Payment Authorization
The following data elements can be used with the “PymtAuthor” usage.
Abort Status
Indicates whether the payment was processed.
Account Number
Account number for bank draft payments/declines.
Address Verification
Indicates whether the subscriber’s address has been verified.
Authorization Number
Payment authorization number, typically supplied for credit card payments.
BACS Originator ID
Bank originator ID for draft payments/declines.
Bank Number
Bank number for draft payments/declines.
Batch Count
The total number of records in the batch.
Batch Date
The date the batch was created.
Batch Total
The total amount for the payment batch.
Beginning Sequence
This data element is not currently used.
Credit Card Number
The subscriber’s credit card number.
Edgil ID
ID assigned to the payment by the Edgil system.
Ending Sequence
This data element is not currently used.
File Sequence
This data element is not currently used.
Filler denotes blank fields or information that will not be used in Circulation; these fields will be ignored.
Merchant ID
Credit card merchant ID
Record Identifier**
Field that identifies the record type, for example “D” to indicate a detail record. This must be the first field in the record.
Reference Number
Unique customer reference (could include account number).
Response Message
Payment authorization response text.
Subscription ID
Subscriber’s account ID in Circulation.
Tran Amount*
Payment amount.
Tran Code
Transaction code that describes the type of payment.
Tran Date
Date of payment.
Tran Number
Payment transaction number.
Trans Sequence
This data element is not currently used.
Tran Status
Status of payment (authorized, rejected, etc.).
* Field is required
** Field is required if a record identifier is entered on the record type setup screen.
Last updated