Address Export and Address Import

The following data elements can be used with the “AddressExport” and “AddressImprt” usages.

Data Element

Accuracy Factor

8-character accuracy factor of latitude and longitude.

Additional (Geographic) Data**

Address ID*

10-digit sequentially assigned number used to uniquely identify the record.

Address Lines 1-6

The address in “unparsed” format, lines 1 through 6.

Address Sort

Defines the sort order of an address within the postal code and extension.


Building name.

Census Block ID

Census block identifier.

Census Tract ID

Census tract identifier.

City ID



Address’s cleans setting (Y/N).

Cleanse Data Date

Cleanse data.

Cleanse Date

Cleanse Score

Cleanse Time

Cleanse User


Complex name.

Congressional District

Congressional district of the address.

Country ID


County ID


Create Date

Record create information.

Create Time

Create User

Dbl Dependent Locality**

Delivery Office Number**

Delivery Point ID

Department 1**

Department 2**

Dependent Locality**

Dependent Thoroughfare**

Directions To Address

Directions to the address.

Dual Address

Whether this is a dual address.

Dwelling Status Date

Date on which the dwelling status was verified.

Dwelling Status ID

The dwelling status.

Dwelling Type ID

The dwelling type.


Available only for the Address Export.


A (add), C (change), or D (delete). Available only for the Address Import.

House Number

The house number.

House Number Modifier

The modifier of the house number.

INSEE Code**


The language ID.


Latitude location of the address.

Level Designator ID

The level (e.g., floor)

Level Number

The level number

Line Feed

Available only for the Address Export.

Literal Value

Available only for the Address Export.


Longitude location of the address.


Lot number.

Lot Sequence

Lot sequence.

Mail Accessible

Whether this address is mail accessible.

Military Foreign 1

First address line for military or foreign addresses.

Military Foreign 2

Second address line for military or foreign addresses.

Modify Date

Record modify information.

Modify Time

Modify User

Non (Postally) Required Locality**

Odd Even

Odd or even side of the street


PO Route Number, PO Route Type, PO Route Walk Sequence

Address post office route number, type and walk sequence.

PO Route Type,

PO Route Walk Sequence

Post Directional

Street name post-modifier, such as the “N” in “Main St N”.

Pre Directional

Street name pre-modifier, such as the “N” in “N Main St”.

Prev Zip Code

Previous Zip code. Available only for the Address Import.

Prev Zip Extension

Previous Zip code extension. Available only for the Address Import.

Route Accessible

Indicates if this address is accessible by circulation carriers for the delivery of publications and products.

State ID

The state.

Street Name

The street name (e.g., “Main”)

Street Suffix ID

The street suffix (e.g., “North”)

Sub-Building Name**

Town of 25 ID

The town of 25.

Unit Designator ID

The unit designator (e.g., “Apt.”)

Unit Number

The unit number (e.g., the “135” in “Apt. 135”)

ZIP Bar Code, ZIP Code, ZIP Extension

Zip code, Zip code + 4, and Zip bar code.

* Field is required

** Field can only be exported if addresses are stored unparsed in the database and QAS is used for address correction

Last updated