Batch Payments

Use this option to enter subscriber payments that are received by the newspaper. These payments can only be from office pay subscribers; if a carrier collect subscriber makes a payment over the counter, the payment must be entered as an account payment (see Payment Entry). If a payment is entered for a carrier collect subscriber using this option, Circulation will automatically change the subscriber to office pay.

Subscriber payments can be entered at any time. The steps involved in entering and processing subscriber payments are given below:

  1. Select Batch Payments and enter a batch of subscriber payments (or enter payments individually in Customer Service). A batch is a group of payments entered a session; batches have IDs and control numbers for greater accuracy and organization. Payments entered in Customer Services (or iServices) are automatically added to their own batch.

  2. You may Accept the batch of payments, or Suspend it. Suspended batches can be restarted at a later time (for instance, after the Payment Journal has been reviewed).

  3. Print the Payment Journal to verify the accuracy of the payments entered.

  4. When you have verified that the batch and payments are correct, select Payment Processing to process the subscriber payments. Expire dates will be extended, and general ledger entries made.


A Customer Service or iServices payment batch can only be selected in Batch Payments if there are no users currently accessing the batch in those modules. Once the batch is opened in Batch Payments, users in Customer Services or iServices will not be able to access it until it is accepted or suspended.

Last updated