatches you would like to review.
Select the product or products you will be dispatching. Select “*”to dispatch more than one product (Ctrl-right click to multi-select products).
Note: Products must be set up to allow dispatching.
Enter the date range for which you are dispatching. The shortages, complaints, and messages that are flagged for dispatching in this date range will appear.
You can list the dispatch items by Zone (distribution zone), District, Service Area, Truck, or Route. The same dispatches will appear regardless of what you select, but they will be broken down differently. A service area is a user-defined method for dispatching to certain boundaries or areas. For example, you may have all routes defined in one of two service areas for dispatching purposes. Service areas that you use for dispatching must have been previously defined during Setup.
Click OK. The number of dispatch items in each area will appear in the Summary tab.
Double-click on an area to display the individual complaints, shortages, and messages in the Dispatch tab. The next section explains how to dispatch an item.