Subscriber Payment Formats (Credit Card)

Note: All of the interfaces described in this section require a separate license fee to use. Contact the Naviga Support Center for more information.

Location: The files will be located in /dti/exchange/cm/secure.

File types: The following formats are available for credit card payments:

  • The EIGEN file format is tab-delimited. The file name will be “ei[batch]”, where [batch] is the name of the subscriber payment batch. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - EIGEN).

  • Edgil—If Payway Complete is used, credit card refunds will also be exported in the Edgil format, with a transaction code of “CR” (credit) rather than “SA” (sales). The Edgil credit card file will be named “edgilot.[date][sequence#]” (one time credit card payments) or “edgilcc.[date][sequence#]” (auto renew credit card payments), where [date] will be the batch date in DDMMYYYY format, and [sequence#] will be the number of times the Edgil export has been run on that date. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - Edgil).

  • EdgCapture—If EdgCapture is used, credit card refunds will also be exported in the EdgCapture format, with a transaction code of “CR” (credit) rather than “SA” (sales). The EdgCapture credit card file will be named “edgcapture[type]cc[productID].[date][sequence#]”, where:

    • [type] will be “ar” for auto renew payments, “ot” for one-time payments, or “ref” for refunds.

    • “cc” will be included if the payment method is credit card.

    • [date] will be the batch date in DDMMYYYY format.

    • [sequence#] will be the number of times the EdgCapture export has been run on that day.

      The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - EdgCapture).

  • The ICVerify format is comma-delimited, with fields in double quotes. The file name will be “ic[batch name]”. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - ICVerify).

  • The Paymentech format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - Paymentech).

  • The PC Charge format is space-delimited with each field enclosed in double quotation marks. Each transaction will be on one line that ends in a carriage return and line feed. The file will be “pc[publicationID][batchID].dat” if creating separate batches by publication. Otherwise, it will be “pc[batchID].dat”. The format is given below.

  • The POS-Partner 2000 file is comma-separated, with no quotes around each field. There are no batch or file header or trailer records. POS-partner 2000 is an upgrade of the POS-partner 2.24 file format (called VISANET in the system), so there are similarities between the two formats. The file name will be “pos[batch name].txt”. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - POS-Partner 2000).

  • The Skipjack format is variable length, with each line followed by a carriage return and line feed. The file name will be “sj[subscription payment batch ID]”. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - Skipjack).

  • The viaWARP format is comma-delimited, with fields in double quotes. The file name will be “vw[SubscriptionBatchID]”. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - viaWARP).

  • The VISANET format is comma-delimited, with fields in double quotes. The file name will be “vs[batch name].txt”. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - VISANET).

  • The Virtual Terminal file is comma-delimited with no quotes around the fields with each transaction on its own line. There are no batch or file header or trailer records.

    The file name will be “vt[BatchID].txt” for payments or “vtref[BatchID].txt” for batch refunds. In addition, if the Business Rules, Should customer service payments create separate batches by publication? and Should credit card refunds create separate export files by publication?, are set to “yes”, the publication will also be appended to the file name as follows: “vt[BatchID][Publication].txt” or “vtref[BatchID][Publication].txt”.

    The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - Virtual Terminal).

  • American Express—American Express credit card payments may be exported into a separate American Express file (again, based on Business Rules). The American Express format is fixed length, and the file will be named “ae[batch name]”. The subscriber payment format is the same as the format used for account payments (see Account Credit Card Payment Formats - American Express).

Business Rules govern which format is used.

PC Charge Format


Header Record

Number of fields code


“110”. Indicates that there are 10 fields in the detail record.

Detail Record



The number of the desired transaction type (required). Valid values: 1 = Sale (Subscriber Payment) 2 = Credit (Subscriber Refund)

Credit Card Number


The credit card account number (required).

Expiration Date


The credit card’s expiration date (required). Example: 1008



The amount of the transaction (required).



The payment or refund’s transaction number.

Zip Code


The cardholder’s Zip code (optional). Includes digits 6-9 if available and does not include a dash.

Street Address


Cardholder’s street address (optional).

Card Member Name


The cardholder’s full name; e.g., “John Q Smith Jr”.

Customer Code


The subscriber’s subscription ID.

Tax Amount


Not used.

Last updated