Market Penetration Reports
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Reports on the Market Penetration menu allow you to assess your readership as a total percentage of the addresses in a certain area, such as a Zip code or city.
In order to run accurate market penetration, you should have all occupants in your area in the Circulation database, both subscribers and non-subscribers. You can then run different reports to determine market penetration by:
Zip code (5 digit US, 3 digit Canada)
Town of 25 (set up for AAM reporting)
Census Tract
Zip by PO Route (Zip codes are broken down into postal routes)
All addresses in the database must be routed before you run the route or district reports.
To determine market penetration figures, Circulation takes the number of addresses with at least one subscription and divides this number by the total number of addresses in the area.
The format of all market penetration reports is similar to that shown below.
Select an option from the Market Penetration menu.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product for which to run this report.
The Route and District reports require you to enter a delivery map. This is because the same route or district can exist on different maps.
integer (7)
Enter the cutoff size. Areas with less than this number of addresses are excluded from the report. For example, if you are running the Zip report and MINIMUM GROUP SIZE is 75, all Zip codes with less than 75 addresses will be summarized into one total instead of printing separately on the report.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.