Transaction Audit Reports
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The Audit - Transaction menu is where you produce reports about subscriber transaction activity—starts, stops, expire changes, etc. There are also a couple of account reports: the Draw Change Report and CC Rate Change Report.
Because these reports are so similar, they are presented as one section. Each report is described below, and selected examples are shown after the descriptions.
Start. The Subscriptions Start Report lists mailed and route-delivered new starts by district and then by route. If reporting on more than one product, a recap by district is shown for each product, showing the number of starts for each reason code. The report fields are described below.
Enter the publication you are creating the report for (enter “*” to multi-select publications).
Enter the date range to be covered by the report. This refers to the transaction date (not necessarily the entry or processing date).
Specify the reason code to be included in the report (enter “*” to multi-select). Only starts entered with these reason codes will be included.
Indicate if the report should include all starts, only new starts that owe grace, or only suspended starts.
New starts that owe grace can occur when new subscribers start but never send a payment, or when stopped subscribers who owe grace are allowed to start a new subscription. Suspended starts can occur when new starts entered on the web fail to route automatically.
Day Pass Sales. The Day Pass Sales Report lists the day passes sold for a product and date range. See About Day Passes for more information on day passes. The report fields are described below.
Select the product for which day pass sales should be reported, or select “*” to multi-select products.
Specify the date range for the report. Only day passes that are purchased within this date range will be included.
Select the editions for which day pass sales should be reported, or select “*” to multi-select editions.
yes/no setup
You can optionally run the report by reason code, so that only day pass purchases entered with certain reason codes are included. If so, choose the day pass reason code in the Reason field, or select “*” to multi-select day pass reasons. Otherwise, check All Reasons.
yes/no setup
As with reason code, the report can be run to include only day pass purchases entered with certain source codes. If not running the report by source code, check All Sources.
In this field, indicate whether to include detail information, summary information, or both sections on the report. Detail includes individual day pass subscriptions, while summary data shows the total day passes purchased and amounts sold.
Day Pass Usage. The Day Pass Usage report tracks day pass usage within a date range. It can be run by purchase date or usage date. Using the report, you can determine how fast your day pass bundles are being used.
Select the product for which day pass usage should be reported, or select “*” to multi-select products.
Specify the date range for the report. Only day passes that are used within this date range will be included.
Select the editions for which day pass sales should be reported, or select “*” to multi-select editions.
yes/no setup
You can optionally run the report by reason code, so that only day pass subscriptions purchased with certain reason codes are included. If so, choose the day pass reason code in the Reason field, or select “*” to multi-select day pass reasons. Otherwise, check All Reasons.
yes/no setup
As with reason code, the report can be run to include only day pass purchases entered with certain source codes. If not running the report by source code, check All Sources.
Indicate whether to report day pass usage based on purchase or date usage date. If “Purchase Date” is selected here, all days used for day pass subscriptions reported within this date range will be included.
If “Usage Date” is selected here, all days used within this date range will be included, regardless of purchased date. For example, say a subscriber purchased a day pass bundle for 5 days on June 1 and used one day on June 4 and one day on June 6. If the report was run for June 1 - June 3 and “Purchased Date” was selected, the subscriber would be listed with 2 usages.
If “Usage Date” was selected, the subscriber would not be reported because he/she used no day passes from June 1-3.
Stop. The Subscriptions Stop Report has the same format as the Subscriptions Start Report, but it lists stops. The Stop Report fields are also the same as the Start Report (see above), except that there is no GRACE OWED ONLY field. The stop and start reports can give you an indication of what routes (and districts) you are gaining or losing readership.
Restart. The Subscriptions Restart Report lists, in route order, subscribers who have restarted within a given date range. The report has the same format as the Subscriptions Start Report, and gives recaps by route, district, and product. Note that only a temporarily stopped subscriber who starts again is considered a “restart”. A permanently stopped subscriber who starts again is considered a new start. The report is run for one or more products and a date range.
Reroute. The Subscriptions Rerouted Report has the same format as the Subscriptions Billing Change Report, but it lists subscribers who have been moved to a different route. The report is run for one or more products and a date range.
Schedule Change. The Subscriptions Schedule Change Report has a similar format to the Subscriptions Start Report, but it lists subscribers who have changed their delivery schedule. For example, a subscriber might want to change from “Mon-Fri” (Monday through Friday) to “Daily” (seven days a week). The report is run for one or more products and a date range, and lists both old and new delivery schedules.
Billing Change. The Subscriptions Billing Change Report lists subscribers who have changed their billing method. For example, a subscriber might change from carrier collect to office pay. The report is run for one or more products and a date range. The billing and delivery schedule change reports can help you find trends in your delivery and billing.
Move Out. The Subscriptions Move Out Report lists subscribers who have moved from their address within a given date range. In format it is like the Subscriptions Billing Change Report. The report is run for one or more products and a date range.
Combo Change. The Subscriptions Combo Change report lists transactions related to combo starts, combo changes, and combo ends. The report is run for one or more products and a date range. It lists combo change transactions that were entered for a combo whose primary product is selected for the report and have a transaction date within the selected date range. The other (non-primary) subscriptions in the combo are also listed.
Move In. The Subscriptions Move In Report lists subscribers who have moved into a new address. In format it is like the Subscriptions Billing Change Report. The report is run for one or more products and a date range. The move in and move out reports can help in locating areas where subscriber movement is occurring.
Transfer. The Transfer Out/In Audit Report can list either all transfers in or all transfers out for a certain publication and date range. The report is run for one or more products and a date range.
Temporary Address. The Subscriptions Temporary Address Report lists, by route, subscribers who have moved to a temporary address within a certain date range. The report is run for one or more products and a date range. The format for this report is like the Subscriptions Billing Change Report.
End Temp Address. The Subscriptions Temp Address End report uses the same format as the Subscriptions Billing Change Report. The report is run for one or more products and a date range. You can use the two temporary address reports to find trends in your readership. For example, you may find that in January you have a great number of temporary addresses in Florida.
Draw Change Audit. Unlike most of the other reports on the Audit | Transaction menu, the Draw Change Report applies to carrier/dealers. This report lists draw change transactions for one or more products within a given date range, whether the change replaced or adjusted the draw, and the affect on the draw for each day of the week. For more information, see draw changes.
Expire Change. Expire changes are manual changes to a subscriber’s expire date. The Expire Change report lists expire change transactions entered for one or more products within a given date range.
Donation. This report lists subscribers who have donated part or all of their subscription value to a carrier or other group during a stop, restart or transfer. The report fields are described below.
Enter the publication you are creating the report for (enter “*” to multi-select publications).
Enter the date range to be covered by the report. This refers to the transaction date (not necessarily the entry or processing date).
yes/no integer (10)
Indicate whether the report should include donations from all subscriptions and, if not, the subscription number for which the report should be run.
CC Rate Change. If you rate carrier collect subscribers (a Business Rules issue), their rate may change if they are being turned from office pay to carrier collect, or if their carrier collect rate term days are up (see Rate Code in the Setup Manual). This will result in a rate change transaction. The Carrier Collect Rate Change Audit report lists these carrier collect rate changes for one or more publications and a transaction date range.
Merchandise. The Merchandise Report lists subscribers who had a merchandise code entered with their start or delivery schedule change, within a product and date range. A merchandise code indicates a free gift, such as a coffee mug, that the subscriber will receive as part of the new subscription or new delivery schedule.
Merchandise Undo. The Merchandise Undo option removes the fulfillment date from MerchandiseTran records for selected subscriptions. This effectively changes the status of these subscriptions from “fulfilled” to “unfulfilled”.
iServ Tran Summary. The Transaction Summary report shows you the number of web-enabled transactions types that have been entered during a specified date range. This report shows the number and percentage of transactions entered via iServices Subscriber and the Customer Service API, compared to the total number of transactions of each type entered into the system.