Set Sub-Product Draw
Last updated
Last updated
This option allows you to generate draw for a sub-product (publication or TM product) based on a future draw date of its parent product. For example, you may have a need to generate draw for a sub-product on Wednesday, using the parent product’s Saturday draw.
Note: You cannot have a publishing run open for the sub-product when you run this option. You must run it before the publishing day is open, or you will receive a message letting you know that the sub-product is not closed.
Select Set Sub-Product Draw from the Publishing menu to display the Set Sub Product Draw window.
Click Add and Select the Sub-Product for which you want to generate draw.
The Run Date is the next publishing date, based on either the Publishing calendar (for publications) or the TM calendar (for TM products). This date cannot be changed; it must be the next publishing date. Pending draw will be created for this day, based on the draw as well as any pending transactions.
The product will be filled in automatically from the Deliverable record.
Select the draw date on which you want to base the run date’s draw.
Click OK, and then click Continue to generate the draw.