Burt Export

Circulation has the ability to interface draw and truck information to the BURT inserting software package. The Burt Export option writes four fixed-length ASCII files to the /dti/exchange/cm directory. These files can then be imported into the BURT system. The export now includes zip pure records for each zip code the route is linked to for sites that export alternate zone information.


  1. The Burt Export is a licensed add-on feature. You must license and activate the “Burt Export” or “BurtPlus” add-on records before you can use it. Contact the Newscycle Support Center for assistance.

  2. The Burt Export does not export insert or mix information. This means that the inserts must be scheduled and the mixes must be created in BURT.

Business Rules (Route Services section) determine:

  • The Burt format version used (version 4 or version 7).

  • Whether routes with zero draw for the draw date are included in the export.

  • Whether the class of sale should be “HD” for home delivery routes and “SC” for single copy routes, or the first two characters of the route’s route type or single copy type.

  • Whether carrier routes or ad zones should be exported as Burt “ad routes”. If ad zones are exported, a special ad zone map must be defined to identify the “ad route” ad zones.

  • Whether the truck departure sequence is exported as the in the Sequence Offset field, and whether the Route Sequence field is populated.

  • Whether mail subscribers are included in the export. If so, a carrier route and an ad route record will be exported for each edition within a Zip code or ad zone (based on the ad zone type selected) and include the draw for all mail subscribers receiving the edition in that Zip or zone. If using ad zones, they must be defined by Zip code; mail subscribers with Zip codes that are not assigned to an ad zone will be grouped under the ad zone “MAIL”. The route ID exported will be “Z” plus the Zip code. The trucks exported will be “ML” plus the ad zone or Zip code. The class of sale for mail draw is also specified in Business Rules. Note that mail draw will not be exported if the ad zone type is “Truck”.

  • Whether the Burt Product Type can vary by route. If so, “Routes” will be an option in the Home Delivery Product Type and Single Copy Product Type fields. If the “Route” option is selected, the Burt product type exported for the route will be based on route setup (for actual or pending draw, the Burt Type field on the Route Setup tab, and for advance draw, the Burt Part field on the Sections tab). If a product type is not defined for a route, the product type specified in the Home Delivery Indicator field will be exported.

  • The file extension used for the Burt files (can be product ID, draw date, or both).

  • The entry and presort discount codes exported, if any.

The following Burt files are exported by this option:

  • Draw by Carrier Route (CR)

  • Draw by Ad Route (AR)

  • Draw by Ad Route Checksum (ARC)

  • File Name Index (FN)

  • Carrier Route Detail (BurtPlus add-on only)

  • Carrier Messages (BurtPlus add-on only)

See Appendix B for the formats.

To run the Burt Export:

  1. Select Burt Export from the Utilities | Export menu.

  2. Click Add and complete the following fields.

    What to enter



    Enter the publication for which to export draw and truck information to BURT.



    Enter the date for which draw information should be exported.



    Indicate whether actual, advance, or pending draw should be exported. If draw has already been exported for this product, date, and draw type, you will be prompted as to whether the existing file should be overwritten.



    If running the export for a draw type of “Advance,” specify the section whose draw numbers should be exported (if advance publishing is run by section). If advance publishing is across all sections, enter “*” here.



    Enter the truck departure sequence that should be used to determine the trucks to be exported.



    Enter the truck sequence that should be used to determine the routes to be exported.



    BURT has a Product Type field, which indicates whether a route is shipped complete or in parts that are assembled outside of the mail room. In these two fields, indicate whether your home delivery routes and single copy routes leave the mail room as completes or parts. If the Business Rule, Does the route indicator vary by route for Burt Export? (Route Services section) is set to “yes”, you will also be able to enter route in these fields. Selecting route will export the Burt product type entered for the route in Route Setup or, if not defined, the product type specified in the fields below.



    If you selected “Route” in either of the product type fields above, enter the Burt product type to export for routes that do not have a product type specified in Route Setup. Note that if the Override field, below, is checked, this will be the product type exported for all home delivery and/or single copy routes.



    The product type for a route may be specified in Route Setup. If Home Delivery Product Type or Single Copy Product Type is set to “Route”, indicate whether the route’s predefined product type should be exported, or whether the home delivery/single copy indicators entered above should be exported for all routes.


    open (6)

    The BURT system uses the concept of a routing schedule (or “delivery schedule”) to identify how the inserting should be carried out on a given day of the week. Potentially, seven different routing schedule could be used. For example, the same departure sequence and truck sequence might be used for the Times on Tuesday and Wednesday, but in certain cases two Circulation Management “trucks” might be loaded onto the same physical truck on Tuesday. To differentiate the different load arrangements, Tuesday and Wednesday could be assigned separate routing schedules. In this field, enter the routing schedule for the export date (for example “TMSSAT” for “Times Saturday”).



    BURT has an “ad zone” field. Indicate whether the route’s truck, Zip code or ad zone should be exported in the ad zone field. Ad zone will only be a valid option if you have InsertPlus.

  3. Click OK and then Continue to perform the export. After the export has completed, a processing report will list the number of records exported and any errors that occurred during the process; the standard viewing and printing options will be available.

Last updated